
teeny tiny造句

teeny tiny造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:21:03


teeny tiny造句

  • 1、Theteeny tiny woman walks into ateeny tiny garden.(一個小小的女人正走進小小的花園。)
  • 2、All we've got is a skinny Flash, an Indian Aquaman, a nearsighted Green Lantern, and a teeny, tiny Dark Knight. Obviously, we're no longer a Justice League.(我們只有一個瘦弱的閃電俠,一個印度潛水俠,一個近視綠燈俠,和一個小矮個兒暗夜騎士。很顯然,我們不再是正義聯(lián)盟了。)
  • 3、Even though these little guys are so teeny-tiny it is important you know exactly what you're dealing with, before sharing it with others!(雖然這些小家伙們已經(jīng)小得不能再小了,但這玩意兒到底是什么?我看你們很有必要先了解一下,搞清楚你到底再搞什么然后再去搞。)
  • 4、That way, on test day you remember thatteeny tiny fact that gets you those scores you need.(索拉爾說道?!啊蹦菢拥脑?,考試那天你就可以記住細小的知識點,從而獲取理想的分數(shù)?!? hAo86.com
  • 5、Ever wonder why there's a teeny-tiny pocket above the regular ones in the front of your jeans?(有沒有想過,牛仔褲口袋上方的迷你口袋用途何在?)
  • 6、With her "is a very teeny-tiny little word in Hebrew, so I guess a lot of translations figure they can leave it out."(和她一起“,在希伯來語中,是一個無足輕重的詞,所以,我猜想很多翻譯大家,把它省略了?!?
  • 7、ABC News' Nick Watt called it "teeny, teeny, tiny."(ABC新聞的尼克·沃特(NickWatt)稱其為極小極小。)
  • 8、Napoleon wasn't short, he was 5.7 which at the time was taller than average, the rumor that he was ateeny tiny man was just a piece a British war propaganda.(拿破侖并不矮,他五尺七寸的身材,在當時高于平均身高,說他是個小小人的謠言僅僅是英國戰(zhàn)時宣傳的一部分。)
  • 9、First, we asked my mom to take a picture of us together and help us print it out regular size and teeny-tiny size.(首先,我們讓我媽媽幫助我們照一張合影,然后打印幾張常規(guī)大小的,和一張很小的照片。)
  • 10、Thisteeny tiny kitten has stretched their body over a box and seems to have fallen asleep in the process.(這只小貓想要在盒子上伸展身體,但似乎……在半路上就撐不住睡著了。崅。)
  • 11、Now, are you telling me that you are so unbelievably arrogant that you can't admit that there's ateeny tiny possibility that you could be wrong about this?(現(xiàn)在你是想告訴我,你傲慢到不愿承認進化論有那么一丁點的可能是錯誤的嗎?)
  • 12、In the body of Abraham were millions of little, teeny, tiny people.(在亞伯拉罕的身體里,是成千上萬的小小人。)
  • 13、Now you can find almost any type of pony, including Tropical Ponies,teeny tiny Ponies and many more.(如今你幾乎能夠找到任何小馬駒的種類,包括熱帶小馬,超小馬駒和許多其他品種。)
  • 14、How can teeny, tiny ants repel a big old elephant, which is, after all, about a billion times more massive?(小得不能再小的螞蟻是如何讓大象退避三舍的呢?畢竟大象要比它們大約十億倍。)
  • 15、Be a pod person. Many major cities now have so-called pod hotels - places that rent a teeny room for a tiny price.(豆莢旅館。很多大城市現(xiàn)在都流行所謂的豆莢旅館——出租空間狹小的微型房間。)
  • 16、Theteeny tiny woman looks around. There's no one in herteeny tiny house.(小小的女人查看周圍。小小房子里什么都沒有。)
  • 17、You could give out teeny-tiny treasure awards, but that is hardly better than nothing at all.(你要送出哪怕很少的物品獎勵,這也是比什么都不送還要好些。)
  • 18、Many major cities now have so-called pod hotels - places that rent a teeny room for a tiny price.(很多大城市現(xiàn)在都流行所謂的豆莢旅館——出租空間狹小的微型房間。)
  • 19、I'll tackle that teeny, tiny problem in my column next week.(下個星期,我會在我的專欄里解決一下這個小而又小的問題。)
  • 20、You know another really good business?teeny tiny baby coffins.(知不知道還有一種生意也相當好?嬰兒棺材。)
  • 21、Theteeny tiny woman walks to herteeny tiny house.(一個小小的女人正走進小小的房子。)
  • 22、And the cage that the trained soldier had so carefully approached wasn't a cage at all—it was a crib, filled with pink blankets and a teeny, tiny, brown-haired newborn.(而之前訓練有素的士兵小心靠近的籠子根本就是不是一個“籠子”——那是一個嬰兒床,滿是粉色的毛毯,和一個小小的軟軟的,棕色頭發(fā)的嬰兒(為什么是棕色??!好吧,發(fā)色我就不吐槽了...))
  • 23、But there was a teeny, tiny problem. No matter how much money Lotsa DE Casha made, he wasn't happy.(但是,他卻遇到了一個小小的問題:不管賺多少錢,他都不覺得快樂。)
  • 24、Theteeny tiny woman jumps out of herteeny tiny bed.(小小的女人從床上跳出來了。)

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