thank you造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:20:50


thank you造句

  • 1、I'llthank you to mind your own business.(請(qǐng)你少管閑事。)
  • 2、"thank you," Maria said hoarsely.(“謝謝,”瑪麗亞嗓音嘶啞地說(shuō)道。)
  • 3、thank you again!thank you!(再次表示感謝!謝謝你!)
  • 4、"thank you very much."—"Don't mention it."(“非常感謝你?!薄安槐乜蜌狻!?
  • 5、"thank you for the wonderful dinner."—"It's nothing," Sarah said.(“謝謝你這頓豐盛的晚餐?!薄皼](méi)什么,”薩拉說(shuō)道。)
  • 6、John won'tthank you for interfering.(你插手,約翰必定十分惱火。)
  • 7、He didn't even saythank you. There's gratitude for you!(他連個(gè)謝字都沒(méi)說(shuō)。瞧,這就是對(duì)你的感激!)
  • 8、"I'm with you all the way."—"thank you."(“我一直都支持你?!薄爸x謝你?!?
  • 9、I mustthank you for being so kind to me.(真要感謝您對(duì)我這么好。)
  • 10、thank you a thousand times, you're an angel.(千恩萬(wàn)謝了,你是個(gè)天使。)
  • 11、'No,thank you,' she said frostily.(“不,謝謝你。”她冷冰冰地說(shuō)。)
  • 12、"thank you," she said with false enthusiasm.(“謝謝你,”她故作熱情地說(shuō)。)
  • 13、I don't need your comments,thank you.(謝謝,我不需要你來(lái)評(píng)頭論足。)
  • 14、Millson stood up. "thank you. We won't detain you any further, Mrs. Stebbing."(米爾森站起來(lái)?!爸x謝您。我們不再耽擱您了,斯特賓太太?!?
  • 15、I can find my own way home,thank you.(我自己能找到路回家,謝謝。)
  • 16、I'm better now,thank you.(我現(xiàn)在好些了,謝謝您。)
  • 17、I can't begin tothank you enough.(我說(shuō)不盡對(duì)你的感激。)
  • 18、Alright.thank you.(好的,謝謝你。)
  • 19、I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself,thank you.(謝謝,我完全有能力自己做。)
  • 20、"You look very nice indeed."—"thank you."(“你看起來(lái)真漂亮?!薄爸x謝?!?
  • 21、thank you for writing and allowing me to clarify the present position.(謝謝你來(lái)信并允許我澄清目前的狀況。)
  • 22、thank you,thank you, everyone!(謝謝你,謝謝大家!)
  • 23、thank you. You've been a great help already.(謝謝你。你已經(jīng)幫了很大的忙。)
  • 24、thank you.thank you very much, everyone.(謝謝你們,非常感謝你們中的每一個(gè)人。)
  • 25、"thank you doctor," said the nurse with a simper.(“謝謝你,醫(yī)生,”護(hù)士傻笑著說(shuō)。)
  • 26、thank you for a most entertaining magazine, which I read avidly each month.(感謝你們出了這本極為有趣的雜志,我每個(gè)月都如饑似渴地讀它。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)】
  • 27、She did at least write to saythank you.(她至少還寫(xiě)了信道謝。)
  • 28、I'm quite capable of speaking for myself,thank you!(我自己會(huì)說(shuō),謝謝了!)
  • 29、'thank you,' they said in chorus.(“謝謝?!彼麄凖R聲說(shuō)道。)

thank you基本釋義

thank you

英 [θ??k ju:] 美 [θ??k ju] 
