
pull together造句

pull together造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:28:02


pull together造句

  • 1、They are individualists who build strong communities andpull together in a crunch. They have a national allergy to earnestness.(他們是個(gè)人主義者,他們建立起了強(qiáng)大的社會(huì)團(tuán)體,他們在危難之時(shí)萬眾一心,他們把誠實(shí)正直奉為民族的圭臬。)
  • 2、Have your day, so wepull together in times of trouble, the paddle drives faster, the shore is clear.(有你的日子,我們同舟共濟(jì),于是,槳便劃快,岸便清晰。)
  • 3、Those who emerge strongest, as Singapore did 37 years ago, belonged to many races, many aptitudes, many interests, and many points-of-view but happened topull together.(我們在37年前建國時(shí),那些經(jīng)得起考驗(yàn)的強(qiáng)者,來自不同種族,有不同的才能、不同的興趣和不同的看法,但卻因?yàn)楣餐哪繕?biāo)團(tuán)結(jié)一致。。)
  • 4、These giantspull together others of their kind through deceit, manipulation, and bullying.(這些巨人們通過謊言、操縱和欺凌將它們的同族集合起來。)
  • 5、But as long as the enemy is called Qaddafi, they willpull together. Morale is high.(但只要敵人是卡扎菲,他們就會(huì)團(tuán)結(jié)起來,士氣高漲。)
  • 6、Authority can make you "right," but collaboration makes everyone right — and makes everyonepull together.(權(quán)力可以讓你“正確”,但配合讓每個(gè)人都準(zhǔn)確——也讓大家集思廣益。)
  • 7、Drucker compares a manager to a conductor of an orchestra who is able topull together the individual musical parts played by each musician into a beautiful symphony.(德魯克把一個(gè)經(jīng)理比作一名能把每位樂師演奏的各部分音樂融合成優(yōu)美的交響樂的管弦樂隊(duì)指揮,而不是那種只理解擺在面前的樂譜、只要對樂譜進(jìn)行演繹的指揮。)
  • 8、Draw upon your deepest longings topull together an idyllic concept of yourself with all the detail possible.(借鑒你們那最深切的渴望,將你們自己田園詩般的概念聚在一起,并且細(xì)節(jié)盡可能詳盡。)
  • 9、Maybe rather than investing in a whole new look you want someone topull together the chairs, lamps and rugs you already own.(也許您更愿意花錢讓人把您已經(jīng)擁有的椅子,臺(tái)燈,毯子重新組排以求得煥然一新的面貌。)
  • 10、That person then drinks from the cup and raises it high saying "Harambee", which means "Let's allpull together."(那人接著飲下杯中飲料,然后把杯子舉得高高地說“哈蘭比”,意思是“讓我們一起努力”。)
  • 11、To illustrate the need and the level of complexity, I decided topull together few videos that present some elements of integration solutions.(為了將情況的復(fù)雜性闡述清楚,我決定通過幾個(gè)視頻來列舉一些集成方案。)
  • 12、Sincebuilding our social networking tactics was still on the “to do” listfor 2010, we had topull together a social marketing campaign on thefly.(由于我們把創(chuàng)建社會(huì)網(wǎng)絡(luò)的策略安排在2010年的日程中,所以我們必須同心協(xié)力快速開展社會(huì)營銷活動(dòng)。)
  • 13、Only half believe patrons find call numbers too complicated, and a third felt shelving categories don'tpull together topics in the way patrons want to browse.(半數(shù)參與調(diào)查的人相信索書號(hào)對于讀者太復(fù)雜了,三分之一的人覺得排架的類別不能按照讀者想要的方式匯聚相同主題的書。)
  • 14、This is by design, as the fundamental concepts behind both pattern and assetpull together context, problem, and solution.(這是由于設(shè)計(jì),作為在這兩者之后的基本概念,將背景、問題以及解決方案放在一起。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 15、Now, you canpull together a simple PHP application to view the data from a browser.(現(xiàn)在,您可以完成一個(gè)簡單的PHP應(yīng)用程序,從瀏覽器查看數(shù)據(jù)。)
  • 16、I was the youngest of five boys and also had four sisters who had topull together and take care of each other.(我是家里五兄弟中最小的,還有四個(gè)相依為命的姐妹。)
  • 17、Keeping specific goals and metrics for testing in mind not only helps track status and results, but also avoids the last-second scramble topull together necessary reports.(牢記測試的特定目標(biāo)和測試方法不僅有助于跟蹤狀態(tài)和結(jié)果,還能避免最終將所需報(bào)告混在一起。)
  • 18、The views were used topull together collections of documents that fit the necessary status (such as publish, update, and delete).(視圖用于收集符合必需狀況(如發(fā)布、更新和刪除)的文檔集合。)
  • 19、The force of gravity starts topull together huge regions of relatively dense cosmic gas, forming the vast, swirling collections of stars we call galaxies.(引力逐漸把密集的大區(qū)域星云氣體拉攏,形成那些巨大、漩渦狀結(jié)構(gòu)的所謂星系群。)
  • 20、What is required now is for this country topull together, confront boldly the challenges we face, and take responsibility for our future once more.(當(dāng)務(wù)之急,是要我們的國家再一次上下緊密團(tuán)結(jié),勇敢面對挑戰(zhàn),勇于承擔(dān)建設(shè)未來的重任。)
  • 21、At one of its meetings in San Diego, it even hired a "master storyteller" to help the grouppull together the narrative of the amazing changes in robotic technology.(在圣地亞哥(SanDiego)的一次聚會(huì)上,甚至聘請了一位“故事大師”來幫助整合那些描述機(jī)器人技術(shù)中的驚人變化的敘述。)
  • 22、Zhang Song: China needs topull together the mistakes made and lessons learned from building cities and look at advanced practices in foreign countries.(張松:中國需要總結(jié)城市建設(shè)中的失誤和教訓(xùn),學(xué)習(xí)別國先進(jìn)經(jīng)驗(yàn)。)
  • 23、Scientists are trying topull together disparate ideas in astronomy.(科學(xué)家正試圖把天文學(xué)界各種迥然不同的觀點(diǎn)匯集起來。)

pull together基本釋義

pull together

英 [pul t??ɡee?] 美 [p?l t??ɡ?e?] 
齊心協(xié)力; 控制(自己的)感情