
the Palace Museum造句

the Palace Museum造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:20:27


the Palace Museum造句

  • 1、This is the site ofthe Palace Museum.(這里是故宮博物院的所在地。)
  • 2、Have you been tothe Palace Museum?(你去過故宮博物館嗎?)
  • 3、We visited the Great Wall, the Bird's Nest andthe Palace Museum.(我們參觀了長城、鳥巢和故宮。)
  • 4、Tomorrow I'll go tothe Palace Museum, then Beihai Park.(明天我將會到故宮博物院和北海公園去。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 5、With the development of China,the Palace Museum opens its arms and welcomes the visitors from all around the world.(隨著中國的發(fā)展,故宮博物院張開雙臂歡迎來自世界各地的游客。)
  • 6、You can't missthe Palace Museum.(故宮是不能錯(cuò)過的。)
  • 7、the Palace Museum exhibition becomes a cultural phenomenon everywhere it goes.(故宮展覽在所到之處都成為一種文化現(xiàn)象。)
  • 8、Members ofthe Palace Museum staff who helped move the artifacts to Chongqing.(幫助轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn)文物到重慶的故宮博物院工作人員。)
  • 9、Can you findthe Palace Museum on the map?(你能在圖上找到故宮博物院嗎?)
  • 10、He said he might go tothe Palace Museum on Sunday.(他說他星期天可能去參觀故宮博物院。)
  • 11、All of us went tothe Palace Museum, where we visited the clock section.(我們所有的人都去了故宮博物院,在那兒參觀了鐘表館。)
  • 12、We go tothe Palace Museum.(我們?nèi)ス蕦m博物館。)
  • 13、I have visitedthe Palace Museum.(我參觀過故宮博物院。)
  • 14、Welcome to visitthe Palace Museum.(歡迎大家來故宮參觀。)
  • 15、I want to seethe Palace Museum.(我想去看看故宮博物館。)
  • 16、Excuse me. How can I get tothe Palace Museum?(打擾一下,請問怎么去故宮博物館?)
  • 17、On the night of February 19th, 2019, about 3,000 visitors spent the Lantern Festival inthe Palace Museum.(2019年2月19日晚,約3000名游客在故宮過元宵。)
  • 18、We are going tothe Palace Museum today.(今天我們要去故宮博物館。)
  • 19、No visitors went tothe Palace Museum in 2019.(2019年沒有游客去故宮。)
  • 20、Would you like to visitthe Palace Museum?(你想去參觀故宮博物院嗎?)
  • 21、Both the Great Wall andthe Palace Museum are there.(萬里長城和故宮都在那里。)
  • 22、The children are going to visitthe Palace Museum on Saturday.(孩子們周六要去參觀故宮博物院。)

the Palace Museum基本釋義