
put through造句

put through造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:27:50


put through造句

  • 1、The operator will put you through.(接線員將為你接通電話。)
  • 2、I was a management trainee and wasput through an old-fashioned training course. I worked in the shops on Saturdays and the factory outside London for a few months.(當(dāng)時,我是他們的管理培訓(xùn)生,被安排參加一個老派的培訓(xùn)課程,周六到各家店鋪和倫敦城外的工廠工作。)
  • 3、As the water comes from steam released during the cooking process it is already clean, but Mr Seal said it will beput through an additional purification process before being reused.(因為這些水分來自烹制過程中散發(fā)的水蒸氣,所以已經(jīng)是清潔的。但是希爾先生表示在重新利用前,這些水分還將經(jīng)過額外的凈化處理。)
  • 4、The task must beput through before dark.(這任務(wù)必須在天黑前完成。)
  • 5、It has been prepared and diluted many times, andput through a series of tests before it is ready to use.(它經(jīng)過準(zhǔn)備,多次稀釋和一系列的測試,最終投入使用。)
  • 6、The call has beenput through.(電話打通了。)
  • 7、Each sample isput through the machine in order to separate seven different chemical compounds called phthalates.(每個樣本都會放在這臺機(jī)器里,來分離出七種稱作酞酸鹽的不同化合物。)
  • 8、Twice a week they had toput through hotel linen, - the sheets, pillow-slips, spreads, table- cloths, and napkins.(他們每周要洗兩次臥室用品:床單、枕頭套、床罩、桌布和餐巾。)
  • 9、Many of the singers were plucked from local choirs in poor townships andput through intensive training at the University of Cape Town’s opera school.(當(dāng)時他們從蕭條城鎮(zhèn)的唱詩班中竭力選拔了許多演員并送往開普敦大學(xué)歌劇學(xué)院進(jìn)行大強(qiáng)度訓(xùn)練。)
  • 10、She had beenput through events that were many times worse than anything I had experienced.(她已經(jīng)接受那些比我們之前經(jīng)歷的還要糟糕的事情。)
  • 11、Then the offspring of the four groups, which were all raised in comfortable surroundings, wereput through the same test.(而后,研究人員又對飼養(yǎng)于舒適環(huán)境中、四組雞的幼雛進(jìn)行了相同的測試。)
  • 12、However, the model firmput through its paces by the “Doing Business” team—a ceramic-pot producer with turnover equal to 1, 050 times GDP per head—is too big to qualify.(然而,目前該試點企業(yè)由于其運行商業(yè)團(tuán)隊(陶瓷罐生產(chǎn)商,其營業(yè)額高達(dá)人均GDP的1050倍)規(guī)模過大而無法獲準(zhǔn)資格。)
  • 13、Derek Lam, Peter Som, and Lazaro Hernandez have all beenput through their paces in Kors' studio before launching flourishing brands of their own.(德里克·林、彼得·桑和樂扎羅·赫南德斯在推出自己興旺的品牌之前都曾在柯爾的工作室受訓(xùn)。)
  • 14、Both groups were thenput through the Cyperball game and the physical pain test.(然后兩組都進(jìn)行機(jī)器橄欖球游戲和生理疼痛測試。)
  • 15、My new car wasput through the mill.(我的新車經(jīng)過了檢驗。)
  • 16、The singer is reported to have angered fans soon after she began in her role as guest judge, by going against the crowd and refusing toput through a singer called Katie when she had the casting vote.(據(jù)報道這位歌手進(jìn)入評委角色后就和觀眾群對著干,并在她掌握著決定性的一票時拒絕讓一位名叫凱蒂的參賽者通關(guān)。)
  • 17、Many derivatives contracts will be brought into the light by beingput through clearing houses and exchanges.(通過票據(jù)交換所和結(jié)算所讓金融衍生工具合約更加透明。)
  • 18、Prototype versions of several of these tools are now up and running and beingput through their paces by researchers at Microsoft.(這套軟件其中的幾個工具的原型版本現(xiàn)在正在建立和運行,來自微軟的研究人員的一切計劃都在按部就班地進(jìn)行。)
  • 19、Once the pages are uploaded, the site isput through a final run-through.(一旦網(wǎng)頁被上傳了,網(wǎng)站就完成了一個最后的貫通。)
  • 20、Everyone in the study wasput through an MRI machine which scanned two parts of their brains.(研究中的所有人都通過核磁共振成像儀掃描了大腦的兩個部分。)
  • 21、Your call has beenput through.(你的電話叫通了。)
  • 22、The non-gaming volunteers wereput through 50 hours of video-gametraining.(那些非玩家們花了50個小時在電子游戲的訓(xùn)練上。)
  • 23、Even a Russian-built reactor at Bushehr that is now beingput through its technical paces before coming on-stream later this year will operate on Russian-supplied fuel.(即便是由俄方在布什爾建造的、正在進(jìn)行啟動前技術(shù)調(diào)試的反應(yīng)堆,也將使用由俄國提供的燃料。)
  • 24、And whatever cannot withstand fire must beput through that water.(凡不能見火的,你們要叫它過水。)
  • 25、We are determined toput through our project.(我們決心完成我們的計劃。)
  • 26、The fresher water, though, isput through the same process twice more and eventually has its salt concentration reduced to 1%.(但是淡水還要經(jīng)過兩次以上這樣的工藝處理過程,最終將鹽濃度降低到1%。)
  • 27、It will now beput through its paces to see just how much photonic puff it can provide.(現(xiàn)在它正在將接受考察,以便確定它能提供多少光推進(jìn)力。)
  • 28、Passengers must pass through metal detectors, and their carry-on bags areput through X-ray machines.(乘客必須通過金屬探測器檢測,其隨身物品也必須經(jīng)過X射線設(shè)備檢測。)
  • 29、A less expensive but less effective alternative is a noticeput through the letter-slot.(另外一個可以選擇的比較廉價和較低效率的方式,是一個通過門縫塞入的信件來通知。) hAo86.com

put through基本釋義

put through

英 [put θru:] 美 [p?t θru] 