
take pictures造句

take pictures造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:21:26


take pictures造句

  • 1、You can'ttake pictures here.(你們不能在這兒拍照。)
  • 2、Robots willtake pictures.(機(jī)器人將會(huì)照相。)
  • 3、Can Itake pictures inside the museum?(我可以在博物館里照相嗎?)
  • 4、You cantake pictures of things and then the app tries to tell you what they are.(你可以給出物體的圖片,然后應(yīng)用程序會(huì)嘗試告訴你它們是什么。)
  • 5、I like totake pictures for my mother.(我喜歡拍照給我媽媽看。)
  • 6、I am almost always the one in our family totake pictures.(我在家里是經(jīng)常拍照的。)
  • 7、They kept standing up totake pictures and point things out to each other.(他們不停地站起來照相,還相互指些東西給對方看。)
  • 8、take pictures every 4 weeks.(每四周照相。)
  • 9、While trying totake pictures of the approaching waves.(當(dāng)時(shí)此人正在試圖拍攝逼近的巨浪。)
  • 10、In the digital age we are more free totake pictures at our whim.(在數(shù)碼時(shí)代,我們能隨心所欲的拍自己想拍的。)
  • 11、There are too many people. Let'stake pictures in groups.(人太多了,我們分組拍照吧。)
  • 12、A: Excuse me.can Itake pictures?(對不起,請問我可以照相嗎?)
  • 13、Wetake pictures of crocodiles.(我們給鱷魚拍照。)
  • 14、Bob bought a camera totake pictures.(鮑勃買了架照相機(jī)拍照。)
  • 15、They didn't want totake pictures.(他們不想拍照片。)
  • 16、You cantake pictures, but no flashes please!(你可以照相,但不可以用閃光燈!)
  • 17、take pictures of the damage, both to the house and its contents, for insurance claims.(拍攝照片,記錄房屋和家具等的破壞情況,為索取保險(xiǎn)賠款留好證據(jù)。)
  • 18、The tourists have nothing to do buttake pictures of each other.(游客們無事可做,只有相互拍照。)
  • 19、Visitors to the castle are asked not totake pictures.(參觀古堡的游客請不要拍照。)
  • 20、Another was madly trying totake pictures from his Hummer and almost crashed into the back another car.(另一個(gè)人瘋狂得從他的悍馬里探出頭來拍照,差點(diǎn)和后面的車撞在一起。)
  • 21、Wetake pictures to remember our life with pictures.(我們拍照片是為了用照片紀(jì)念生活。)
  • 22、We come here andtake pictures every year.(我們每年都到這兒照相。)
  • 23、That time it was allowed totake pictures of freelance workers only.(當(dāng)時(shí)只有為自由工人照相是被允許的。)
  • 24、Feel inspired and don't forget totake pictures!(汲取靈感吧,別忘了多拍些照片!)
  • 25、You cannottake pictures at the Museum.(在博物館里是不能拍照的。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 26、Today, telescopestake pictures using forms of light hidden from the human eye.(今天的望遠(yuǎn)鏡使用一種肉眼無法看到的光線拍攝圖片。)
  • 27、Step 3:take pictures outside in morning or before sunset.(第3步:上午或日落之前在戶外照相。)
  • 28、Let's face the facts; lugging a tripod isn't always a fun way totake pictures.(讓我們面對這個(gè)事實(shí)吧,對于攝影來說,背著三腳架并不總是件輕松的事。)
  • 29、They are going totake pictures tomorrow.(她們打算明天去照相。)

take pictures基本釋義

take pictures

[teik ?pikt??z] 
