
team player造句

team player造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:21:09


team player造句

  • 1、If you want to make your resumé stand out, you're going to want to avoid canned phrases like "team player", "strong work ethic", and "innovative".(如果想讓簡歷脫穎而出,你可能需要避免過多使用一些常用語句例如“團隊協(xié)作”,“職業(yè)道德感強”和“有創(chuàng)造力”等。)
  • 2、Use his lack of expertise as a way to shine in your current position and show you are ateam player.(利用他專業(yè)知識的缺少來突顯你目前的職位,并且也可以顯示你是團隊合作高手。)
  • 3、Since when is ateam player permitted to be with their girlfriend when there are more important things?(什么時候也沒有在比賽的時候讓球員和女友在一起的事啊,這有比賽重要嗎!)
  • 4、Be vocally grateful if they assist you and assist them when you can. Your superiors will perceive you as being ateam player.(當(dāng)他們幫助你的時候用聲音感激他們,當(dāng)你幫助他們時他們也會用聲音感激你,而你的上司則會把你當(dāng)成是團隊中的一員。)
  • 5、Roberto is first on her list because he's a greatteam player. He knows when to talk and when to listen, and he's not afraid to come up with big ideas.(在她的名單上排名第一的是羅伯托,他是一位非常出色的團隊成員,知道什么時候發(fā)表意見,什么時候傾聽他人意見,而且敢于提出自己的大膽想法。)
  • 6、Cooperate and be ateam player, but speak up if you disagree with the way something is being done - just make sure you provide a viable alternative solution.(和他人合作成為團隊一員,但是當(dāng)你不同意處理問題的方法時要說出來——這只是確保你能提供一個可行的備用方法。)
  • 7、She also showed that she could be ateam player in the Senate (a period when her husband stayed more firmly in the background).(她也向世人表明,她可以在參院中體現(xiàn)出團隊精神(這段時間克林頓會更堅定的站在幕后)。)
  • 8、Being so energetic and such ateam player, how hard do you find it not to drop deep?(作為如此活力充沛的球員,你怎么看這種位置上的落差(前鋒變前腰)?)
  • 9、A: They?d say I was a hardworker and a realteam player.(他們會說我是一個工作刻苦的人,是一個很好的合作者。)
  • 10、Placing too much emphasis on being a goodteam player can negatively affect your career growth.(過于注重成為一名好的團隊成員會對你的職業(yè)發(fā)展產(chǎn)生負面影響。)
  • 11、But you can't work the fewest hours either, because then you look like you don't care. And that's being a badteam player, even if you are getting the work done.(但是你不能工作最少的時間,因為這樣你看起來像不在乎,那樣你就是一個不合格的團隊成員,即使你將完成你份內(nèi)的工作。)
  • 12、This will maximize the benefits and minimize the downsides of being ateam player.(這將使團隊合作的好處最大化,而使其缺點最小化。)
  • 13、Being a goodteam player is a central skill in our modern workplace.(良好的團隊合作精神在我們的現(xiàn)代職場中是一項核心技能。)
  • 14、Above all Figo is ateam player. He can never be accused of not giving 100 per cent when he steps out on to the field.(然而菲戈首先是一個極具團隊精神的球員,在球場上,他永遠在付出百分之百的努力。)
  • 15、Don’t write that you are a greatteam player if you’ve never worked on a team before.(如果你從來沒有過團隊合作的經(jīng)歷,千萬不要寫你是個優(yōu)秀的團隊合作者。)
  • 16、I am ateam player and have great communication and interpersonal skills.(我具有團隊精神,善于和人交流,懂得人際關(guān)系的技巧。)
  • 17、Of all the tigers, the wood tiger is theteam player.(在所有虎中,木虎最擅團隊合作。)
  • 18、By doing whatever you can to ensure your department or organization is perceived in a positive light, you will add value and stand out as ateam player.(想盡一切辦法讓你的部門或公司感到你是一盞明燈,這樣你的價值就有了提升,并且作為團隊成員脫穎而出。)
  • 19、It also helps to remind you about corporate karma-being ateam player and not burning Bridges.(它也會幫助提醒你關(guān)于公司緣——作為一名團隊成員,而不是過河拆橋。)
  • 20、I had hoped she would mention my skills as a mentor, friend,team player.(我本希望,她會提及我作為一名良師益友及團隊成員的技能。)
  • 21、How can you motivate a person to be ateam player after a long period of time as a loner?(如何才能讓一個不合群的人富有團隊精神呢?)
  • 22、If you can identify the non-team player regarding your project's traceability needs, let that employee do the impact analysis for the next change request.(如果您能夠確定一個項目團隊以外的人員來執(zhí)行項目的追溯性需求,讓該雇員為下一個變更請求做影響分析。)
  • 23、The transition fromteam player to boss felt natural, she says.(我對從球員到老板的轉(zhuǎn)變感到很自然,她說。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 24、I tried to reason with her about Josh needing to be ateam player and to write better documented code.(我努力向她表明Josh需要成為團隊中的一員并編寫帶有更多文檔說明的代碼。)
  • 25、Are you ateam player?(你是一位團隊成員嗎?)
  • 26、"For a big guy, Yao had excellent basketball IQ," says Ma Jian, 41, a retired nationalteam player who played for Utah in the NCAA in the 1990s.(“對于一個大個子來說,姚明擁有很高的籃球智商,”41歲的國家隊退役球員MaJian。他曾在1990年為猶他打過NCAA聯(lián)賽。)
  • 27、He is an important firstteam player like the rest.(他像其他人一樣是重要的一線隊球員。)

team player基本釋義

team player

名詞: teamplayer