
to begin with造句

to begin with造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:19:39


to begin with造句

  • 1、to begin with, cars contribute to air pollution.(首先,汽車加劇了空氣污染。)
  • 2、to begin with, as the saying goes, the best bosses understand the art of delegation.(首先,正如俗話所說,最好的老板懂得授權(quán)的藝術(shù)。)
  • 3、But as with any study of this kind, it was unclear if that was the cause—or if breakfast-skippers were just more likely to be overweightto begin with.(但是,就像任何這類研究一樣,原因尚未可知——即,還不清楚不吃早餐是否能導(dǎo)致他們更容易超重。)
  • 4、to begin with, only by taking actions can we find the best way to solve those problems we are facing, but as a bystander, we can learn nothing meaningful.(首先,只有采取行動(dòng),我們才能找到解決這些問題的最好方法,但作為旁觀者,我們可以學(xué)到任何有意義的東西。)
  • 5、Frankly, I should never have done thatto begin with.(坦白說,我開始,就不該那么做。)
  • 6、We'll go slowlyto begin with.(我們開始時(shí)會(huì)慢慢來的。)
  • 7、These are likely to be modest steps,to begin with.(所有這些可能只是開始時(shí)候邁出的一小步。) Hao86.com
  • 8、Ordinary superconductivity is weirdto begin with.(普通超導(dǎo)現(xiàn)象的出現(xiàn)就是奇異的。)
  • 9、to begin with, they will have to find out whether life has ever existed on the planet of Mars in the past.(首先,他們必須搞清楚火星上是否曾經(jīng)存在過生命。)
  • 10、If you are hoping to form a new relationship tread carefully and slowlyto begin with.(如果你希望建立一種新的關(guān)系,開始時(shí)就要小心緩慢行事。)
  • 11、to begin with, please detail your complaint in writing to: The Senior Manager, Card Services, Essex House, Southchurch Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, ESSEX SM99 4PL.(首先,請(qǐng)將您的詳細(xì)投訴以書面形式寄到:南海岸,南丘奇大街,埃塞克斯大廈,收件人為信用卡服務(wù)部高級(jí)經(jīng)理,郵編為EssexSM994PL。)
  • 12、He spoke wellto begin with, but then started rambling and repeating himself.(開始他說得很好,但是后來開始閑扯,一句話翻來覆去地講。)
  • 13、"What do scientists you've spoken with think about that?"—"Well,to begin with, they doubt it's going to work."(“和你交談過的科學(xué)家們對(duì)此怎么看?”——“噢,首先,他們懷疑這是否會(huì)奏效?!?
  • 14、to begin with, how do we create fictional characters?(首先,我們?nèi)绾蝿?chuàng)造虛構(gòu)的人物?)
  • 15、to begin with he was Prince Charming.(剛開始他就像是白馬王子。)
  • 16、to begin with, we must consider the problem all sidedly.(首先,我們必須全面考慮問題。)
  • 17、to begin with, you must work hard at your lessons and be fully prepared before the exam. Without sufficient preparation, you can hardly expect to answer all the questions correctly.(首先,你必須努力學(xué)習(xí)功課,并在考試前做好充分的準(zhǔn)備。沒有充分的準(zhǔn)備,很難正確回答所有的問題。)
  • 18、If you do, they weren't really thereto begin with.(如果是的話,他們不是從這里才真正的開始。)
  • 19、to begin with, they may ask themselves whether they would like their child to go to a single-sex school or a co-educational school.(首先,他們可能會(huì)問自己,他們想讓自己的孩子上一所單性別學(xué)校還是男女同校的學(xué)校。)
  • 20、The price is "richto begin with," he said.(價(jià)格是財(cái)富的開始。)
  • 21、First of all, we needto begin with what to govern.(首先,我們要看要治理的是什么。)
  • 22、The only thing neighbors have in common,to begin with, is proximity and unless something more develops that isn't reason enough to be best friends.(首先,鄰居間唯一的共同點(diǎn)就是距離近,除非有進(jìn)一步的發(fā)展,否則不足以成為最好的朋友。)
  • 23、to begin with, there is an expression lone wolf.(首先,有一個(gè)短語——獨(dú)狼。)
  • 24、I found it tiringto begin with but I soon got used to it.(我起初覺得很累,但不久便適應(yīng)了。)
  • 25、So, Chinato begin with, and India.(首先是中國,,然后是印度。)
  • 26、"to begin with," said the Cat, "a dog's not mad."(“首先,”貓說,“狗是不瘋的?!?
  • 27、to begin with, the critics exaggerate their case.(首先,評(píng)論家們過分渲染了現(xiàn)在的狀況。)
  • 28、Well,to begin with, my story is interesting.(好吧,我來解釋一下,嗯,首先,因?yàn)槲业墓适潞苡腥ぁ?
  • 29、It was greatto begin with but now it's difficult.(這起初很順利,但現(xiàn)在難了。)

to begin with基本釋義

to begin with

英 [tu: bi?ɡin wie] 美 [tu ?beɡ?n w?e] 
