
public school造句

public school造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:28:07


public school造句

  • 1、The rich can opt out of thepublic school system.(有錢人可以選擇退出公立學(xué)校體系。)
  • 2、Yet the Allens' science curriculum is one that nopublic school would allow.(不過Allen家的科學(xué)課程是任何一所公立學(xué)校都不會(huì)允許的。)
  • 3、Thepublic school sector maintains dual vocational (SMK) and professional streaming (SMU).(公立學(xué)校保有技術(shù)性和專業(yè)性的雙重業(yè)教育。)
  • 4、A nearbypublic school may be able to put you in touch with parents in your area.(附近的學(xué)校可以幫助你聯(lián)系本地區(qū)的這些家長(zhǎng)。)
  • 5、The goal was to establish apublic school system and turn the Philippines into an English-speaking country.(目的是建立一個(gè)公共教育系統(tǒng),把菲律賓變成一個(gè)說英語的國(guó)家。)
  • 6、So one day I was put into apublic school in Brighton.(因此有一天我被送進(jìn)布賴頓的公立學(xué)校。)
  • 7、He was headmaster of apublic school in the West of England.(他曾是英格蘭西部一所公學(xué)的校長(zhǎng)。)
  • 8、He was educated at (a)public school.(他出身英國(guó)公學(xué)。)
  • 9、Thepublic school system suddenly found itself overtaxed.(公共教育系統(tǒng)突然感到不堪重負(fù)了。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 10、He says that his interest in the mind was sparked atpublic school, where he passed a "fairly unhappy" youth.(他說,他的興趣起源于公立學(xué)校時(shí),當(dāng)時(shí)自己以一名很受打擊的青少年身份畢業(yè)。)
  • 11、The Sandberg children attendedpublic school, and Sheryl was always at the top of her class.(桑德伯格家的孩子們上的是公立學(xué)校,謝麗爾在班上總是名列前茅。)
  • 12、And some parents teach at home because their children are brilliant andpublic school fails to stretch them.(此外,有些家長(zhǎng)在家里教育孩子,是因?yàn)楹⒆雍苈斆鳎刑熨x,而公立學(xué)校未能充分發(fā)掘它們。)
  • 13、Colin skipped two grades inpublic school and began taking psychology, history and other courses at UConn when he was 9.(科林在公立學(xué)校跳了兩級(jí),并且在9歲的時(shí)候開始在康涅狄格大學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)心理學(xué)、歷史以及相關(guān)課程。)
  • 14、The traditionalpublic school system had a very weak incentive structure.(傳統(tǒng)的公立學(xué)校制度嚴(yán)重缺乏激勵(lì)機(jī)制。)
  • 15、I walked her through the enormous front door of thepublic school alone.(我陪她走進(jìn)公立學(xué)校巨大門。)
  • 16、"It killed them that they were beaten bypublic school kids, " he chuckles.(“他們都完全傻眼了,因?yàn)樗麄儽黄胀ǜ咧薪o擊敗了?!彼χf。)
  • 17、As the fifth of seven children, I went to the samepublic school as my three elder sisters and brother.(作為七個(gè)孩子中的老五,我和我的三個(gè)姐姐和哥哥上同一所公立學(xué)校。)
  • 18、M: Are you thinking about apublic school or a private one?(M:是上公立學(xué)校還是私立學(xué)校?)
  • 19、They're going to apublic school.(他們只是去一所公立大學(xué)上學(xué)。)
  • 20、"We are more public than any otherpublic school in the country," he says.(“我們要比國(guó)內(nèi)的其他公共學(xué)校都要更加公開,”他表示。)
  • 21、Teachers in onepublic school are now trying to extend Playworks to the school buses.(一個(gè)公立學(xué)校的老師們現(xiàn)在正試圖在校車上開展Playworks活動(dòng)。)
  • 22、Ms. Jovanka was considering sending her son to a regularpublic school next year.(喬萬卡女士打算下一年送兒子到正規(guī)的公立學(xué)校去。)

public school基本釋義

public school

英 [?p?blik sku:l] 美 [?p?bl?k skul] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):public schools
