talent show造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:21:22


talent show造句

  • 1、There were eight ACTS in the schooltalent show.(在學(xué)校的才藝表演上有八個(gè)節(jié)目。)
  • 2、The hero is shown, is reflected in thetalent show, is a fool.(是英雄表現(xiàn)出來,是人才體現(xiàn)出來,是蠢才顯現(xiàn)出來。)
  • 3、Which kind of stars do you support more? The winners oftalent show(reality show)or orthodox stars? Choose one option then explain why.(哪種藝人你更支持?是選秀明星還是一開始就由正統(tǒng)經(jīng)紀(jì)公司訓(xùn)練出來的?請(qǐng)選一個(gè)并說明理由。)
  • 4、The CanadianBroadcasting Corporation plans to air a new series of atalent show in which MrDrabinsky is one of the judges.(加拿大國(guó)家廣播電臺(tái)公司計(jì)劃要開播上線一個(gè)新的才藝表演系列,而迪拉賓斯基先生將是裁判之一。)
  • 5、Thetalent show wound down.(才能展示秀漸漸接近尾聲了。)
  • 6、Brian did a great job at thetalent show. Everyone loved his performance, and he won the first prize! Now Brian is a big comedy star!(布萊恩在才藝表演中表現(xiàn)出色。大家都喜歡他的表演,他還得了一等獎(jiǎng)!現(xiàn)在布萊恩是個(gè)喜劇明星了!)
  • 7、Wasn't that a greattalent show?(那難道不是個(gè)精彩的才藝表演嗎?)
  • 8、She was the winner of a famous TVtalent show.(她是一個(gè)著名的電視選秀節(jié)目的冠軍。)
  • 9、On my personal level, thetalent show is a superb means of relaxing and amusing and can hugely relieve our strains.(在我個(gè)人看來,選秀節(jié)目不僅是一種放松和娛樂的方式,也能大大減輕我們的壓力。)
  • 10、A similar TVtalent show that was seen as the forerunner of Super Girl ran for five years and swept through the nation.(而在此之前,一個(gè)類似的選秀節(jié)目“超級(jí)女聲”曾風(fēng)靡全國(guó)5年之久,該節(jié)目也被視為是“快樂女聲”的前身。)
  • 11、Has thetalent show presented you with more opportunities?(這個(gè)選秀節(jié)目給你帶來了更多機(jī)會(huì)嗎?)
  • 12、I am really nervous about thetalent show tonight.(今晚的才藝表演讓我很緊張。) haO86.com
  • 13、The Gottalent show is where dreams take center stage.(在達(dá)人秀的舞臺(tái)上,夢(mèng)想倍受矚目。)
  • 14、I am very proud to come from atalent show.(我很自豪自己是選秀節(jié)目出身的。)
  • 15、What about atalent show?(才藝表演怎么樣?)
  • 16、Why did we have some prehistoric rock guitarist and atalent show winner miming to some abysmal sound track?(為什么我們要找一些過時(shí)的搖滾吉他手和有才華的歌手來模仿最糟糕的曲子?)
  • 17、Apparently she was given the boot by execs yesterday, the same day Ellen DeGeneres announced her departure from the TVtalent show.(顯然她昨天是被主管人員辭退的,就在EllenDeGeneres宣布離開該選秀節(jié)目的同一天。)
  • 18、In November last year, former TVtalent show contestant Wang Bei died as a result of complications on the surgery table.(去年的十一月,曾經(jīng)的超女選手王貝因?yàn)檎问中g(shù)并發(fā)癥死在了手術(shù)臺(tái)上,時(shí)年她還是24歲。)
  • 19、The bride and groom are popular contestants in "Come on, the Whole Family," a popular Expo-themedtalent show on Dragon TV.(新郎劉琛和新娘朱麗萍是上海東方衛(wèi)視迎世博家庭才藝類節(jié)目“全家都來賽”的熱門選手。)
  • 20、Can you dance? We need some actors for ourtalent show.(你會(huì)跳舞嗎?我們還需要一些演員來進(jìn)行才藝展示。)
  • 21、One of the most popular programme genres is thetalent show, partly because people of all ages are interested in it.(選秀節(jié)目是最受歡迎的節(jié)目類型之一,部分原因是各個(gè)年齡段的人都對(duì)它感興趣。)

talent show基本釋義

talent show

英 [?t?l?nt ??u] 美 [?t?l?nt ?o] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):talent shows