
quite a lot of造句

quite a lot of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:27:39


quite a lot of造句

  • 1、The Language School wants me to do a bit of exam preparation, but alsoquite a lot of work in companies and factories, and a couple of children's classes.(語言學(xué)校想讓我做一些考試準(zhǔn)備,但也有很多工作是關(guān)于公司和工廠,和有幾個(gè)孩子的班級(jí)。)
  • 2、We've already donequite a lot of this so this is fairly easy.(我們已經(jīng)做了很多了,這很簡(jiǎn)單。)
  • 3、quite a lot of people reviewing it said it was really fun there, like every night everyone staying there got together and ended up having a party.(很多人評(píng)論說那里真的很有趣,好像那里所有的人每天晚上都會(huì)聚在一起開派對(duì)。)
  • 4、Applicants for this position need to spendquite a lot of time sending e-mails to foreign friends.(該職位的申請(qǐng)者需要花大量的時(shí)間給外國(guó)友人寫郵件。)
  • 5、quite a lot of South Americans study here.(相當(dāng)多的南美洲人在這里學(xué)習(xí)。)
  • 6、You getquite a lot of rain.(你們雨多。) hAo86.com
  • 7、In spite of all that has been said,quite a lot of people are still uncertain about the prices of housing in China.(盡管已經(jīng)說了很多,有很多人對(duì)于中國(guó)的房?jī)r(jià)仍然不敢確定。)
  • 8、And then, in the distance,quite a lot of people working.(然后遠(yuǎn)處卻又相當(dāng)多的人正在勞作,這令我們感到很疑惑。)
  • 9、I gotquite a lot of ribbing from my teammates.(隊(duì)友們經(jīng)常開我的玩笑。)
  • 10、Mr Pallotta producesquite a lot of both data and logic.(帕洛塔先生有大量的數(shù)據(jù)和邏輯對(duì)此進(jìn)行說明。)
  • 11、I'd imagine you would be doingquite a lot of teaching outside the school, and moving around quite a bit.(我想你們會(huì)在校外做很多教學(xué)工作,并四處走動(dòng)。)
  • 12、They drankquite a lot of wine.(他們喝了好多酒。)
  • 13、Beneath its dusty surface there is water –quite a lot of it.(在它厚重的灰塵下存貯著水——大量的水分。)
  • 14、Well, for one, they attractquite a lot of attention.(嗯,有一樣,它們引起了非常多的關(guān)注。)
  • 15、We used to seequite a lot of his wife, Carolyn.(我們過去經(jīng)常見到他的妻子卡羅琳。)
  • 16、I work part-time, so I havequite a lot of free time.(我做兼職工作,所以我有很多空閑時(shí)間。)
  • 17、You'll seequite a lot of that throughout the output code.(您將在整個(gè)輸出代碼中看到大量這種情況。)
  • 18、There wasquite a lot of rain earlier on.(前一向雨水多。)
  • 19、The Listing 6 code packsquite a lot of power.(清單6的代碼包含了眾多功能。)
  • 20、If you walk further down to the Strand, there'squite a lot of interesting things to do there.(如果你再往下走到海濱,那里有很多有趣的事情可做。)
  • 21、In very cheap Sake, there isquite a lot of this alcohol added.(在那些非常便宜的清酒中添加了相當(dāng)多的食用酒精。)
  • 22、That'squite a lot of code that currently doesn't do much.(上面的代碼相當(dāng)長(zhǎng),但當(dāng)前沒有做多少事情。)
  • 23、Ten thousand dollars isquite a lot of money.(一萬美元是相當(dāng)多的錢。)
  • 24、I'm doing Mechanical Engineering which is really interesting but it coversquite a lot of areas like materials science, machine design, physics and of course mechanics.(我學(xué)的是機(jī)械工程,這很有趣,但它涵蓋了很多領(lǐng)域,比如材料科學(xué)、機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)、物理,當(dāng)然還有機(jī)械學(xué)。)
  • 25、I had writtenquite a lot of orchestral music in my student days.(我在學(xué)生時(shí)代創(chuàng)作了許多管弦樂曲。)
  • 26、That'squite a lot of pages if I do say so.(這是很多很多的網(wǎng)頁,要我說的話。)
  • 27、Do you havequite a lot of competition?(你的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手多嗎?)
  • 28、As you can see, there isquite a lot of customizations available.(正如你所見,有非常多的自定義選項(xiàng)。)
  • 29、That'squite a lot of unhappy people at work every day.(每天工作中有很多不開心的人。)

quite a lot of基本釋義