to death造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:19:38


to death造句

  • 1、Somebody had battered herto death.(有人把她打死了。)
  • 2、Several people were crushedto death in the accident.(好幾個人在事故中壓死了。)
  • 3、Doctors become inuredto death.(醫(yī)生們對死亡變得習(xí)以為常。)
  • 4、Police believe the killer punched herto death with his bare hands.(警方認(rèn)為兇手是徒手擊她至死的。)
  • 5、Ten people burnedto death in the hotel fire.(旅館火災(zāi)中有十人被燒死。)
  • 6、He either suffocated, or frozeto death.(他要么窒息而死,要么凍死了。)
  • 7、He was stabbedto death by his vengeful wife.(他被他的一心復(fù)仇的妻子用刀捅死了。)
  • 8、Dawson takes revenge on the man by knifing himto death.(道森向那人報仇,用刀砍死了他。)
  • 9、I'd never do that. I'd be frightenedto death.(我絕不會干。我會嚇?biāo)赖摹?
  • 10、A young man was found beatento death last night.(昨天夜里有人發(fā)現(xiàn)一名小伙子被打死了。)
  • 11、A karate expert battered a manto death.(一位空手道高手將一名男子猛擊致死。)
  • 12、An elderly man was found beatento death.(有人發(fā)現(xiàn)一名老翁被打死了。)
  • 13、She almost chokedto death in the thick fumes.(她幾乎被濃煙嗆死。)
  • 14、He was stabbedto death in a racist attack.(他遭到種族主義者的襲擊,被刺死了。)
  • 15、I'm sickto death of your endless criticism.(你這無休止的指責(zé)真讓我煩死了。)
  • 16、I'm sickto death of all of you!(你們?nèi)紵┧廊肆耍?
  • 17、He was sentencedto death by electrocution.(他被判電刑處死。)
  • 18、The animals were left to starveto death.(那些動物只能等著餓死。)
  • 19、He seems hell-bent on drinking himselfto death.(他一個勁地喝酒,似乎命都不要了。)
  • 20、She was savagedto death by a bear.(她遭熊襲擊而喪命。)
  • 21、That joke's been doneto death.(這個笑話都聽膩了。)
  • 22、Two men frozeto death on the mountain.(兩個男子在山上凍死了。)
  • 23、He was trampledto death by a runaway horse.(他被一匹脫韁的馬踩死了。)
  • 24、They found him half naked and bleedingto death.(他們發(fā)現(xiàn)他身體半裸,流著血,快不行了。)
  • 25、The prisoner will be putto death at dawn.(囚犯將在黎明時被處死。)
  • 26、Some of the regicides were sentencedto death.(一些弒君者被判了死刑。)
  • 27、She slowly bledto death.(她慢慢地失血死去。)
  • 28、He'd come closeto death.(他曾與死神擦肩而過。)
  • 29、She knew she was closeto death.(她知道自己已瀕臨死亡。)

to death基本釋義

to death

英 [tu: deθ] 美 [tu d?θ] 
到極點; 非常; 極