
the same to造句

the same to造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:20:20


the same to造句

  • 1、Every day seemedthe same to him.(對他來說似乎天天都一樣。)
  • 2、This action keeps the By Category viewthe same to the user.(此動作使ByCategory視圖能對用戶保持不變。)
  • 3、Happy birthday!the same to you.(生日快樂!你也一樣。)
  • 4、the same to you! Happy New Year! Good idea! Let's go hiking tomorrow.(你也一樣!新年快樂!好主意!我們明天去遠(yuǎn)足吧。)
  • 5、And hath confirmedthe same to Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant.(他又將這約向雅各定為律例,向以色列定為永遠(yuǎn)的約。)
  • 6、B: Thank you!the same to you, Mary.(謝謝你!瑪麗,也祝你快樂。)
  • 7、"No," she replied. "I am the devil, but that's allthe same to me."(“不,”她回答說,“我是鬼,做鬼,我并不在乎?!?
  • 8、The situation isthe same to China.(中國的情況也是如此。)
  • 9、You can pay now or later; it's allthe same to me.(你現(xiàn)在付也好,以后付也好,對我來說都一樣。)
  • 10、All this music soundsthe same to me.(因為他聽不到音樂。)
  • 11、You can choose to consume the message or forwardthe same to the resource bundle.(您可以選擇使用消息,也可將這些消息轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)給資源bundle。) haO86.com
  • 12、The creature doesthe same to him in revenge.(這個生物也以同樣的方式來報復(fù)他。)
  • 13、It's allthe same to me whether we eat now or later.(我們現(xiàn)在吃也行,過一會兒吃也行—我無所謂。)
  • 14、Whether I've got a moustache or not it's allthe same to me.(我留不留胡子對自己來說都一樣。)
  • 15、Mr Ostler says machines may dothe same to English.(奧斯特勒表示,機器可能會給英語造成同樣的影響。)
  • 16、Every trip through the gate is preciselythe same to him.(每一次穿越的旅行對他來說是完全一樣的。)
  • 17、I later apologized to Jim Guy Tucker when I saw him and will dothe same to Webb one day.(后來,我見到吉姆·蓋伊·塔克時向他道了歉,將來有一天,我也會對韋布道歉。)
  • 18、They look preciselythe same to me.(依我看他們的長相一模一樣。)
  • 19、"It's allthe same to me," said the Flea.(“這對我來說都是一樣的?!碧檎f。)
  • 20、All crocodiles lookthe same to me.(我覺得所有的鱷魚看起來都一樣。)
  • 21、But now European companies are doingthe same to us.(而如今,歐洲公司正在向我們傾銷。)
  • 22、"Learn what you will," spoke the father, "it is allthe same to me."(“你想學(xué)什么就學(xué)什么吧。”父親說,“對我來說都一樣?!?
  • 23、The LORD will dothe same to all the kingdoms over there where you are going.(耶和華也必向你所要去的各國照樣行。)
  • 24、the same to you. Keep in touch.(你也一樣。保持聯(lián)系。)
  • 25、If it's allthe same to you, I'd rather work at home.(如果對你來說都一樣,我寧愿在家工作。)
  • 26、She might not even know it, but she'll be doingthe same to you!(她當(dāng)然不會知道你在想什么,不過她會跟你想的一樣。)

the same to基本釋義