
tower bridge造句

tower bridge造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:19:17


tower bridge造句

  • 1、It is about 2,000 years old, and it is famous for Big Ben, Buckingham Palace andtower bridge.(它大約有2000年的歷史,以大本鐘、白金漢宮和塔橋而聞名。)
  • 2、tower bridge and Bridge of London are very close together.(塔橋和倫敦橋間隔很近。)
  • 3、Claire: Hey, Mom, I can seetower bridge. It's open!(克萊爾:嘿,媽媽,我能看見塔橋。它是開著的!)
  • 4、tower bridge is the first bridge you have to pass if you go to London from the sea.(如果你從海上去倫敦,塔橋是你必須經(jīng)過的第一座橋。)
  • 5、Thetower bridge was set up over the River Thames in London in 1894 and is one of the finest and most famous bridges in the world.(倫敦塔橋于1894年建在倫敦泰晤士河上,是世界上最好、最著名的橋梁之一。)
  • 6、You'll seetower bridge.(你將會看到塔橋。)
  • 7、It, s namedtower bridge of London.(它被命名為倫敦塔橋。)
  • 8、tower bridge (England)(塔橋(英格蘭))
  • 9、Thetower bridge is built in eight years.(塔橋用了8年才得以完工。)
  • 10、tower bridge was completed in 1894, after 8 years of construction.(經(jīng)過了8年的施工,倫敦塔橋終于在1894年竣工。)
  • 11、This istower bridge, the most striking of all London Bridges.(這就是塔橋,倫敦所有的橋中最具魅力的一座。)
  • 12、In 1894, thetower bridge was built in London.(1894年,塔橋在倫敦建成了。)
  • 13、Thetower bridge was first painted chocolate brown.(塔橋最初被漆成巧克力色。)
  • 14、Thetower bridge stands just on the south side of the Tower of London.(倫敦塔橋就在倫敦塔的南邊。)
  • 15、This istower bridge, the most striking of all London bridges.(這是塔橋,是倫敦最有特色的大橋。)
  • 16、The Tower of London has a much longer history than thetower bridge.(倫敦塔的歷史比塔橋要長得多。) Hao86.com
  • 17、tower bridge is a famous bridge over the River Thames in London.(塔橋是橫跨倫敦泰晤士河的一座著名的橋。)
  • 18、Get off the boat attower bridge.(在塔橋下船。)
  • 19、I want to go three places were London'stower bridge.(三個我最想要去的地方分別是英國倫敦的塔橋。)
  • 20、A daredevil parachutist jumped from the top oftower bridge today.(一位大膽魯莽的跳傘者今天從倫敦塔橋的橋頂跳了下去。)
  • 21、tower bridge is the most striking of all London Bridges.(塔橋是倫敦最有特色的大橋。)
  • 22、They also want to visit the London Eye andtower bridge.(他們還想去參觀倫敦眼和塔橋。)
  • 23、I saw Big Ben andtower bridge.(我見到了大本鐘和塔橋。)
  • 24、In fact, the Tower of London was built a thousand years ago, while thetower bridge only has a history of over one hundred years.(事實上,倫敦塔是在一千年前建造的,而塔橋只有一百多年的歷史。)
  • 25、To me, the opentower bridge is this kind of sceneries.(對我來說,打開的塔橋就是其中一種。)
  • 26、tower bridge is one of the famous land marks in London and one of the most beautiful in the world.(塔橋是倫敦最有名的地標之一,也是世界上最美麗的地標之一。)
  • 27、I want to go to London'stower bridge.(我想要去英國倫敦的塔橋。)

tower bridge基本釋義

tower bridge

英 [?tau? brid?] 美 [?ta?? br?d?] 