
the Mogao Caves造句

the Mogao Caves造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:20:30


the Mogao Caves造句

  • 1、Mogao caves are one of the most famous ancient sculptural sites of China, you can see some of the finest examples of Buddhist art spanning a period of 1,000 years.(莫高窟是中國(guó)雕刻藝術(shù)遺址中最有名的幾個(gè)之一。在這里,你可以看到有著上千年歷史的典型佛教藝術(shù)的代表。)
  • 2、The Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes or Caves of One Thousand Buddhas is one of the three famous grottoes in China.(敦煌莫高窟,俗稱千佛洞,是中國(guó)三大寶窟之一。)
  • 3、Many people come here to see the ancient paintings inthe Mogao Caves.(許多人來(lái)這兒看莫高窟的古代繪畫(huà)。)
  • 4、In the early 1900s, when Mogao Caves were discovered by a Taoist, who thereafter, with ignorance, sold thousands of fine pieces of arts to foreigners.(在20世紀(jì)初期,一個(gè)道士發(fā)現(xiàn)了莫高窟,并且無(wú)知的把成千上萬(wàn)的優(yōu)美藝術(shù)作品賣給了外國(guó)人。)
  • 5、I am a Chinese I am a person ofthe Mogao Caves mural, Let the dance to the mural to fly into with us I am flying, Flying is us.(我是中國(guó)人我是莫高窟壁畫(huà)的傳人,讓那翩翩欲飛的壁畫(huà)與我們同往,我就是飛天,飛天就是我們。)
  • 6、Today, I'd like to invite you to Mogao Caves, located at southeast of the center of Dunhuang.(今天,我將帶領(lǐng)您去坐落在敦煌市東南的莫高窟。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 7、Also called Caves of a Thousand Buddhas, the Mogao Grottoes lie in the steep cliffs of Mingsha Mountain of Dunhuang City, Gansu Province.(敦煌莫高窟位于甘肅省敦煌市鳴沙山東麓斷崖上,又稱千佛洞。)
  • 8、The Mogao Grottoes, located 25 kilometers southwest of Dunhuang city, Gansu Province, have a total of 492 caves. They are a treasure house of murals, sculptures and other cultural relics.(莫高窟,位于甘肅省敦煌市西南25公里處,共有492個(gè)洞窟,是壁畫(huà)、雕塑和其他文物的寶庫(kù)。)
  • 9、The people at the meeting are interested in discoveries that are related to the paintings of Mogao Caves.(參加會(huì)議的人們對(duì)于與莫高窟繪畫(huà)有關(guān)的發(fā)現(xiàn)感興趣。)
  • 10、Back atthe Mogao Caves, another local guide, Liu Qin, an art historian at the Dunhuang Academy, was eager to show us the spot where Warner ripped out the statue.(回到莫高窟,另一名當(dāng)?shù)貙?dǎo)游——敦煌研究院的藝術(shù)歷史學(xué)家劉勤(音)迫切地引領(lǐng)我們參觀華爾納劫走雕像的地方。)

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