tell off造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:21:00


tell off造句

  • 1、The Internet lets your customers sound off and tell you exactly what they like or don't like about your business.(互聯(lián)網(wǎng)讓你的客戶享有更多暢所欲言的機會,說出他們真實的想法,喜歡你什么,不喜歡你什么。)
  • 2、But I must tell you how it went off.(我一定要把經(jīng)過情形告訴你。)
  • 3、Off with you, boys, and tell the sheriff--get your breakfast tomorrow morning!(去吧,男孩們,去告訴警長——明天早上再吃早飯吧!)
  • 4、I know some guys will just tell them off?(我知道一些小伙子們只是責備她們?)
  • 5、"Then tell him to stop showing off," said John.(“那就告訴他別再炫耀了。”約翰說。)
  • 6、And that starts to tell us where to draw off How many screens do we need?(這開始啟示我們從哪里去提取,我們需要多少屏幕?)
  • 7、Sergeant Long will hit the roof when I tell him you've gone off.(如果我告訴朗警官你已經(jīng)走了,他一定會怒火沖天的。)
  • 8、Older women are forthright and honest. They'll tell you right off if you are a jerk or if you are acting like one!(上了歲數(shù)的女人都會變得很坦誠,如果你是一個傻子或者你的行為很愚蠢,她們就會很直接的告訴你!)
  • 9、They can tell the distance of various objects by how quickly the sound waves bounce back off them.(他們可以通過聲波反彈的速度來判斷不同物體之間的距離。)
  • 10、I can't tell my son what to do; it's water off a duck's back with him.(我無法告訴我兒子該做什么,他根本聽不進去。)
  • 11、The old man like totell off color joke.(愛開玩笑的人,也要經(jīng)得住別人開玩笑。)
  • 12、We want to eat the doughnut, put another dollar in the slot machine, have one more drink, ortell off the boss, but know in the long run these may not be the best decisions.(我們想吃炸面圈,我們就會向投硬幣口投入另一美元,接著喝更多的飲料,或是吩咐一下店主。但是我們知道長期以往下去,這或許并不是最好的決定。)
  • 13、The farmers used a special system of counting totell off their sheep.(農(nóng)民們使用一種特殊的計數(shù)方法清點羊的頭數(shù)。)
  • 14、Donttell off your boss and co-workers, even if you think they deserve it.(即使你認為他們該罵,也不要責罵你的上司和同事。)
  • 15、Peter's thoughts, however, are miles away. 'I'm gonna tell those mechanics where to get off!(彼得的思路和這根本不搭界:“我要和那些修理工說說從哪兒下手!)
  • 16、Many educators have been searching for ways to tell parents when to back off.(很多教育人士都在思考怎樣告訴家長在什么時候該抽身。)
  • 17、But all sorts of strangers suddenly blogged back with angry feminist advice, advising her to get a separate bank account, totell off her bullying husband, and even to leave him.(但是形形色色的陌生人卻紛紛在她的博客中留言,憤怒地表示男女應該平等,有的建議她單獨設立一個銀行賬戶,有的讓她教訓一下她那橫行霸道的丈夫,還有的甚至勸她離婚。)
  • 18、Talking "CCTV cameras thattell off people dropping litter or committing anti-social behaviour are to be extended to 20 areas across England."(“談”閉路電視攝影機,告訴富裕的人亂拋垃圾的下降或犯有反社會行為,是將擴大到全國20個地區(qū)英格蘭。)
  • 19、So in that case — like here, there's an app that's bigger than the phone's screen — the shape of the phone could tell you, "Okay, off the screen right here, there is more content."(那么在這種情況—象這樣,這里有個比電話屏幕更大的程序—電話的形狀會告訴你,“好的,在這里關掉屏幕,這里有更大的容量。”)
  • 20、Yes, you should worry very much – not that your salesman can’t talk properly, but that he doesn’t even pretend to pay attention when you tell him off.(是的,你應該非常擔憂——這不是因為你的銷售言談不得體,而是因為當你責備他時,他甚至都沒有假裝予以注意。)
  • 21、If you see anyone hanging around here tell them to hop off.(如果你看到有人在這兒閑蕩,就叫他們走開。)
  • 22、Would you tell me where I should get off?(請你告訴我在什么地方下車好嗎?)
  • 23、But as soon as we get back to class, I realize she rushed off to tell the entire word what I just said.(等大家一回到了教室,我馬上意識到她是趕著將我剛才所說的話告訴大家。)
  • 24、'Anybody who has lost weight and kept it off will tell you that they have to keep battling,' says Dr. Rosenbaum.(羅森·巴姆說,任何減肥后又成功保持身材的人都會告訴你,他們的秘密就是堅持。)
  • 25、The first sectiontell off inharmoniousness between electron operation and law.(第一節(jié)我國銀行業(yè)務電子化法律的現(xiàn)狀。)

tell off基本釋義

tell off

英 [tel ?f] 美 [t?l ?f] 
分派; 斥責;數(shù),計算