tail off造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:21:40


tail off造句

  • 1、Still determined totail off to remake her?(還是下定決心費(fèi)盡心血去改造她?) hao86.com
  • 2、The number of tourists starts totail off in October.(游客在十月份開(kāi)始見(jiàn)少。)
  • 3、His wordstail off, and he turns his head towards the lake as if in a final glance goodbye.(他不再說(shuō)話,把頭轉(zhuǎn)向湖水,看了看湖面,像是做最后的告別。)
  • 4、The infection will probablytail off in the north over the next few months and head south as winter gets a grip on the Earth's less populated hemisphere.(在接下來(lái)的幾個(gè)月,隨著冬季降臨到人居密度稀疏的北半球,此次的疫情可能會(huì)在北半球慢慢減弱,繼而南下。)
  • 5、The little dog ran off wagging its tail.(小狗搖著尾巴跑了。)
  • 6、A lizard will regenerate its tail if it's cut off.(蜥蜴的尾巴如被切掉,它會(huì)重新生出一條尾巴。)
  • 7、Even if it is a new TV series everybody thinks it is fantastic at the beginning and thingstail off.(即使這是一個(gè)新的電視連續(xù)劇每個(gè)人都認(rèn)為它是在開(kāi)始和美妙的事情了尾巴。)
  • 8、I am sorry to say that the Pussy-cat and the Quangle-Wangle crept softly and bit off the tail-feathers of all the sixty-five parrots.(我很遺憾地說(shuō),貓咪和Quangle-Wangle躡手躡腳地爬過(guò)去,咬掉了這六十五只鸚鵡的所有尾羽。)
  • 9、When the bear puts his tail into the water through a hole in the ice, to try and catch a fish, the ice freezes around it, and he ends up pulling histail off.(當(dāng)熊把尾巴放到了湖面上的冰洞里面去釣魚(yú)的時(shí)候,水在熊尾巴周圍結(jié)冰了。熊使勁兒往外拔它的尾巴,結(jié)果把尾巴拔掉了。)
  • 10、If you find your work interesting, you can work yourtail off.(如果你覺(jué)得工作有趣,你是會(huì)拼命去干的。)
  • 11、Steve worked histail off.(史蒂夫忙得不可開(kāi)交。)
  • 12、Orders for goods of this kind usually begin totail off towards the end of the year.(對(duì)這一類貨物的訂購(gòu)接近年終時(shí)通常開(kāi)始逐漸減少。)
  • 13、The dog's tail tapered off to a point.(這狗的尾部逐漸變細(xì)成為一個(gè)尖梢。)
  • 14、At a guess right now, the vast likelihood is that it willtail off, rather than become a big thing.(現(xiàn)在不妨猜一猜,最有可能的是它會(huì)不了了之而不是變成一個(gè)龐然大物。)
  • 15、But then it normally begins totail off after six months or so.(但是一般在六個(gè)月左右開(kāi)始下降。)
  • 16、There's nothing he wouldn't do for the sake of showing off and flirting his tail-feathers.(為了顯擺、賣弄他尾巴上那幾根毛,他什么都愿意做。)
  • 17、Even if productivity growth doestail off, it may still be strong enough to match sluggish demand.(即使生產(chǎn)率的增長(zhǎng)逐漸變緩,但它依然有可能強(qiáng)勁到足以適應(yīng)萎靡不振的需求。)
  • 18、After the Spring Festival, the number of tourist wastail off.(每年春節(jié)過(guò)后,游客的人數(shù)越來(lái)越少。)
  • 19、The horse moved off, flicking its tail.(馬甩著尾巴走開(kāi)了。)
  • 20、Tests revealed that the ability to recall the right word tended totail off as the day ended.(一天快結(jié)束的時(shí)候,準(zhǔn)確回憶單詞的能力隨之減弱。)
  • 21、Under the great pressure of debts he has accumulated these years, Mr. Cooper has to quit gambling for a while, and he is now working histail off.(在這幾年積累的債務(wù)的巨大壓力下,庫(kù)珀先生不得不暫時(shí)戒賭,現(xiàn)在正竭盡全力地干活。)
  • 22、Take the long tail clip 6 respectively, from the side whipstitch yam net, as shown in figure 3 gauze net position, then put all the longtail off the profiles with palm or punch in the pressure.(取長(zhǎng)尾夾6個(gè),分別夾于紗網(wǎng)的鎖邊處,如圖3紗網(wǎng)的位置上,再將其長(zhǎng)尾全部卸下放如入型材內(nèi)用掌或拳將其壓緊。)
  • 23、I've worked mytail off for this company. You can't fire me now.(我為公司拼命的干活,你不能現(xiàn)在把我炒了。)

tail off基本釋義

tail off

英 [teil ?f] 美 [tel ?f] 
變??; 縮小