tell lies造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:20:59


tell lies造句

  • 1、I won'ttell lies anymore. But I sometimes forget.(我以后不會(huì)再說(shuō)謊了,但有時(shí)候我還是會(huì)忘掉。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 2、His mother shouted: "Don'ttell lies!"(媽媽喊道“別撒謊了!”)
  • 3、You mustn'ttell lies.(不許說(shuō)謊。)
  • 4、Honesty-if youtell lies or does not keep your words, no one will rely on you.(誠(chéng)實(shí)?如果你說(shuō)謊或不守信,沒(méi)有人會(huì)信賴你。)
  • 5、I alwaystell lies.(我總是撒謊。)
  • 6、Some dreamstell lies; some dreams come true.(有些夢(mèng)想會(huì)說(shuō)謊,有些夢(mèng)想會(huì)成真。)
  • 7、I wouldn'ttell lies to you; that's not my style.(我不會(huì)跟你撒謊,那不是我的風(fēng)格。)
  • 8、Those thattell lies and have bad hearts are not able to see this fine cloth.(那些說(shuō)謊和有壞心眼的人都看不到這種精細(xì)的布料。)
  • 9、tell lies! That is, spin a yarn; well I can do that.(撒謊么!那就是編一個(gè)故事嘛,我也能夠來(lái)一下子。)
  • 10、Sometimes we have totell lies in order to make things better.(有時(shí)為了讓事情變好,我們不得不說(shuō)謊。)
  • 11、We should nottell lies.(我們不應(yīng)該說(shuō)謊。)
  • 12、You destroy those whotell lies; bloodthirsty and deceitful men the Lord abhors.(說(shuō)謊言的,你必滅絕。好流人血弄詭詐的,都為耶和華所憎惡。)
  • 13、The first study to compare honesty across a range of communication media has found that people are twice as likely totell lies in phone conversations as they are in emails.(第一項(xiàng)針對(duì)一系列傳播媒體的誠(chéng)實(shí)度進(jìn)行比較的研究發(fā)現(xiàn),人們?cè)陔娫捊徽勚姓f(shuō)謊的可能性是在電子郵件中說(shuō)謊的兩倍。)
  • 14、No one will believe you because you alwaystell lies.(因?yàn)槟憷鲜钦f(shuō)謊,沒(méi)有人會(huì)相信你的話的。)
  • 15、Don'ttell lies or exaggerate on your date. Doing this will sow seeds of distrust.(不要撒謊和夸大自己,這樣做會(huì)留下不誠(chéng)實(shí)的映像。)
  • 16、And still there are times when we have totell lies in order not to hurt others.(而且在一些時(shí)候?yàn)榱瞬粋λ宋覀儾坏貌蝗鲋e。)
  • 17、Last but not in the least, we must nottell lies.(最后一點(diǎn)但不是最不重要的一點(diǎn),我們切不可說(shuō)謊。)
  • 18、Don'ttell lies about yourself before the date kicks off.(約會(huì)前千萬(wàn)不要撒謊。)
  • 19、Procrastinatorstell lies to themselves.(拖拉者會(huì)對(duì)自己撒謊。)
  • 20、I have never known her totell lies.(我一直不知道她說(shuō)謊。)
  • 21、How naive children are when theytell lies.(孩子們?nèi)鲋e時(shí)是多么的天真啊。)
  • 22、It is wrong totell lies.(說(shuō)謊是不道德的。)
  • 23、The fact that childrentell lies is a sign that they have reached a new developmental stage.(孩子們說(shuō)謊就表明他們已經(jīng)進(jìn)入了一個(gè)新的發(fā)展階段。)
  • 24、The idea that he maytell lies struck me.(名詞是想法,想法的內(nèi)容是他也許說(shuō)謊。)
  • 25、In a 2016 study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, Ariely and colleagues showed how dishonesty alters people's brains, making it easier totell lies in the future.(在2016年發(fā)表在《自然神經(jīng)科學(xué)》雜志上的一項(xiàng)研究中,艾瑞里和同事們展示了欺詐是如何改變?nèi)说拇竽X,并讓人在未來(lái)更容易說(shuō)謊的。)
  • 26、You don't have totell lies and exaggerate to get people to like you.(你不必為了讓別人喜歡你而說(shuō)謊或夸大其詞。)
  • 27、From then on, I nevertell lies.(從那時(shí)起,我再也沒(méi)有撒謊。)

tell lies基本釋義
