
quotation mark造句

quotation mark造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:27:37


quotation mark造句

  • 1、Backslashes are interpreted literally, unless they immediately precede a doublequotation mark.(反斜杠會(huì)被解釋成單個(gè)字符,除非后面緊接著一個(gè)雙引號(hào)。)
  • 2、If the doublequotation mark is the outermost quote, all variables are expanded.(如果最外邊的引號(hào)是雙引號(hào),那么展開所有變量。)
  • 3、Thequotation mark (") cannot be used in the Name or Organization entry."(在“名稱”或“單位”項(xiàng)中不能包含引號(hào)(“)。)
  • 4、Beat this words of thequotation mark.(打引號(hào)的這一段話。)
  • 5、Punctuation follows the closingquotation mark, unless it is part of the quotation.(標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號(hào)在后引號(hào)之后,除非其是引語的一部分。)
  • 6、This explains why an unmatched single or doublequotation mark causes a new prompt to appear.(這解釋了不匹配的單引號(hào)或雙引號(hào)會(huì)導(dǎo)致出現(xiàn)新提示符的原因。)
  • 7、The superscript footnote marker comes last, after both the punctuation and the closingquotation mark.(腳注標(biāo)記的上標(biāo)在最后,即標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號(hào)和后引號(hào)之后。)
  • 8、You can use either type ofquotation mark to indicate a string in Python, as long as you're consistent.(您可以使用任意一類引號(hào)來表示Python中的字符串,只要引號(hào)一致就行。)
  • 9、Aquotation mark (") cannot be used as an escape sequence in this manner."(引號(hào)(')不能當(dāng)做逸出序列以這種方式。)
  • 10、Use of doublequotation mark delimiters on Linux and UNIX-based systems is recommended.(建議在基于Linux和UNIX的系統(tǒng)中使用雙引號(hào)分隔符。)
  • 11、For a content property, thequotation mark can be the entire content.(對(duì)于內(nèi)容屬性,引號(hào)可以是全部?jī)?nèi)容。)
  • 12、Make sure the string literal ends with aquotation mark (")."(請(qǐng)確保字符串文本以引號(hào)(“)結(jié)束?!?
  • 13、The strings I've been creating using the single, double, or triplequotation mark syntax are still string objects.(使用單引號(hào)、雙引號(hào)和三引號(hào)語法創(chuàng)建的字符串仍然是字符串對(duì)象。)
  • 14、Array for every pair of backslashes, and the double-quotation mark is interpreted as a string delimiter.(數(shù)組中,并且雙引號(hào)被解釋為字符串分隔符。)
  • 15、Thequotation marks in the program mark the beginning and end of the value; they don't appear in the result.(程序中的引號(hào)標(biāo)記出值的開始與結(jié)束,它們并不出現(xiàn)在結(jié)果中。)
  • 16、For example, a closequotation mark cannot be put at the beginning of a line.(比如說,關(guān)引號(hào)不可以放在一行的最前面。)
  • 17、If the singlequotation mark is the outermost quote, no variables are expanded.(如果最外邊的引號(hào)是單引號(hào),那么不展開變量。)
  • 18、The singlequotation mark in front of the null list is used to tell Scheme that you are using as data and not as a part of your parse tree.(空列表前面的單引號(hào)用來告訴scheme您正在使用作為數(shù)據(jù),而不是用它作為解析樹的一部分。)
  • 19、Thequotation marks are not part of the string but serve only to mark its beginning and end.(雙引號(hào)本身并不是字符串的一部分,僅僅表示開始和結(jié)尾。)
  • 20、That function USES a regular expression to change a singlequotation mark into backslashed singlequotation mark.(該函數(shù)使用一個(gè)正則表達(dá)式將一個(gè)單引號(hào)標(biāo)記更改為帶有反斜杠的單引號(hào)標(biāo)記。)
  • 21、You can always spot a raw string because the startingquotation mark for the string is preceded by an r, which is short for raw.(您始終可以認(rèn)出原始字符串,因?yàn)樵撟址钠鹗家?hào)的前面有一個(gè)r字符,它是raw的縮寫。)
  • 22、Usage ofquotation mark in ASP grammar form.(ASP語法格式中引號(hào)的使用。)
  • 23、If you start a string with a singlequotation mark, you must end with a singlequotation mark, and vice versa.(如果字符串是以單引號(hào)開始,那么必須以單引號(hào)結(jié)束,反之亦然。)
  • 24、String literals are delimited by thequotation mark (") character."(字符串文本由引號(hào)(“)字符分隔。)
  • 25、A doublequotation mark (") is missing at the end of the string being echo-ed.(echo后面的字符串的末尾缺少一個(gè)雙引號(hào)(")。)
  • 26、A Parameter Map cannot accept data containing aquotation mark in the value.(ParameterMap接受的數(shù)據(jù)中不能包含引號(hào)。)
  • 27、The singlequotation mark ('), however, does not provide this functionality.(但是,單引號(hào)(')不提供此功能。)
  • 28、You can't get into Harvard if you don't put the period inside thequotation mark!(你進(jìn)不了哈佛,如果你不把引句號(hào)放在引號(hào)內(nèi)!) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)

quotation mark基本釋義

quotation mark

英 [kw?u?tei??n mɑ:k] 美 [kwo?te??n mɑrk] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):quotation marks

