
take some medicine造句

take some medicine造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:21:24


take some medicine造句

  • 1、John: I forget to shake the bottle before Itake some medicine.(約翰:我吃藥之前忘了搖瓶子。)
  • 2、You catch a cold, you need totake some medicine.(你感冒了,需要吃點(diǎn)藥。)
  • 3、Do you think I need totake some medicine?(你覺得我需要吃藥嗎?)
  • 4、Maybe. I'lltake some medicine.(有可能。我去吃點(diǎn)兒藥。)
  • 5、Yes, you musttake some medicine.(呀。你得吃點(diǎn)兒藥。)
  • 6、take some medicine and go to bed quickly.(吃些藥然后馬上上床睡覺。)
  • 7、So she musttake some medicine.(所以她必須吃藥。)
  • 8、Now you shouldtake some medicine.(現(xiàn)在你應(yīng)該吃些藥了。)
  • 9、You shalltake some medicine and have a good sleep, my darling!(親愛的,你該吃些藥,好好休息一下。) hAo86.com
  • 10、You shouldtake some medicine and drink more water .(你應(yīng)該吃藥,而且多喝點(diǎn)水。)
  • 11、You'd bettertake some medicine.(你最好吃點(diǎn)藥。)
  • 12、Take the medicine now. You'd bettertake some medicine.(現(xiàn)在就把藥吃掉。你最好吃點(diǎn)藥。)
  • 13、It's a good thing you reminded me totake some medicine.(你提醒我?guī)б恍┧?,這是件好事。)
  • 14、Patient: Shall Itake some medicine?(患者:我需要吃些藥嗎?)
  • 15、Why don't youtake some medicine?(你為什么不采取一些藥?)
  • 16、take some medicine.(吃點(diǎn)藥。)
  • 17、Patient: Should Itake some medicine, doctor?(病人:大夫,我是否需要服用點(diǎn)什么藥呢?)
  • 18、I alsotake some medicine for carsickness, colds and diarrhea.(我還帶了點(diǎn)兒暈車藥、感冒藥、拉肚子的藥。)
  • 19、Should Itake some medicine?(我要吃藥嗎?)
  • 20、You look terrible, so you'd bettertake some medicine.(你看上去很遭,所以最好還是吃點(diǎn)藥。參考答案。)
  • 21、Oh, that's too bad. You shouldtake some medicine.(哦,這太糟糕了。你應(yīng)該吃一些藥。這太糟糕了。你應(yīng)該吃一些藥。)
  • 22、Hello. Do you have water here? I need totake some medicine.(您好。請問有水么?我需要吃一些藥。)
  • 23、You need totake some medicine.(您想吃點(diǎn)退燒藥嗎?)
  • 24、I'lltake some medicine.(我會(huì)去吃點(diǎn)兒藥。)
  • 25、take some medicine and have a good rest. You'll be well soon.(吃點(diǎn)藥,好好休息,很快就會(huì)好的。)

take some medicine基本釋義