
take a seat造句

take a seat造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:21:37


take a seat造句

  • 1、You cantake a seat over there for a moment.(您請?jiān)谀抢镒粫?
  • 2、If you are cold, come andtake a seat by the fire and warm yourselves.(如果你覺得冷,就過來坐在火邊取暖吧。)
  • 3、Not at all.take a seat. Now what can I do for you?(一點(diǎn)也不介意。請坐?,F(xiàn)在,有什么我可以幫你的嗎?)
  • 4、Pleasetake a seat.(請坐。)
  • 5、We're just going to talk for a few minutes. Why don't youtake a seat?(我們只是談一會兒,你何不坐下來呢?)
  • 6、You justtake a seat for a while and relax, ok?(你先坐下來坐一會兒,放松一下好嗎?)
  • 7、take a seat please, make yourself at home.(請坐,隨便一點(diǎn)。)
  • 8、Driver: You cantake a seat now.(司機(jī):現(xiàn)在你找個座位坐下吧。)
  • 9、Why do not youtake a seat over there for a moment?(您請?jiān)谀抢镒粫袉幔?
  • 10、Would you pleasetake a seat and wait over there?(您先在那邊坐下來等一下好嗎?)
  • 11、Receptionist: Mr Duncan, would youtake a seat, please?(傳達(dá)員:當(dāng)肯先生,請您稍坐一下,好嗎?)
  • 12、Here, fill out this form andtake a seat. I'll send you in next.(來,把這張表填好,然后坐下來,我給你安排下一個看病。)
  • 13、W: Pleasetake a seat.(W:請坐。)
  • 14、take a seat and have a rest.(坐下來休息一下。)
  • 15、We too tried totake a seat.(我們也想試著坐一下火車。)
  • 16、'take a seat,' she said crisply.(“坐下?!彼纱嗟卣f。)
  • 17、Douglas: All right then. Please,take a seat.(道格拉斯:那好,各位請坐吧。)
  • 18、Pleasetake a seat, thanks.(請坐下,謝謝。)
  • 19、Receptionist: Pleasetake a seat and fill out this information sheet.(接待員:請坐下,填好這張登記表。)
  • 20、Two. Last one,take a seat.(非常好,二,最后一次,好,坐回椅子上。)
  • 21、take a seat, if you please.(請坐吧。) hao86.com
  • 22、"take a seat," he said in a bored tone.(“坐下,”他以一種厭倦的口氣說道。)

take a seat基本釋義

take a seat

英 [teik ? si:t] 美 [tek e sit] 
