top dogs造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:19:25


top dogs造句

  • 1、COBRA: Thetop dogs are in panic.(柯博拉:頂層處于恐慌中。)
  • 2、Top of the list came questions, followed by permissions and information giving. It seems these dogs are regular little Lassies.(調(diào)查清單的最前面是一些提問,其次是權(quán)限和一些信息。)
  • 3、Flea infestation was additionally among the top 10 diagnoses for dogs and cats.(跳蚤侵?jǐn)_是困擾貓狗的10大病癥之一。)
  • 4、Here are just a few more of thetop dogs and first movers he's uncovered recently.(這里只是一部分他發(fā)現(xiàn)的“優(yōu)勝者”和“先行者”頂狗和先行者。)
  • 5、People favor underdogs but follow onlytop dogs.(人都會同情弱者,可是只追隨贏家。)
  • 6、So you can see why David and his Rule Breakers teamwork around the clock to find companies that are bothtop dogs and first movers.(所以你可以明白為什么大衛(wèi)和他敢于打破常規(guī)的團(tuán)隊(duì)在晝夜不停地尋找)
  • 7、Some novel part-time jobs related to campus life are emerging in the job market, and it' s here where college students can betop dogs.(一些與校園生活相關(guān)的、新奇兼職工作正在就業(yè)市場悄然興起,而大學(xué)生們正好可以借此大展一番拳腳。)
  • 8、My family (dogs and goats included) and I would spend weekends exploring the almost surreally beautiful landscape, eating lunch in a grassy field located near the top.(周末的時(shí)候,家里人包括我的狗和山羊們和我都會出去游玩,去尋覓更美的風(fēng)景,而且可以在山頂?shù)牟莸厣舷硎芪覀冐S盛的午餐。)
  • 9、Just because parents are not top winning dogs or not in the national ranking, is it a bad pedigree?(僅僅因?yàn)楦改覆皇琼敿壍墓坊虿皇窃趪H級別中,這就是不良血統(tǒng)嗎?)
  • 10、Belgium is the top spot for dogs as they are treated as well as humans and considered family members. Dogs are allowed on trains and in shops and restaurants.(比利時(shí)則被評為最適合養(yǎng)寵物狗的國家。在比利時(shí),狗與人們的待遇一樣,被看成是家庭成員之一。火車、商店和一些餐廳等公共場所都允許狗進(jìn)入。)
  • 11、And now that they think they aretop dogs they are even worse.(現(xiàn)在他們覺得自己是頂級的強(qiáng)者,這就更糟了。)
  • 12、Skip the tinsel, or move it to a high spot on your tree where your cats and dogs can't get them, warns. Put fragile ornaments at the tip-top of your tree, too, in case jumpy pets try to get to them.(不要用發(fā)光的裝飾品,或?qū)⑵浞诺侥慵业男∝埿」穳虿恢氖フQ樹的高處,還要把易碎的裝飾品放置到圣誕樹的上部,以防你家的小寵物會試圖跳起來去觸碰它們。)
  • 13、"It's been unusual for us to accept that they [City] aretop dogs in terms of media attention but, you know, sometimes you have a noisy neighbour and you have to live with it," Ferguson said.(弗格森說:“對我們來說,接受他們(曼徹斯特城隊(duì))成為媒體的主角是不尋常的,但你知道,有時(shí)你就是有一個吵鬧的鄰居,你還必須就這樣繼續(xù)與他為鄰?!?
  • 14、COBRA: thetop dogs are in panic. The middle management is not in panic because they haven't realized what is going on on the planet.(柯博拉:頂層處于恐慌中。中層管理人員沒有處在恐慌中,因?yàn)樗麄儧]有意識到星球上正在發(fā)生著什么。)
  • 15、"For us it's unusual to accept that they'retop dogs in terms of media attention," he said.(“對我們來說接受他們是最受媒體關(guān)注的球隊(duì)很難,”他說。)
  • 16、People favor underdogs but follow onlytop dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway.(人們同情弱者,卻只追隨強(qiáng)者,但還是要為幾個弱者而仗義。)
  • 17、"I don't think a lot of athletes realize how much people are watching them," Patterson said. "people look at us as thetop dogs on campus."(“我覺得很多運(yùn)動員并沒有認(rèn)識到自己多么受關(guān)注,”Patterson說,“人們把我們當(dāng)成校園的尖子。”) (好工具h(yuǎn)
  • 18、What dogs do know, said Professor Coren, is their position within their social group, whether they are at the top or the bottom of their pack.(Coren教授說,狗知道的是自己在他們社會群體中的地位,他在狗群中是位高還是位低。)
  • 19、website for which reprints of ‘dogs playing poker’ is one of its top sellers.(這樣人們就不用再去allposters.com③上購買印刷品了—該網(wǎng)站最暢銷的是油畫《狗玩撲克牌》④的復(fù)制品。)
  • 20、The inconvenience of continual pestering, especially for Columbia’s “top dogs, ” as Foner describes them, often trickles down to professors’ families.(對于那些如福納教授所說的“學(xué)校的學(xué)術(shù)大牛們”來說,這種持續(xù)的煩擾所帶來的不便常常會侵入到家門口。)
  • 21、People faver underdogs but follow onlytop dogs.(人們喜歡無名小卒,卻只追隨大人物。)
  • 22、All this takes money and energy but thentop dogs usually have large quantities of both of those, too.(這些都需要耗費(fèi)金錢和精力,但擁有權(quán)勢的家伙們通常在這兩方面都取之不竭。)

top dogs基本釋義
