
the day before yesterday造句

the day before yesterday造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:20:43


the day before yesterday造句

  • 1、The accident happenedthe day before yesterday.(事故發(fā)生在前天。)
  • 2、Today is Wednesday, andthe day before yesterday was Monday.(今天是星期三,前天是星期一。)
  • 3、Tom got marriedthe day before yesterday, when it was his birthday too.(湯姆前天結(jié)婚了,那天也是他的生日。)
  • 4、When did you finish this work?the day before yesterday.(你什么時(shí)候完成這項(xiàng)工作的?前天。)
  • 5、the day before yesterday, when Peter's family were having dinner, Father raised an interesting question, "Was there anything in our past that we feel ashamed of, guilty about, or regretted?"(前天,當(dāng)彼得一家在吃飯的時(shí)候,父親提出了一個(gè)有趣的問題:“過去有什么讓我們感到羞恥、內(nèi)疚或遺憾的嗎?”)
  • 6、the day before yesterday, my uncle told me never to speak to him, his wife, or my two cousins again.(前天,我叔叔告訴我再也不要跟他、他的妻子或我的兩個(gè)表兄妹說話了。)
  • 7、To think I was lying on a beach onlythe day before yesterday.(想想吧,就在前天,我還躺在海灘上呢。)
  • 8、Perhapsthe day before yesterday.(大概是前天吧。)
  • 9、The following photos were takenthe day before yesterday.(以下相片拍于前天。)
  • 10、We came backthe day before yesterday.(我們前天回來的。)
  • 11、When was your letter written?the day before yesterday?(你的信是什么時(shí)候?qū)懙模壳疤靻幔?
  • 12、I finished this bookthe day before yesterday!(這本書前天就被我看完了!)
  • 13、His grandfather diedthe day before yesterday.(他的祖父前天去世了。)
  • 14、the day before yesterday, she aired the room.(前天,她給房間通風(fēng)了。)
  • 15、For a few days. Exactly fromthe day before yesterday.(有幾天了,確切地說是前天。)
  • 16、She dusted the cupboardthe day before yesterday.(她前天清掃了櫥柜。)
  • 17、The police caught two thievesthe day before yesterday.(前天警方抓到了兩個(gè)小偷。)
  • 18、M: But I've reserved a roomthe day before yesterday.(M:但是我在前天已經(jīng)預(yù)訂房間了。)
  • 19、Sincethe day before yesterday.(從前天開始的。)
  • 20、I gave her some presents, and thosethe day before yesterday.(前天我送給她的就是那些禮物。)
  • 21、Maybe yesterday, maybethe day before yesterday.(也許在昨天,也許在前天。)
  • 22、She reached Paristhe day before yesterday.(她前天到達(dá)巴黎。)
  • 23、'I told you yesterday andthe day before yesterday.' he shouted.(“我昨天和前天都告訴過您了?!彼蠼兄?。)
  • 24、I saw herthe day before yesterday and she looked great.(我前天看到她的時(shí)候她氣色看起來很好。)
  • 25、the day before yesterday,our class held a quiz.(前兩天,我們班搞了一個(gè)有獎(jiǎng)問答。)
  • 26、We didn't receive his letter untilthe day before yesterday.(我們直到前天才收到他的信。我們直到前天才收到他的信。)
  • 27、She visited the History Museumthe day before yesterday.(她前天參觀了歷史博物館。) haO86.com

the day before yesterday基本釋義

the day before yesterday

英 [e? dei bi?f?: ?jest?di] 美 [ei de b??f?r ?j?st??de] 

副詞前天; 前日