
thanks for造句

thanks for造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:20:49


thanks for造句

  • 1、thanks for reminding me.(謝謝你提醒我。)
  • 2、Manythanks for sharing!(非常感謝分享!)
  • 3、thanks for your understanding.(謝謝你的諒解。)
  • 4、thanks for your message.(謝謝你的留言。)
  • 5、thanks for bringing me here.(謝謝你帶我來這里。)
  • 6、I see,thanks for your reply.(我明白了,謝謝你的答復(fù)。)
  • 7、thanks for the present—it's just what I wanted.(感謝贈我這份禮物,這正是我想要的。)
  • 8、thanks for the directions, Rita.(謝謝你為我指路,麗塔。)
  • 9、'thanks for nothing,' she said acidly.(“不用你費心。”她挖苦地說。)
  • 10、thanks for considering me.(謝謝你考慮我。)
  • 11、thanks for your help!(謝謝你的幫助!)
  • 12、thanks for sending that letter for me—it saved me a trip.(多謝你替我把那封信寄了—省得我跑一趟。)
  • 13、thanks for the invitation—we'll take you up on it some time.(謝謝你的盛情邀請,改日我們一定奉陪。)
  • 14、thanks for picking me up.(謝謝你來接我。)
  • 15、thanks for talking to us.(謝謝你和我們談話。)
  • 16、I'm afraid we can't come, butthanks for the invitation anyway.(恐怕我們來不了,不過還是感謝邀請。)
  • 17、thanks for listening to me.(謝謝你能傾聽。)
  • 18、thanks for coming. I appreciate it.(謝謝光臨。無任歡迎。)
  • 19、Hi, Bill,thanks for coming.(你好,比爾,謝謝你能來。)
  • 20、thanks for any help given.(感謝任何幫助。)
  • 21、Ruth,thanks for your advice.(露絲,謝謝你的建議。)
  • 22、thanks for your swift action.(謝謝你迅速的行動。)
  • 23、thanks for your sausage.(謝謝你的香腸。) hAo86.com
  • 24、thanks for coming to see me.(謝謝你來看我。)
  • 25、Wotcha Dave—thanks for coming.(你好,戴夫,謝謝光臨。)
  • 26、Very well, thanks.thanks for asking.(過得很好,謝謝。謝謝你的關(guān)心。)
  • 27、thanks for visiting Shanghai!(感謝來訪上海!)
  • 28、thanks for a great evening. I really enjoyed it.(感謝你這美好的晚會。我真的玩得很開心。)
  • 29、thanks for showing us your products—we'll be in touch.(謝謝給我們介紹你們的產(chǎn)品,我們將會保持聯(lián)系。)
  • 30、Ok!thanks for calling.(好的,謝謝您的來電。)

thanks for基本釋義