
take medicine造句

take medicine造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:21:28


take medicine造句

  • 1、Please don't forget totake medicine.(請不要忘記吃藥。)
  • 2、We have totake medicine when we are ill.(當(dāng)我們生病的時候不得不吃藥。)
  • 3、Pinocchio eats sugar, but refuses totake medicine.(皮諾曹吃糖,但拒絕吃藥。)
  • 4、It's bad for us to take too much medicine.(藥吃得太多對我們不好。)
  • 5、I take this medicine twice daily.(這種藥我每天吃兩次。)
  • 6、A human would judge how often to remind a patient totake medicine and whether or not to inform the doctor if the patient refuses to take the medicine.(人自己可以決定隔多久就要提醒患者服藥以及是否需要通知醫(yī)生如果患者拒絕吃藥。)
  • 7、I'll take some medicine.(我會去吃點(diǎn)兒藥。) Hao86.com
  • 8、Take the medicine, please.(請把藥吃了。)
  • 9、Please take this medicine.(請把這些藥吃了。)
  • 10、He could take his medicine.(他可以吃他的藥。)
  • 11、There is no immediate solution unless you want totake medicine, which can often lead to a wide range of other serious problems.(除了吃藥沒有馬上就能治好的良方,但是吃藥會導(dǎo)致其它嚴(yán)重的問題。)
  • 12、I'm going to require that youtake medicine to counteract the effects of your head injury. I'm also going to have a psychologist counsel you.(我要要求你服藥來消除你頭部受傷的影響,而且還請心理學(xué)家為你提供咨詢。)
  • 13、Did you take any medicine?(你吃過藥嗎?)
  • 14、He decided not to take his medicine, so as to grieve Wendy.(他決定不吃藥,好讓溫迪傷心。)
  • 15、She has to have regular checkups, and she has totake medicine every day.(她必須定期檢查身體,每天吃藥。)
  • 16、You will take your medicine?(你會吃你的藥嗎?)
  • 17、Take the medicine before bedtime.(這藥在睡覺之前吃。)
  • 18、Her doctor says she has to rest andtake medicine twice a day.(醫(yī)生說她必須休息,并且每天要吃兩次藥。)
  • 19、I didn't remember to take this medicine.(我忘記吃這藥了。)
  • 20、Another referred to as endogenous depression, we musttake medicine, but medicine is effective.(另一種稱為內(nèi)源性抑郁,必須吃藥,而且吃藥是有效果的。)
  • 21、I won't take my medicine.(我不會吃我的藥。)
  • 22、He didn't take any medicine.(他沒有吃任何藥。)
  • 23、Everyone has totake medicine during their whole life, while all the drug should pass drug test.(每個人在他的一生當(dāng)中肯定會有要吃藥的時候,而所有的藥都應(yīng)通過藥檢。)
  • 24、Did you take your medicine?(你吃過藥了嗎?)
  • 25、I guarantee that if you take this medicine, you'll soon get well.(我管保你吃了這藥就好。)
  • 26、Take some medicine.(吃點(diǎn)藥。)
  • 27、take medicine only as directed, at the right time, and for the full length of your prescribed treatment.(嚴(yán)格按醫(yī)囑正確服藥,并服完整個療程。)

take medicine基本釋義

take medicine

吃藥; 服藥