
the Stone Forest造句

the Stone Forest造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:20:19


the Stone Forest造句

  • 1、The tall rocks jut from the ground much like stalagmites or even like trees of stone, creating the illusion of a forest made of stone.(突出地面的巖石很似一個個石筍,甚至很像由石頭組成的樹林。不禁給人帶來一種置身石頭森林的錯覺。) haO86.com
  • 2、the Stone Forest one of the four most famous Chinese scenic spots is located in Lunan Yi Autonomous County to the southwest of Kunming city 90 kilometers away from the downtown area.(中國四大自然景觀之一的石林,位于昆明市西南部的路南彝族自治縣境內(nèi),距市區(qū)90公里。)
  • 3、Other off-grid residences include a stone stable in Spain that was converted into a family home and a forest dwelling overlooking the Pacific Ocean.(其他自給自足建筑包括西班牙的石制馬棚改造為家庭用房,以及俯瞰太平洋的森林住所。)
  • 4、The area is certainly engaging enough to warrant an overnight stay, andthe Stone Forest Guest House is now available for that purpose.(這個區(qū)域當然非常有魅力來保證待上一夜,石林賓館現(xiàn)在也可以用于此目的。)
  • 5、We took a side trip to a geological wonder calledthe Stone Forest, a natural forest of strangely shaped stone pinnacles.(途中我們順便參觀了地質(zhì)奇觀“石林”,那是由各種奇形怪狀的尖形石頭構成的天然地貌。)
  • 6、the Stone Forest, a series of karst outcrops east of Kunming.(石林,位于昆明東部,是喀斯特地貌所形成的景觀。)
  • 7、It is concluded that the high dip fracture systems and the aggressive allogenic water are two major control factors for the development ofthe Stone Forest to form dramatic and spectacular landscape.(質(zhì)純層厚的碳酸鹽巖高角度裂隙系統(tǒng)和蓋層所提供的強侵蝕性裂隙水是石林的形成過程中兩個極其重要的因素。)
  • 8、From the early morning until dusk, elderly women and girls, dressed in traditional blue and black hats and tunics, sell embroidered clothing on the bank ofthe Stone Forest Lake.(從早晨到黃昏,年長的婦女和女孩,身著傳統(tǒng)藍色和黑色帽子和束腰外衣,在石林湖堤岸上賣繡花衣。)
  • 9、Built back before the civil war, Grace Episcopal Church is a stone and stucco structure out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by forest and fields.(格雷斯國教教堂是在南北戰(zhàn)爭之前建造的,位于一個遠離人煙的地方,是巖石和灰泥結構,教堂的周圍環(huán)繞著森林和農(nóng)田。)
  • 10、The Shilin (Chinese for stone forest) is an impressive example of karst topography.(石林是巖溶地形的佼佼者。)
  • 11、After the opening of high-speed rail, from the "landscape of the world" Guilin to "the best in the world wonders,"the Stone Forest just over four hours, a fast line karst boutique tourist line.(高鐵開通后,從“山水甲天下”的桂林到“天下第一奇觀”的石林只需4個多小時,成為快行喀斯特精品旅游線。)
  • 12、And one of the most famous views is "the Stone Forest".(最著名的風景就是“石林”了。那可是真正的天然景觀。)
  • 13、This is a photo ofthe Stone Forest.(這是一張石頭森林的照片。)
  • 14、This too exactly this thesis purpose? Realizes the whole national buildings' renewal in Stone Forest.(這也正是本論文目的之所在——實現(xiàn)石林地區(qū)民族建筑的整體更新。)
  • 15、Kunming is pretty nice, I heardthe Stone Forest is beautiful. And what is there worth seeing in Guiyang?(昆明不錯,聽說石林很漂亮。貴陽有什么值得看的?)
  • 16、Shihmen repair nearly 100 meters inside the wood for the tourists out of the path along the cliff , there Kazuo when customs openedfu mo million risk , is the only way to enterthe Stone Forest.(石門內(nèi)修有近百米的木棧道供游客出入,有一夫當關,萬夫莫開之險,是進入石林的必經(jīng)之路。)
  • 17、The project is located in Jade Dragon Mountain National forest park and Longshui Lake National Water Recreation Areas, near Dazu Stone Carving, surrounded by big area of lake, green land, island, etc.(項目所在地的度假區(qū)位于玉龍山國家級森林公園和龍水湖國家級水利風景區(qū)內(nèi),臨近大足石刻,周邊現(xiàn)狀分布著大片湖泊,綠地,小島等。)
  • 18、Hmm, Kunming is pretty nice, I heardthe Stone Forest is beautiful.(昆明倒是不錯,聽說石林很漂亮。)
  • 19、The third soldier was the person who was informed. He walked into the forest and found that stone house.(第三個士兵是有頭腦的人,他走進森林里,找到了那座石頭房子。)
  • 20、At last ahshima returned to nature by turning into a beautiful stone statue and remained inthe Stone Forest forever.(最后,阿詩瑪回歸大自然--變成了一座美麗的石像,永駐石林。)
  • 21、The rocks resemble fossilized trees, giving the attraction the moniker of Stone Forest.(這些巖石就像變成化石的樹,因此該旅游勝地也被稱為石林。)
  • 22、Me, Dan and the Chinese boys atthe Stone Forest, near Kunming.(在石頭森林的我,丹和中國男孩,在昆明的附近。)
  • 23、The visit tothe Stone Forest was the first time it dawned on me that China's pristine pre-plastic age was about to end, abruptly.(石林之行讓我第一次認識到中國原始的前塑料時代即將嘎然而止。)
  • 24、How did you findthe Stone Forest?(你覺得石林怎么樣?)
  • 25、A closer look takes you tothe Stone Forest and the Dianchi Lake.(那里有引人入勝的石林和滇池。)
  • 26、the Stone Forest features typical karst landform, which was formed 2 million years ago.(石林是典型的喀斯特地貌,它的形成大約有二百萬年的歷史。)
  • 27、Yunnan's prime natural wonder is Shilin,the Stone Forest, an exposed bed of limestone spires weathered and split into intriguing clusters.(石林是云南的一大自然景觀。因暴露的石灰?guī)r經(jīng)長久的風吹雨打而形成千姿百態(tài)的形狀。)

the Stone Forest基本釋義
