
together with造句

together with造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:19:30


together with造句

  • 1、Then they plaster timbertogether with mud.(接著,他們用泥土把木料粘貼在一起。)
  • 2、Maybe you should work it outtogether with your parents.(也許你應(yīng)該和你的父母一起解決。)
  • 3、Watson,together with Francis Crick, discovered the structure of DNA, the genetic information carrier of all living organisms.(沃森和弗朗西斯·克里克發(fā)現(xiàn)了DNA的結(jié)構(gòu),這是所有生物的遺傳信息載體。)
  • 4、together with predation, it is the most important density-dependent factor in regulating population growth.(在調(diào)節(jié)種群增長(zhǎng)方面,它與捕食一起是最重要的密度制約因子。)
  • 5、Let's stick themtogether with glue.(咱們用膠水把它們粘在一起吧。)
  • 6、We tied his handstogether with rope.(我們用繩子把他的手綁在一起。)
  • 7、I switched to traditional medicine and all the hives disappeared,together with my itching.(我轉(zhuǎn)而服用傳統(tǒng)藥物,我的蕁麻疹和瘙癢都消失了。)
  • 8、You'd better staytogether with your classmates.(你最好和你的同學(xué)待在一起。)
  • 9、I am sending you the book,together with all the available comments on it.(我把這本書連同所有的評(píng)論寄給你。)
  • 10、They were buried in huge tombstogether with treasure and necessities.(他們與珍寶和必需品一起被埋葬在巨大的墳?zāi)估铩? haO86.com
  • 11、I was pushedtogether with the rest of the rubbish.(我和剩余的垃圾被推到一起。)
  • 12、Last week , we held a Christmas partytogether with foreign students to experience western cultures, which was very unforgettable.(上周我們和外國學(xué)生一起舉行了圣誕派對(duì)以體驗(yàn)西方文化,這非常讓人難忘。)
  • 13、This setting only workstogether with an enterprise portal.(此設(shè)置僅與企業(yè)門戶一起運(yùn)作。)
  • 14、People put leftover tea into boiled watertogether with eggs to create "tea egg".(人們把吃剩的茶和雞蛋一起放入開水中,就成了“茶葉蛋”。)
  • 15、Representatives of each of these countries attended the meeting in Geneva,together with Egypt, Nigeria, and Niger.(這些國家的代表與埃及、尼日利亞和尼日爾一起出席了在日內(nèi)瓦舉行的會(huì)議。)
  • 16、He drank some blend of whiskey and winetogether with some biscuits.(他就著餅干喝了些威士忌和葡萄酒的混合物。)
  • 17、Next time you have a headache, gettogether with a group of Mends, watch a funny movie, and laugh.(下次你頭痛的時(shí)候,和一群好朋友聚在一起,看一部搞笑的電影,開懷大笑。)
  • 18、The final listtogether with an appendix would be sent to the manager for his approval.(最終名單連同一份附錄將被送到經(jīng)理處等待審核。)
  • 19、The butter and flour are rubbedtogether with the fingertips.(黃油和面粉被指尖給搓在一起。)
  • 20、I want to wash clothestogether with you.(我想和你一起洗衣服。)
  • 21、Our planet Earth,together with other planets, revolve around our Sun in what is called our Solar system.(我們的行星地球,連同其他行星,圍繞我們的太陽旋轉(zhuǎn),這就是我們的太陽系。)
  • 22、March livedtogether with their four daughters.(馬奇和他們的四個(gè)女兒住在一起。)
  • 23、Transfer to a deeper pot, and add another cup of coconut milktogether with the wax gourd.(移至較深的鍋中,加入另一杯椰奶和冬瓜。)
  • 24、These finds,together with later finds, comprise all that experts know about Minoan culture.(這些發(fā)現(xiàn),連同之后的發(fā)現(xiàn),是專家對(duì)米諾斯文化的全部了解。)
  • 25、You send us details of your products and services,together with references from other companies, and then we'll contact you.(你寄給我們你的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)細(xì)節(jié),以及其他公司的推薦信,然后我們會(huì)聯(lián)系你。)
  • 26、Doing some houseworktogether with her is another good way for you two to know each other better.(和她一起做家務(wù)是另一種更好地了解彼此的好方法。)
  • 27、I really want to eat chicken wingstogether with you!(我很想和你一起吃雞翅!)

together with基本釋義

together with

英 [t??ɡee? wie] 美 [t??ɡ?e? w?e] 
同 ... 一起; 連同