
the pick of造句

the pick of造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:20:25


the pick of造句

  • 1、Users pick their favourite song of the week to share with others.(用戶選擇他們每周最喜歡的歌曲與他人分享。)
  • 2、The trick is to pick the animal up by the back of its neck.(竅門在于抓住動物的后脖頸把它提起來。) hAo86.com
  • 3、You know, I most like the taste of strawberries. Ok, let's go to pick strawberries!(要知道,我最喜歡草莓的味道了。好了,我們趕快去摘草莓吧!)
  • 4、I finally becamethe pick of them.(我終于成為了他們中的佼佼者。)
  • 5、These students werethe pick of the school.(這些學(xué)生是全校最優(yōu)秀的。)
  • 6、They are all good typists but Maria isthe pick of the bunch.(她們都是打字好手,但瑪麗亞是她們中最好的。)
  • 7、the pick of apples is put off due to the bad weather.(因為天氣不好,采摘蘋果的活動被推遲了。)
  • 8、We're going to go to the realm of Western jazz here and I'm going to pick on Chuck Mangione.(我們將進(jìn)入西方爵士樂的領(lǐng)域,我將選擇查克·曼卓恩。)
  • 9、We're reviewingthe pick of this month's new books.(我們正在做本月的精品新書評介。)
  • 10、The boys here arethe pick of the high school's football players.(這兒的男孩都是該中學(xué)足球隊的精英。)
  • 11、France's elite industrial model means big firms takethe pick of graduates.(法國的精英工業(yè)模式意味著大公司挑走了最優(yōu)秀的畢業(yè)生。)
  • 12、How often does your child automatically pick up a book, a magazine, a newspaper, or other printed materials simply for the pleasure of reading?(你的孩子多長時間才為了閱讀的樂趣而拿起一本書、一本雜志、一份報紙或其他印刷品?)
  • 13、Some universities are promising the best applicantsthe pick of any major and the chance to continue their postgraduate studies without taking additional exams.(有的高校則承諾,優(yōu)秀學(xué)生可以自由選擇專業(yè),還可以不經(jīng)任何考試在該校繼續(xù)讀研。)
  • 14、Sorry that I cannot go to the airport to pick you up in person on account of stomach ache.(很抱歉我不能親自去機場接你,因為我肚子痛。)
  • 15、The winner gets first pick of the prizes.(獲勝者可先挑獎品。)
  • 16、Scientists can now pick up early signs of the disease.(現(xiàn)在科學(xué)家能夠辨認(rèn)這種疾病的早期癥狀。)
  • 17、Most kids that age would be picking out candies or toys in a store for themselves, instead of helping their mom pick out fruits as the two kids did.(這個年齡的大多數(shù)孩子會在商店里自己挑選糖果或玩具,而不是像這兩個孩子那樣幫媽媽挑選水果。)
  • 18、Some groups of consumers are slow to pick up trends in the use of information technology.(有些顧客群對信息技術(shù)應(yīng)用方面的潮流反應(yīng)遲鈍。)
  • 19、It gives you the feeling of accomplishment once you've reachedthe pick of the mountain.(當(dāng)你到達(dá)山頂后你會有一種成就感。)
  • 20、He built a business on the assumption that commercial Banks do not havethe pick of the best or the brightest, and should therefore keep their strategies simple and their ambitions relatively modest.(他將生意建立在一個假設(shè)之上,即商業(yè)銀行沒有摘取那些最好的和最光明的,因此他們的戰(zhàn)略就應(yīng)該保持簡單,他們的雄心也應(yīng)該相對的低調(diào)。)
  • 21、Fire crews are hoping they can achieve full containment of the fire before the winds pick up.(消防隊員們希望他們能夠在起風(fēng)前對大火做到完全控制。)
  • 22、He isthe pick of the aviators at the world.(他是世界上最優(yōu)秀的飛行員。)
  • 23、Perhapsthe pick of the startup bunch at this point is Brightkite, which we named as our pick for Most Promising Company for 2009 last December and included in our Top 10 Mobile Web Apps of 2008.(或許這些創(chuàng)業(yè)公司中最好的要數(shù)Brightkite,它也是我們?nèi)ツ?2月份選出的2009年最具前景的公司,于此同時它也是讀寫網(wǎng)2008年十大手機網(wǎng)絡(luò)應(yīng)用之一。)
  • 24、the pick of this poem lies in the last sentence.(這首詩的精華是最后一句。)
  • 25、They were made to listen to white noise, such as static of the sort you might pick up between radio stations.(他們被迫聽白噪音,那種類似于調(diào)電臺時聽到的靜電噪音。)
  • 26、When that old momma cat has her kittens, I'll give youthe pick of the litter.(等那只老貓媽媽生小貓時,我會給你一只最漂亮的。)
  • 27、The problem with the shotgun method is that it does not work, especially in a job market where employers havethe pick of the litter.(“海投法”是不管用的,尤其是在精英薈萃的就業(yè)市場。)
  • 28、He stooped to pick up the carrier bag of groceries.(他彎腰提起裝滿食品雜貨的購物袋。)

the pick of基本釋義

the pick of

英 [e? pik ?v] 美 [ei p?k ?v] 
精華; 最好部分