
to the letter造句

to the letter造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:19:33


to the letter造句

  • 1、For example, the English words "rip" and "lip" differ by a single phoneme, one correspondingto the letter "r" and the otherto the letter "l."(以英語(yǔ)單詞中的“rip”和“l(fā)ip”為例,兩者僅一個(gè)音素之差,即前者和字母“r”相關(guān),后者和字母“l(fā)”相關(guān)。)
  • 2、I've given you an outlineto the letter of Hebrews.(我已經(jīng)給了你們《希伯來(lái)書(shū)》的提綱。)
  • 3、And we should certainly carry out these plansto the letter.(并且我們一定要嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行這些計(jì)劃。)
  • 4、The UWSA did not respondto the letter immediately.(佤聯(lián)軍對(duì)該信并未立即作出回應(yīng)。)
  • 5、But some of the apparent signatories later denied putting their nameto the letter.(但是,一些表面上簽字的議員后來(lái)否認(rèn)在信上簽自己的名字。)
  • 6、They insist on stickingto the letter of the law.(他們堅(jiān)持嚴(yán)守法律的字面意義。)
  • 7、I put a lighted matchto the letter and watched it burn.(我劃了根火柴點(diǎn)著了那封信,然后看著它燃燒。)
  • 8、When it comesto the letter grade on your test or homework, you might notice that there is no letter. Have you ever thought about why that is so?(當(dāng)涉及到你的考試或家庭作業(yè)的字母分?jǐn)?shù)時(shí),你可能會(huì)注意到?jīng)]有字母。你想過(guò)為什么會(huì)這樣嗎?)
  • 9、The White House argued that Arizona's laws conflicted with its enforcement priorities, even if state laws complied with federal statutesto the letter.(白宮認(rèn)為,亞利桑那州的法律與執(zhí)法優(yōu)先性相沖突,盡管該州法律嚴(yán)格遵守聯(lián)邦法規(guī)。)
  • 10、In general, though, I wonder if sun-while abidingto the letter of the law-isn't violating the spirit of the law (of open source and community).(總之,我想知道Sun—雖然一直將法律放在首位—是否沒(méi)有違反法律精神(開(kāi)放源碼和社區(qū)方面)。)
  • 11、RIM was right to respondto the letter, but so wrong in it its handling of it.(回應(yīng)信件是對(duì)的,不過(guò)RIM采取的處理方式并不恰當(dāng)。)
  • 12、Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat respondedto the letter on Israel Radio.(巴勒斯坦首席談判代表埃雷卡特(SaebErekat)在以色列電臺(tái)上對(duì)這封信作出了反應(yīng)。)
  • 13、But Loesser was a seasoned professional and he kept his emotions in check as he followed procedureto the letter.(但是Loesser畢竟是一個(gè)老練的專(zhuān)家,他控制著情緒,嚴(yán)格的按照流程走。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 14、Add hug and kiss symbols if you're closeto the letter recipient, as this adds to the affectionate sincerity behind the letter.(如果你跟收信人很親近的話(huà),可以注上擁抱,親吻之類(lèi)的符號(hào),這樣可以使這封信洋溢著充滿(mǎn)感情的真誠(chéng)。)
  • 15、We are going to execute our campaign planto the letter.(我們將嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行我們的競(jìng)選方案。)
  • 16、Ask your advisors. If the employee has done something legally or egregiously morally wrong, you can stickto the letter of the law only.(如果有人做了法律上或道德上對(duì)公司不利的事情,你可以只考慮法律條文。)
  • 17、I'm writing in responseto the letter you wrote to me yesterday.(昨天收到你的來(lái)信,寫(xiě)此信作為回復(fù)。)
  • 18、When he cameto the letter that mom wanted him to write, she would raise her eyes slightly.(當(dāng)念到母親想讓他寫(xiě)下的字母時(shí),母親輕輕地抬起眼睛以示意。)
  • 19、This order is to be obeyedto the letter.(一定要不折不扣地服從這項(xiàng)命令。)
  • 20、Case sensitive : search is performed with respectto the letter-case of the words (default is to ignore letter-case)(區(qū)分大小寫(xiě):對(duì)單詞的字母大小寫(xiě)進(jìn)行搜索(默認(rèn)是忽略字母大?。?
  • 21、I followed your instructionsto the letter.(我是嚴(yán)格遵照你的指示辦的。)
  • 22、Which brings us backto the letter he sent his investors.(這讓我們想起了他給投資者寫(xiě)的那封信。)
  • 23、We didn't follow itto the letter because we wanted to avoid the risk of "process shock" to the project team through too many new steps.(我們沒(méi)有完全的照搬RUP的內(nèi)容,因?yàn)槲覀兿氡苊鈱?duì)于項(xiàng)目團(tuán)隊(duì)通過(guò)太多新的步驟所帶來(lái)的“過(guò)程工作”的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。)
  • 24、I have no choice but to bother you to correct my mistakes in the material attachedto the letter.(除了打擾你,讓你幫我修改材料中的錯(cuò)誤之外我別無(wú)選擇了,材料附在信里。)
  • 25、A If you want to convert a number like 65to the letter a, you just have tell the computer "cast that int to a char."(如果你要把一個(gè)像65這樣的數(shù)字轉(zhuǎn)換為字母,你只需要告訴計(jì)算機(jī)“把那個(gè)int型數(shù)據(jù)轉(zhuǎn)換成char型處理?!?

to the letter基本釋義

to the letter

英 [tu: e? ?let?] 美 [tu ei ?l?t?] 

嚴(yán)格地,一絲不茍地; 原原本本的; 不折不扣