
this afternoon造句

this afternoon造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:20:00


this afternoon造句

  • 1、It's cloudythis afternoon.(今天下午多云。)
  • 2、The President will be giving a press conferencethis afternoon.(總統(tǒng)今天下午將舉行記者招待會。) hao86.com
  • 3、Let's play tennisthis afternoon.(今天下午我們一起打網(wǎng)球吧。)
  • 4、There'll be bright or sunny spells and scattered showersthis afternoon.(今天下午將放晴,間有零星陣雨。)
  • 5、I stood on my feetthis afternoon.(我今天下午站起來了。)
  • 6、It rained for two hours solidthis afternoon.(今天下午連著下了兩個小時的雨。)
  • 7、The funeral will be carried outthis afternoon at 3:00.(葬禮將在今天下午3點舉行。)
  • 8、this afternoon the Palestinians held an impromptu press conference.(今天下午巴勒斯坦人召開了一場臨時記者招待會。)
  • 9、this afternoon we had a PE lesson.(今天下午我們上了一節(jié)體育課。)
  • 10、I hope it clears upthis afternoon.(我希望今天下午天氣放晴。)
  • 11、If you comethis afternoon the doctor will try to squeeze you in.(你要是今天下午來,大夫可以擠時間給你看看。)
  • 12、Baxter arrived herethis afternoon, on a surprise visit.(巴克斯特今天下午突然到了這里,做意外造訪。)
  • 13、I'll make the cheque out to you and put it in the postthis afternoon.(我會給你寫一張支票并于今天下午郵寄給你。)
  • 14、They will sit down to a traditional turkey dinner earlythis afternoon.(他們今天下午早些時候?qū)⒆聛沓砸活D傳統(tǒng)的火雞宴。)
  • 15、Can you see to it that the fax goesthis afternoon?(你保證今天下午就把傳真發(fā)出去,行嗎?)
  • 16、this afternoon Iz and Jude and Chris hooked up.(今天下午伊茲、祖德以及克里斯待在一起。)
  • 17、Do homeworkthis afternoon.(今天下午做作業(yè)。)
  • 18、I have to go shoppingthis afternoon.(我今天下午得去商店買東西。)
  • 19、I'll bike the contract over to youthis afternoon.(今天下午我騎摩托車把合同給你送過去。)
  • 20、I have riding lessonthis afternoon.(我今天下午有騎馬課。)
  • 21、I'll do the shoppingthis afternoon.(我今天下午要去購物。)
  • 22、Fog and low cloud cover are expectedthis afternoon.(預(yù)計今天下午有霧和低空云層。)
  • 23、Our system should be up bythis afternoon.(到今天下午,我們的電腦系統(tǒng)應(yīng)該運行起來了。)
  • 24、Will she be availablethis afternoon?(今天下午她有空嗎?)
  • 25、I'm having my hair cutthis afternoon.(我今天下午要去理發(fā)。)
  • 26、Let's go downtownthis afternoon.(咱們今天下午去鬧市區(qū)吧。)
  • 27、Let's look round the townthis afternoon.(咱們今天下午游覽市區(qū)吧。)
  • 28、I'm leavingthis afternoon.(今天下午我要動身了。)
  • 29、Can I leave earlythis afternoon and make up the time tomorrow?(我今天下午早點兒走,明天補上這段時間,可以嗎?)

this afternoon基本釋義

this afternoon

英 [eis ?ɑ:ft??nu:n] 美 [e?s ??ft??nun] 
