
To tell you the truth造句

To tell you the truth造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:19:35


To tell you the truth造句

  • 1、To tell you the truth, we don't want to go anywhere.(說實話,我們哪兒也不想去。)
  • 2、The phrase "To tell you the truth" and "actually" were also unnerving to many people.(此外,"實話告訴你吧"、"實際上"這兩個表達(dá)也讓很多人感到惱火。)
  • 3、But I want to get better pay,To tell you the truth.(不過,說實話,我想獲得更優(yōu)厚的報酬。)
  • 4、To tell you the truth, Mr. Scott, I am tired of seeing your children, day after day, destroy the branches of every one of my apple trees.(實話告訴你,斯科特先生,我厭倦了看到你的孩子們?nèi)諒?fù)一日地破壞我每棵蘋果樹的樹枝。)
  • 5、To tell you the truth, I just like walking with your mom.(跟你說吧,我喜歡和你媽媽一塊散步的感覺。)
  • 6、"To tell you the truth", said the centipede, "I do not manage them at all.(“說實話,”蜈蚣說,“我根本就不打理它們?!?
  • 7、To tell you the truth, I was afraid to see him.(跟你說實話,我怕見到他。)
  • 8、To tell you the truth, I consider it lost.(老實說,我認(rèn)為這筆錢已經(jīng)沒指望了。)
  • 9、To tell you the truth, fame isn't what it's all cracked up to be.(說實話,名聲并不全是吹出來的。)
  • 10、She shouted, "To tell you the truth, I turned it over last week.(她大喊到:"你也太懶了吧!實話告訴你吧,我上周就已經(jīng)翻過來鋪了。")
  • 11、Scalia: Some of the Grimm's fairy tales are quite grim,To tell you the truth.(史格里亞:有些格林童話挺可怕,向你道出現(xiàn)實。)
  • 12、Ladies, we love you - enoughTo tell you the truth.(女士們,我們愛你——愛到該告訴你們真相了。)
  • 13、Carol:To tell you the truth, Steven, I'm not really happy at work right now.(卡羅:說句實話,史蒂文,我現(xiàn)在工作不開心。)
  • 14、To tell you the truth I regretted that night of the party but I was happy you didn't give up.(實際上對于那個晚會(我拒絕你的邀請)我很后悔,但是也非常高興看到你的堅持。)
  • 15、To tell you the truth, I think your father was right to criticize you.(老實說,我認(rèn)為你父親批評你批評得對。)
  • 16、ButTo tell you the truth, those are all parts of love. Not love itself.(但說實在話,這些都是愛的組成部分,不是愛的本身。)
  • 17、To tell you the truth, I’m more worried about the IPO market.(事實上,我更擔(dān)心IPO市場.)
  • 18、She laughed out loud and said, "To tell you the truth?"(她大笑著說:“說實話嗎?”)
  • 19、BUTCHER:To tell you the truth, Mrs. Bird, I don't like chicken either!(肉商:說老實話,伯德夫人,我也不喜歡雞。)
  • 20、To tell you the truth, your English needs improving.(說實話,你的英語需要改進(jìn)。)
  • 21、To tell you the truth, it was a disaster.(說實話,那是一場災(zāi)難。)
  • 22、But I haveTo tell you the truth - that's not love.(但我可以把實話告訴你-那不是愛。) Hao86.com
  • 23、To tell you the truth, I'll be glad to get home.(說實話,能回家我會很高興。)

To tell you the truth基本釋義