this way造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:19:59


this way造句

  • 1、I'm sorry to drag you allthis way in the heat.(對不起,這么熱的天硬拉著你跑了這一路。)
  • 2、How long you beenthis way?(你這樣多久了?)
  • 3、this way it's very private.(這樣就很私密了。)
  • 4、Inthis way, it learned to paint.(就這樣,它學會了畫畫。)
  • 5、Inthis way, they provided credit.(通過這種方式,他們提供了貸款。)
  • 6、He'll like to walk overthis way.(他會喜歡走這段路的。)
  • 7、By structuring the coursethis way, we're forced to produce something the companies think is valuable.(通過這樣精心安排進程,我們不得不生產(chǎn)出公司認為有價值的東西。)
  • 8、It's awfully nice of you to come allthis way to see me.(你大老遠趕來看我,真是太體貼了。)
  • 9、Many linguists have looked at language inthis way.(許多語言學家就是這樣看待語言的。)
  • 10、It really breaks my heart to see themthis way.(看到他們這樣確實讓我心里難過。)
  • 11、Is it writtenthis way?(是這樣寫嗎?)
  • 12、You came allthis way to see us?(你大老遠地跑來看我們?)
  • 13、Inthis way the body cures itself.(就這樣,身體自我治愈了。)
  • 14、Please comethis way.(請這邊走。)
  • 15、It seems such a pity that a distinguished and honoured name should be commercialized inthis way.(一個著名的、受尊重的名字如此被商業(yè)化似乎太可惜了。)
  • 16、It is flyingthis way.(它正朝這邊飛。)
  • 17、I'm not happy withthis way of working.(我不喜歡這種工作方法。)
  • 18、Do the press have the right to invade her privacy inthis way?(新聞界有權(quán)以這種方式干擾她的私生活嗎?)
  • 19、Oh, I never feltthis way.(噢,我從來沒有這種感覺。)
  • 20、Considerable efforts have been made to rehabilitate patients who have suffered inthis way.(為使受這種苦的病人康復已經(jīng)付出了相當大的努力。)
  • 21、Only inthis way can the critical mass of participation be reached.(只有這樣才能湊足參加人數(shù)。) 【好工具】
  • 22、Go straightthis way.(沿著這條路直走。)
  • 23、I couldn't believe these people were behaving inthis way.(我無法相信這些人竟這樣行事。)
  • 24、'Would you like to comethis way?' he said smoothly.(“你上這邊來好嗎?”他平靜地說。)
  • 25、Each year, hundreds of animals are killed inthis way.(每年,數(shù)百只動物就是這樣被殺死的。)
  • 26、Machines aren't limitedthis way.(機器不受這種方式的限制。)
  • 27、Yet he went on and onthis way.(然而,他繼續(xù)這樣走下去。)
  • 28、We were raisedthis way.(我們就是這樣長大的。)
  • 29、If we gothis way it will save us two hours on the trip.(如果走這條路,可以縮短兩小時的行程。)
  • 30、No one could have foreseen (that) things would turn outthis way.(誰都沒有預料到事情的結(jié)果會這樣。)

this way基本釋義

this way

這邊; 以這種方式; 這樣的話