tip off造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:19:45


tip off造句

  • 1、Workers are most likely to inform peers of uncomfortable situations such as undone zippers or bad breath and least likely totip off their superiors, according to research released on Thursday.(本周四公布的一項顯示,職場人士最有可能提醒同事如拉鏈“沒關(guān)門”或口臭等難堪事,但卻很少提醒此類“糗事”。)
  • 2、What items in a guy's apartment tip you off that he's a bachelor?(在男人的房間里里是什么向你泄露了他們是單身漢呢?)
  • 3、On the last go, on the last move, my finger blasted off this tiny crimper, and I ripped my entire finger-tip-callous off.(在最后一步,我的手指從巖壁上小小的crimp點(diǎn)上脫落,指尖厚厚的硬繭全飛了。)
  • 4、His scheme, involving several international crime syndicates and transactions worth millions of dollars, was uncovered in "Operation Mali" and began with a tip-off about a man named Alan Jones.[9](根據(jù)一個名叫AlanJones的人提供的情報,實(shí)施的“馬里行動計劃”揭露了他的陰謀策劃:它涉及幾個大型國際犯罪團(tuán)伙,交易金額價值數(shù)百萬美元。)
  • 5、Just don't forget to carefully trim thetip off each claw before applying the nail cap.(只是不要忘記仔細(xì)修剪爪通風(fēng)報信每個申請前釘帽。)
  • 6、Only the lyrics to the songs provide a tip-off this is not your classic staging of Mamma Mia!(只有歌詞提示你這不是經(jīng)典的舞臺劇媽媽咪呀!) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 7、Looks can be deceiving, but it got me to wondering if there are certain nuances of a guy's place thattip off that he's single.(眼睛是可能被欺騙的,但這使我好奇起來:是否在男生們住的地方真有一些細(xì)微的差別來泄露他們是否單身呢?)
  • 8、The man was arrested at his home after a tip-off to police from a member of the public.(在警方收到一名平民的舉報之后,這名男子在家被捕了。)
  • 9、The 26th Asian Championship willtip off in China's Wuhan on September 15th.(第26屆亞錦賽將于9月15日在中國武漢揭幕。)
  • 10、After reading this log, is not there a lot of experience, quickly comment about it. The owner is looking forward to Oh!tip off.(看完此日志,是不是也有很多感受,趕快點(diǎn)評一下吧。主人很期待哦!關(guān)閉提示。)
  • 11、He was arrested a few streets away from his house after police received a tip-off as to his whereabouts.(接到有關(guān)其行蹤的密告后,警方在距其房屋幾條街遠(yuǎn)的地方將其抓獲。)
  • 12、For example, the most successful trial lawyers are those who can look at a jury and a judge and pick up little cues thattip off what people are thinking.(例如,大多數(shù)出庭辯護(hù)的律師都懂得觀察陪審團(tuán)和法官(的表情),并找出能夠揭示人們內(nèi)心所想的一些細(xì)小的線索。)
  • 13、Tip: Shake off shoulds and own your life.(提示:把“應(yīng)該”從自己的生活中甩掉。)
  • 14、He said a number of false leads had been generated over the years, including a 2002 tip-off that the comic was in a safety deposit box in Tennessee.(他說近幾年有很多錯誤的引導(dǎo)包括2002年一個舉報說該漫畫被存放在田納西的一個保險箱里。)
  • 15、The heavy reliance on message passing and the notion that Self applications are always running should tip you off that late binding is a central theme in Self.(從Self對消息傳送的嚴(yán)重依賴以及Self應(yīng)用程序一直運(yùn)行這一概念可以看出:延遲綁定是Self的中心課題。)
  • 16、A quick tutorial teaches netizens what to look in the image overload, so that they cantip off scientists about possible solar storms forming.(通過快速指南,網(wǎng)民知道要在眾多圖像中尋找什么東西,從而他們能夠向科學(xué)家透露可能正在形成的太陽風(fēng)暴。)
  • 17、But don't expect anyone to tip you off-you have to look around for yourself.(但不要指望別人向你泄露天機(jī)——你需要自己去發(fā)現(xiàn)。)
  • 18、Photo Tip: Turn off your flash and set your camera to manual mode.(照片說明:關(guān)閉閃光燈,將相機(jī)設(shè)為手動模式。)
  • 19、And once you're on the boss's good side, it won't be long before he or she willtip off higher management about your talent and good attitude.(一旦你的上司對你有好的認(rèn)同感,不久后他(她)將會對你的才能與良好態(tài)度提供更高的管理職位。)
  • 20、Arrogant behavior is a tip-off that the person is more likely to be deceptive (though not all arrogant people lie.)(傲慢的行為透露了這個人比較可能騙人(當(dāng)然不是每個傲慢的人都會騙人。))
  • 21、What else about the letters that you heard might tip you off that they're pseudonymous? Yes sir.(信里還有哪些地方,讓你們覺得它們是冒名寫成的?好的,先生。)
  • 22、Did Nancy want him totip off the irs confidentially?(南希是否希望他秘密地向國內(nèi)稅收局通個風(fēng)?)
  • 23、The man was arrested after an anonymous tip-off.(有人匿名舉報后,那個人被抓了起來。)
  • 24、Tip 3: Have customers sign off on all input and output forms.(技巧3:讓客戶確認(rèn)所有的輸入輸出表單。)
  • 25、He was living with a friend when, acting on a tip-off, the police arrested him.(警察逮捕他時,他正和一個朋友住在一起,執(zhí)行一項密報。)
  • 26、A tip-off led to the basement of a house recently vacated by Mr Rodenstock and the discovery of piles of blank labels, corks and other counterfeiter's paraphernalia.(由于走露風(fēng)聲,羅德斯托克先生最近搬離了一棟住宅的地下室,人們在那里發(fā)現(xiàn)了成捆的標(biāo)簽,瓶塞和其它造假工具。)

tip off基本釋義

tip off

英 [tip ?f] 美 [t?p ?f] 
事先給警告(或暗示); 告密