
put away the clothes造句

put away the clothes造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:27:53


put away the clothes造句

  • 1、Heput away the clothes and books that were lying around.(他把散落地上的衣服和書本收拾好。)
  • 2、I can't put the kids' clean laundry away because their dresser is getting full and I was planning to sort through their clothes.(我不能把孩子們的洗換物品收拾好,因?yàn)槲冶緛硐氚阉麄兊囊路帐皻w類,可是柜子滿了。)
  • 3、The child was taught to put away her toys and clothes to keep her room neat.(那孩子被教導(dǎo)要將玩具和衣服收拾好,以保持房間的整潔。)
  • 4、New way: put away all those clothes that are hanging on your exercise machine, get your dumbbells out of the garage, lift all that junk off your step and weight bench and get them ready for some work.(新方法:把你掛在健身器上的衣服拿開,從庫(kù)房里把啞鈴取出來,把腳下的和舉重床上的垃圾丟掉,使它們?yōu)殄憻捵龊脺?zhǔn)備。)
  • 5、The boys picked up the clothes and put them away rapidly.(男孩們撿起衣服,迅速地收好了。)
  • 6、So when Dan returns from the dry cleaners with a huge stack of clothes in plastic bags on wire hangers, it's a long, tedious process for me to get the clothes put away.(因此,當(dāng)?shù)さ幕貓?bào),從干洗店和一個(gè)龐大的一疊衣服,在膠袋上線的架子,這是一個(gè)漫長(zhǎng)的,繁瑣的過程中,我得到的衣服放在遠(yuǎn)離。)
  • 7、You canput away the clothes that your baby grows out of in a storage area.(你可以把丟掉的衣服您的寶寶出在一個(gè)存儲(chǔ)區(qū)域。)
  • 8、The other fairies put on their clothes and flew away.(其他的仙女都穿上羽衣飛回天上了。) Hao86.com
  • 9、The children sign in, put away their lunches, hang up their own clothes, wash their hands before they can play, and then choose activities in the classroom.(孩子們簽到,收起午餐,掛上衣服,洗手,之后才可以玩耍,然后選擇課堂活動(dòng)。)
  • 10、I asked her to put her clothes away tidily but she just threw them in the corner any old how.(我叫她把衣服整齊地放好,可是她只是胡亂地把它們?nèi)釉诮锹淅铩?
  • 11、She put away her clothes in the dresser.(她把衣服收好放在衣櫥里。)
  • 12、I put the clothes away in the drawers.(我把衣服收進(jìn)抽屜里。)
  • 13、Can youput away the clothes?(你會(huì)收拾衣服嗎?)
  • 14、After the clothes are put away, start all over again.(一批衣服取走后,再重新開始做另一遍。)
  • 15、It was time to put the winter clothes away.(是該收拾冬衣的時(shí)候了。)
  • 16、I laid your clothes on the bed so yon could put them away.(我把你的衣服放在床上了,這樣你可以把它們收起來。)
  • 17、Put away the heavy clothes. The weather is becoming much warmer.(把厚衣服收起來吧,天氣越來越暖和了。)
  • 18、Put away clothes when you take them off. If clothes are dirty, put them in the hamper.(脫下來的衣服要放好.如果衣服臟了,丟進(jìn)桶里.如果是干凈的,放進(jìn)衣櫥.)
  • 19、To get them off my back I put a few dishes away, fold a few clean clothes, and kick the dirty ones under my bed.(為了擺脫他們的糾纏,我放好了幾個(gè)盤子,疊好幾件衣服,并把臟衣服踢到床下。)
  • 20、In the end, I put on my old clothes and ran away.(最后,我穿上我的舊衣服跑掉了。)
  • 21、From then on, I often help my mother. Now, I can help my mother clean the room, wash the clothes,put away the clothes. cook dinner, wash the dishes.(從那以后,我經(jīng)常幫媽媽做事?,F(xiàn)在,我可以幫媽媽打掃屋子,洗衣服,整理衣物,做飯以及洗盤子。)
  • 22、I wish the children would stop flinging their clothes about, but put them away tidily.(但愿孩子們不再亂扔衣服,而是把它們整齊地存放起來。)
  • 23、Assuming that Bobby gets his Legos put away to your satisfaction, you can move on to another task, such as putting his picture books on the shelf or placing his dirty clothes in the hamper.(假設(shè)波比把所有的樂高玩具都收起來了,令你非常滿意。這時(shí)你就可以給他一些別的任務(wù)如把他的圖畫書放回書架或把他的臟衣服放進(jìn)裝臟衣服的籃子里等。)
  • 24、Sure it is no big deal to wash the clothes and put them in the dryer, but actually folding clothing items and putting them away always seems to take forever.(當(dāng)然這沒有什么大不了洗的衣服,把他們?cè)诤娓蓹C(jī),但實(shí)際上并把衣物折疊他們離開似乎總是要永遠(yuǎn)。)

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