
the moment造句

the moment造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:20:30


the moment造句

  • 1、Business is looking shaky atthe moment.(從目前看,業(yè)務(wù)舉步維艱。)
  • 2、They have an offer on beer atthe moment.(他們目下正在打折賣啤酒。)
  • 3、The weather is very changeable atthe moment.(現(xiàn)時天氣變化無常。)
  • 4、I'm off coffee atthe moment.(我暫時不再喜歡咖啡。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 5、the moment I closed my eyes, I fell asleep.(我一閉上眼睛就睡著了。)
  • 6、the moment of decision had arrived.(決策的時刻已經(jīng)到了。)
  • 7、It's quite warm atthe moment.(現(xiàn)在天氣相當(dāng)暖和。)
  • 8、I'm really pressed for cash atthe moment.(眼下我真的缺錢。)
  • 9、He's on the telephone atthe moment.(他正在打電話。)
  • 10、Anyway, let's forget about that forthe moment.(咱們無論如何暫時不要再提這件事。)
  • 11、We have very few nurses on our books atthe moment.(目前在我們這里登記備用的護(hù)士很少。)
  • 12、She's in cracking form atthe moment.(她這會兒狀態(tài)好極了。)
  • 13、Things are manic in the office atthe moment.(這會兒辦公室里一片忙亂。)
  • 14、Atthe moment, no one is talking to me.(此刻沒人和我說話。)
  • 15、I'm only part-time atthe moment.(我現(xiàn)在只是兼職。)
  • 16、I can just about tolerate it atthe moment.(我眼下勉強(qiáng)可以忍受它。)
  • 17、I can't think of her name atthe moment.(我一時想不起她的名字。)
  • 18、I am really enjoying myself atthe moment.(我此刻很是自得其樂。)
  • 19、This wasthe moment he had been dreading.(這是他一直最擔(dān)心的時刻。)
  • 20、Here, at long last, wasthe moment he had waited for.(終于,他期待的時刻來臨了。)
  • 21、the moment the half-hour was up, Brooks rose.(半小時一到,布魯克斯就起來了。)
  • 22、Atthe moment these shares are worth zilch.(目前這些股票一文不值。)
  • 23、The builder has a couple of jobs on atthe moment.(目前這家建筑商有幾項工程在進(jìn)行。)
  • 24、The exchange rate is in our favour atthe moment.(目前匯率對我們有利。)
  • 25、Atthe moment it is only a theory.(眼下,它還只是個理論而已。)
  • 26、I want to see himthe moment he arrives.(希望他一到我就見到他。)
  • 27、Both men knewthe moment of truth had arrived.(他們倆都知道緊要關(guān)頭到了。)
  • 28、She's the fashion designer ofthe moment.(她是當(dāng)前最紅的時裝設(shè)計師。)
  • 29、He's the man ofthe moment, isn't he?(他是當(dāng)前的紅人,對吧?)

the moment基本釋義

the moment

英 [e? ?m??m?nt] 美 [ei ?mo?m?nt] 
一 ... 就 ...; 這一刻