the hell造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:20:34


the hell造句

  • 1、It frustratedthe hell out of me.(它地獄搬地折磨著我。)
  • 2、Whatthe hell can I remember, and why?(我到底能記住些什么?為什么?)
  • 3、Now... who inthe hell understands men?(現(xiàn)在,到底有誰(shuí)了解男人這東西?)
  • 4、Whatthe hell are you doin ', man?(你到底在干什么,伙計(jì)?)
  • 5、SAL: Whatthe hell does that mean?(薩爾:這他媽是啥意思?)
  • 6、Whatthe hell are you doing here, Nick?(你在這兒干什么,尼克?)
  • 7、Whatthe hell is a standard?(標(biāo)準(zhǔn)究竟是什么玩意兒?)
  • 8、She had no idea whatthe hell happened.(她不知道到底發(fā)生了什么。)
  • 9、Whatthe hell am I supposed to do?(我到底應(yīng)該怎么做?)
  • 10、Wretched woman, he thought, whythe hell can't she wait?(討厭的女人,他想,她怎么就不能等等呢?)
  • 11、Whatthe hell can I remember?(我到底能記住些什么?)
  • 12、Let's getthe hell out of here.(我們馬上離開(kāi)這里吧。)
  • 13、I don't know whatthe hell it's about.(我也不知道這是關(guān)于什么的。)
  • 14、Whatthe hell do you think you are doing?(你到底知不知道自己在干什么?)
  • 15、So whythe hell did I get married?(那么,我又為什么結(jié)婚呢?)
  • 16、Jeez, I wish they'd tell us whatthe hell is going on.(上帝啊,我希望他們?cè)绺嬖V我們到底發(fā)生了什么。)
  • 17、Whatthe hell can it do?(它到底可以干什么?)
  • 18、Howthe hell did she block that punch?(她是怎么擋下那一拳的?)
  • 19、Wherethe hell were we going?(我們到底要去哪里?)
  • 20、Whatthe hell are you doing?(你到底在搞什么名堂?)
  • 21、Whatthe hell am I doing this for?(我做這些到底是為了什么?)
  • 22、Whatthe hell, I thought, at least it will give the lazy old man some exercise.(不管它,我想,至少這會(huì)讓那個(gè)懶老頭活動(dòng)活動(dòng)筋骨。)
  • 23、Wherethe hell have you been?(你究竟去了哪里?)
  • 24、It scaredthe hell out of her, if you must know. And me, too.(這把她的魂都嚇飛了,如果你一定要知道的話。而且我也被嚇壞了。)
  • 25、Whatthe hell is he talking about?(他說(shuō)的是哪門子事呀!)
  • 26、I said, Who inthe hell are you?(我說(shuō):‘你究竟是誰(shuí)?’)
  • 27、You say to yourself, "Whatthe hell."(你對(duì)自己說(shuō):“管他呢?!?
  • 28、They stole the car just forthe hell of it.(他們偷這輛汽車只是為了尋求刺激。)
  • 29、Lovethe hell out of it.(愛(ài)它的一切。)
  • 30、Whatthe hell are you talking about?(你究竟在說(shuō)些什么啊?)

the hell基本釋義

the hell

到底; 究竟