
the London Eye造句

the London Eye造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:20:33


the London Eye造句

  • 1、They saw everything fromthe London Eye.(他們可以從倫敦眼那看到每樣?xùn)|西。)
  • 2、French architects are planning to build a "water wheel hotel" on the banks of the Seine, which resemblesthe London Eye but with "room capsules" that would rotate constantly.(法國(guó)的設(shè)計(jì)師們打算在塞納河邊建造一座“水上摩天輪旅館”,其造型與英國(guó)的倫敦眼相肖,不同之處是,前者設(shè)有不斷旋轉(zhuǎn)的“膠囊套房”。)
  • 3、Also, check out newer attractions like the London Zoo, Thames River Cruise,the London Eye or taking in a play or musical in London’s famous West End.(同時(shí)也有很多其他的旅游景點(diǎn),如:倫敦動(dòng)物園,泰晤士河,英航倫敦眼或在倫敦西部看一場(chǎng)歌劇或聽一場(chǎng)音樂(lè)會(huì)。)
  • 4、And in London, the Houses of Parliament, as well asthe London Eye, Canary Wharf, the Gherkin and the BT Tower, switched their lights off.(在倫敦,中心的議會(huì)大樓,加納利碼頭,電信大樓,也把他們的燈熄滅了。)
  • 5、Daisy: Oh, Jack! Isn't this fun? Can you believe it? We're all together onthe London Eye!(黛西:噢,杰克!這多有趣?。∧隳芟嘈艈??我們一起在倫敦眼上了。)
  • 6、It'sthe London Eye.(這是倫敦眼。)
  • 7、Turn left and go to the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. Opposite you seethe London Eye.(向左轉(zhuǎn),來(lái)到國(guó)會(huì)大廈和大本鐘前,你能看到倫敦眼—就在對(duì)面。)
  • 8、We went tothe London Eye last week.(我上周去了倫敦眼。)
  • 9、February 2000: Prince Andrew celebrates his 40th birthday onthe London Eye with his ex-wife Sarah, Duchess of York, and daughters Eugenie and beatrice.(2000年2月19日:安德魯王子與前妻薩拉女公爵及女兒歐也妮公主、比阿特麗絲公主一起在倫敦之眼慶祝他40歲生日。)
  • 10、The first time, when he was about ten, he went to London with his mother to receive medical treatment for an eye condition.(第一次,他十歲,因?yàn)檠鄄考膊『湍赣H一起去倫敦接受治療。)
  • 11、One day in September while travelling, bleary eyed, on the London Underground, an article in a newspaper caught my eye: an opportunity to join a community project in Sierra Leone.(九月的一天,我睡眼朦朧地在倫敦地鐵上,一份報(bào)紙抓住了我的眼球:參加部族客塞拉利昂項(xiàng)目。)
  • 12、the London Eye is a tourist attraction.(倫敦眼是一個(gè)旅游勝地。)
  • 13、However, another source claimed that Jay proposed at Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park on December 8, and not onthe London Eye.(不過(guò),另一消息聲稱周董是在12月8日在海德公園的‘冬日仙境’求的婚,而不是在倫敦眼。)
  • 14、“Why didn’t you ridethe London Eye when you were in England?” he asked.(他問(wèn):“你在英國(guó)的時(shí)候?yàn)槭裁礇](méi)有乘坐“倫敦眼”?”) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 15、London landmarks given a makeover includethe London Eye which has green beans as spokes and its pods made out of baby plum tomatoes.(其它用果蔬重塑的倫敦著名地標(biāo)還包括“倫敦眼”,其輪輻由青豆制成,吊艙則用小西紅柿制成。)
  • 16、Excuse me. Where isthe London Eye?(打擾了,倫敦眼在哪里?)
  • 17、Hilary from Manchester, who visitedthe London Eye with her teenage daughter, says: 'the ride is so slow that you hardly feel that you are moving, definitely not one for the adrenaline thrill seekers.(來(lái)自曼徹斯特的希拉里(Hilary),在和她十幾歲的女兒一同乘坐了倫敦眼之后說(shuō)到:“轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)速度非常緩慢,以至于讓你覺察不到你在移動(dòng),絕對(duì)不適合那些想要尋求極度刺激的人?!?
  • 18、They also want to visitthe London Eye and Tower Bridge.(他們還想去參觀倫敦眼和塔橋。)
  • 19、The TV Tower is as good as the Eiffel Tower in Paris andthe London Eye.(電視塔與巴黎的埃菲爾鐵塔和倫敦眼一樣好。)
  • 20、Originally designed to last for a year,the London Eye, like that other “temporary” attraction, the Eiffel Tower, is not going anywhere.(正如另一個(gè)“臨時(shí)”景點(diǎn)埃菲爾鐵塔一樣,起初設(shè)計(jì)只使用一年的“倫敦眼”會(huì)呆在原地,再也不會(huì)走了。)
  • 21、As you go along the river,the London Eye is on your right.(沿河進(jìn)行時(shí),倫敦眼就在你的右邊。)
  • 22、We had hoped to go up inthe London Eye for that amazing panoramic view of London's cityscape but instead had to settle for standing under it, as it was closed for maintenance.(我們本希望能夠登上倫敦眼來(lái)欣賞迷人的倫敦市全景,但卻不得不因?yàn)閭惗匮壅诰S修當(dāng)中暫停營(yíng)業(yè)而只能滿足于站在它的下面。)
  • 23、Opposite you can seethe London Eye.(在對(duì)面就可以看到倫敦眼。)
  • 24、I went to Russell Square, London Bridge, and I sawthe London Eye and the National Museum.(我去了羅素廣場(chǎng)、倫敦大橋,參觀了倫敦眼和國(guó)家博物館。)
  • 25、What'sthe London Eye like?(“倫敦之眼”什么樣?)
  • 26、In London, more than 200000 people lined the Banks of the River Thames to watch fireworks explode from "the London Eye".(在倫敦,超過(guò)20萬(wàn)人聚集在泰晤士河畔,目睹璀璨的煙火從“倫敦眼”摩天輪上空噴發(fā)而起。)

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