
public sentiment造句

public sentiment造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:28:07


public sentiment造句

  • 1、Only now are technology andpublic sentiment aligning to truly shift the responsibility of collecting goods and services to the consumer.(只有到了現(xiàn)在,技術和公眾情感才真正的拋棄了挑揀商品這樣的客戶服務。)
  • 2、public sentiment toward South Korea improved, however, with33% of those polled saying they feel friendly, up 1.5 percentage points.(不過,公眾對韓情緒有所改善,33%的受訪者說他們對韓感覺友好,上升了1.5個百分點。)
  • 3、Not surprisingly—consideringpublic sentiment on banking—the companies that dropped off the list this year included ING Direct (ING) and Barclays Bank (BARC:LN).(不出意外-考慮到民眾對銀行的情緒-今年榜上下滑的公司包括INGDirect(ING)和Barclays銀行(BARC:LN).)
  • 4、Berlusconi seized the moment by understandingpublic sentiment and its revulsion with the status quo.(貝魯斯科尼通過理解公眾的意見和對現(xiàn)狀的強烈厭惡抓住先機。)
  • 5、public sentiment is against any change to the law.(公眾的意見是反對對該法律作任何修改。)
  • 6、This was how Russia helped turnpublic sentiment against Bakiyev.(俄羅斯就是如此扭轉公眾情緒來對抗巴基耶夫的。)
  • 7、public sentiment on whaling, for and against, is anaemic.(民眾在捕鯨問題上的反應,不管是支持還是反對,都并不活躍。)
  • 8、Therefore, the Internetpublic sentiment has become an inevitable social phenomenon and the management of it has become more urgent.(所以,網(wǎng)絡輿情已經(jīng)成為一種必然的社會現(xiàn)象,對于輿情的管理也隨之成為必然。)
  • 9、Uncertainty surrounding the damaged nuclear power plants are also weighing heavily onpublic sentiment.(還有損壞的核電站周圍一些不確定性因素也在考驗著人們的情緒。)
  • 10、The uniqueness of well educated young students makes them the major and indispensable components of the Internetpublic sentiment.(而高校學生和青年知識分子年齡的獨特性使得他們成為網(wǎng)絡輿情不可或缺的主體構成。)
  • 11、Kim says, givenpublic sentiment, it is very difficult to even discuss the free trade deal.(他說,考慮到公眾情緒,目前就連討論這項協(xié)議都很困難。)
  • 12、There is strongpublic sentiment on the question of unemployment.(公眾對于失業(yè)有著強烈的情緒。)
  • 13、The retailers might figure out that they should offer special deals to loyal customers, or launch finely tuned marketing efforts in response to changes inpublic sentiment.(這些零售商家就可以制定其應該為忠實客戶提供哪些定制交易,或者發(fā)出微調的營銷效應以響應公眾趣味的改變。)
  • 14、They largely failed in their attacks on capitalism and Wall Street—and their tactics turnedpublic sentiment against their cause.(他們很大程度上都是在金融行業(yè)和華爾街上失手的人,而且他們的策略是運用工種情緒來對抗這種導致他們示例的原因。) hao86.com
  • 15、To what extent does the newspaper control and to what extent is it controlled bypublic sentiment?(報紙在多大程度上可以操縱公眾的情感?又在多大程度上為公眾情感所操縱?)
  • 16、This wouldn't happen if conventional channels were ubiquitous and ifpublic sentiment and opinion were mediated in a timely manner.(如果常規(guī)渠道四通八達,如果民情民意平時就能得到及時疏通,何至于此。)
  • 17、What it lacks in resources SEPA tries valiantly to regain by appealing topublic sentiment.(對于在資源上的缺乏,環(huán)??偩终诜e極設法通過喚起公眾關注的方式收回來。)
  • 18、public sentiment rapidly turned anti-American.(公眾的情緒迅速轉向反美。)
  • 19、Public opinion andpublic sentiment are a pair of concepts, which have some similarities and differences and therefore it is necessary to analyze their relationships.(輿論和輿情是一對從屬概念,兩者既有共同點又有差異性,必須對兩者進行必要的關系辨析。)

public sentiment基本釋義