
the solar system造句

the solar system造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:20:19


the solar system造句

  • 1、Saturn is the second biggest planet inthe solar system.(土星是太陽(yáng)系的第二大的行星。)
  • 2、the solar system also has two analogous classes of objects, smaller than planets—namely, asteroids and comets.(太陽(yáng)系也有兩類(lèi)類(lèi)似的物體,比行星還小——即小行星和彗星。)
  • 3、If we want to survive as a species, we have to expand intothe solar system and likely beyond.(如果我們希望作為一個(gè)物種生存下去,就必須擴(kuò)張到太陽(yáng)系之中或超越太陽(yáng)系。)
  • 4、"And what isthe solar system?" asked the librarian.(“那么什么是太陽(yáng)系呢?”管理員又問(wèn)。)
  • 5、At the heart ofthe solar system is our sun.(位于太陽(yáng)系中心的是我們的太陽(yáng)。)
  • 6、In Astronomy, for example, the distinction betweenthe solar system and the universe wasn't clear until modern times.(例如,在天文學(xué)中,太陽(yáng)系和宇宙兩者的區(qū)別直到現(xiàn)代才被弄清楚。)
  • 7、The spacecraft will enable scientists to study some dark corners ofthe solar system.(太空船使得科學(xué)家可以研究太陽(yáng)系中一些不為人知的角落。)
  • 8、Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Those are the gas giants, the four heavyweights ofthe solar system. But was there once a fifth?(木星、土星、天王星和海王星。這些都是氣體行星,是太陽(yáng)系的四個(gè)重量級(jí)。但曾經(jīng)存在第五個(gè)行星嗎?)
  • 9、The surface of Mars shows a wide range of geologic features, including huge volcanoes—the largest known inthe solar system—and extensive impact cratering.(火星表面顯示出廣泛的地質(zhì)特征,包括巨大的火山——太陽(yáng)系中已知的最大的火山——和廣闊的撞擊坑。)
  • 10、Complex life evolved on the Earth's surface, but not on Mars or other planets inthe solar system because on those planets, early surface life was killed by UV radiation.(復(fù)雜的生命在地球表面進(jìn)化,而不是在火星或太陽(yáng)系的其他行星上,因?yàn)樵谀切┬行巧?,早期的地表生命被紫外線殺死了。) hAo86.com
  • 11、They're basically made up of debris left over from the origin ofthe solar system.(它們基本上是由太陽(yáng)系起源時(shí)遺留下來(lái)的碎片組成的。)
  • 12、What is the coldest place inthe solar system?(太陽(yáng)系里最冷的地方在那里?)
  • 13、The map ofthe solar system may be due for a little updating.(太陽(yáng)系的星圖應(yīng)該做一個(gè)小小的升級(jí)。)
  • 14、That, then, is the age ofthe solar system.(那么這就是太陽(yáng)系的年齡。)
  • 15、The picture shows six of the nine planets inthe solar system.(這張圖片展示太陽(yáng)系9個(gè)行星中的6個(gè)行星。)
  • 16、Newton didn't limit himself to explainingthe solar system.(牛頓沒(méi)有固步自封,沒(méi)有僅限于解釋太陽(yáng)系。)
  • 17、I wanna go over the different types of meteorites, and what we've learned from them about the formation of Earth, andthe solar system.(我將介紹隕石的不同類(lèi)型,以及我們能夠從中了解到的有關(guān)地球和太陽(yáng)系的形成的知識(shí)。)
  • 18、They will serve as modern Magellans, mapping outthe solar system for whatever explorers follow, whether man or machine.(他們將作為現(xiàn)代麥哲倫人,繪制出太陽(yáng)系的藍(lán)圖,無(wú)論探險(xiǎn)者是人類(lèi)還是機(jī)器。)
  • 19、Of course, we now know that the planets, including Earth, revolve around the Sun, and thatthe solar system is only a tiny part of the universe.(當(dāng)然,我們現(xiàn)在知道,包括地球在內(nèi)的行星都圍繞太陽(yáng)公轉(zhuǎn),而太陽(yáng)系只是宇宙的一小部分。)
  • 20、These would vary asthe solar system moves through the universe.(隨著太陽(yáng)系穿過(guò)宇宙,這些測(cè)試也會(huì)改變。)
  • 21、The goal was to measure the AU; then, knowing the orbital speeds of all the other planets around the Sun, the scale ofthe solar system would fall into place.(目標(biāo)是測(cè)量AU;隨后,當(dāng)我們知道了所有圍繞太陽(yáng)的其他行星的軌道速度,對(duì)太陽(yáng)系的規(guī)模就有充分的認(rèn)識(shí)了。)
  • 22、The ancient Greeks believed that what we calledthe solar system was in fact the entire universe, and that the universe was geocentric.(古希臘人堅(jiān)信,我們所謂的太陽(yáng)系實(shí)際上就是整個(gè)宇宙,并且宇宙以地球?yàn)橹行摹?
  • 23、Inspired by Halley's suggestion of a way to pin down the scale ofthe solar system, teams of British and French astronomers set out on expeditions to places as diverse as India and Siberia.(受哈雷提出的確定太陽(yáng)系大小的方法啟發(fā),英國(guó)和法國(guó)天文學(xué)家團(tuán)隊(duì)開(kāi)始在印度和西伯利亞等地考察。)
  • 24、Ifthe solar system has an underachiever, it has to be Venus.(如果太陽(yáng)系有一個(gè)后進(jìn)生,那一定是金星。)
  • 25、This transformed our view not only ofthe solar system but also of the importance of sending a spacecraft to Pluto.(這不僅改變了我們對(duì)太陽(yáng)系的認(rèn)識(shí),也使我們意識(shí)到向冥王星發(fā)射飛船的重要性。)
  • 26、It's the largest known vortex inthe solar system.(它是太陽(yáng)系中已知的旋渦中最大的一個(gè)。)
  • 27、The Moon's spin and tilt are unique among other planetary bodies inthe solar system.(月球的自轉(zhuǎn)和傾斜在太陽(yáng)系的其他行星體中是獨(dú)一無(wú)二的。)
  • 28、The space probe, Voyager I, launched in 1977, had sent back spectacular images of Jupiter and Saturn and then soared out ofthe solar system on a one-way mission to the stars.(1977年發(fā)射的“旅行者一號(hào)”太空探測(cè)器發(fā)回了木星和土星的壯觀圖像,然后飛出太陽(yáng)系,執(zhí)行前往恒星的單程任務(wù)。)
  • 29、For more than 300 years, we thought Saturn was the only body inthe solar system with rings.(在300多年的時(shí)間里,我們一直認(rèn)為土星是太陽(yáng)系唯一擁有光環(huán)的天體。)

the solar system基本釋義