
Teen Talk造句

Teen Talk造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:21:03


Teen Talk造句

  • 1、If you're a teen or tween interested in file-sharing, talk with your parents before downloading software or exchanging files.(如果你是個對文件共享有興趣的年輕人,在下載軟件或交換文件前與你的父母交流。)
  • 2、Then maybe you should call "Teen Talk", the radio advice program.(那么,也許你該撥打“青少年論壇”熱線,廣播熱線節(jié)目能幫助你…)
  • 3、In psychotherapy, or talk therapy, aTeen Talks with a mental health professional about the stresses and anxiety hes feeling.(采用精神療法或談話療法時,青少年可以與精神健康專家談?wù)撍惺艿降膲毫徒箲]。)
  • 4、Find out how to talk to your teen about abstinence and contraception.(學(xué)習(xí)一下如何與你十幾歲的孩子討論禁欲與避孕的問題。)
  • 5、Teen Talk English – learn the proper way of speaking and posh words native kids use from our experienced and enthusiastic foreign teachers. Topics cover everything that is to the teens' interests.(流行青少年口語–教科書之外的地道口語課程,圍繞東西方青少年感興趣的一切話題,和外教面對面感受來自異國的熱情與文化的碰撞。)

Teen Talk基本釋義
