
put in a good word for造句

put in a good word for造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:27:53


put in a good word for造句

  • 1、Robin van Persie has told me many stories about the Premier League, Arsenal and Mr (Arsene) Wenger. Maybe he canput in a good word for me.(羅賓·范佩西已經(jīng)告訴我許多關(guān)于英超、阿森納以及溫格先生的故事,或許他可以為我說說好話。)
  • 2、If I go by tomorrow, can youput in a good word for me with your boss?(如果我明天去你們公司,你能不能替我在你的老板面前美言幾句?)
  • 3、He promised toput in a good word for them.(他答應(yīng)答他們說幾句好話。)
  • 4、Pleaseput in a good word for me.(請(qǐng)為我說說好話。)
  • 5、Clive: : I am applying for the vacant position in your Accounting Division. Can youput in a good word for me to get that job?(克里夫:我正在應(yīng)聘你們公司會(huì)計(jì)部門的職位。我想得到那份工作,你能幫我美言幾句嗎??。)
  • 6、A : When my manager asks you to give him feedback on my work performance, pleaseput in a good word for me.(甲:當(dāng)我老板要你對(duì)我的績效提出意見時(shí),請(qǐng)?zhí)嫖艺f幾句好話。乙:沒問題。)
  • 7、I'llput in a good word for Elsie when I see the manager. I'd like her to get the job.(我見到經(jīng)理時(shí),會(huì)為埃爾西美言幾句的。我希望她獲得工作。)
  • 8、put in a good word for me. I have a big favor to ask.(替我說幾句好話吧。我想請(qǐng)你幫個(gè)大忙。)
  • 9、I'll try to put a good word in for you.(如果你想讓他幫你的話,你只要對(duì)他說好話就行了。)
  • 10、He might even be an ally who willput in a good word for you when some new opportunity is available.(他甚至?xí)蔀槟愕耐苏撸绻行碌暮脵C(jī)會(huì),他會(huì)極力推薦的。)
  • 11、If you want to apply for a job at the office where I work, I'llput in a good word for you.(如果你想申請(qǐng)我所在單位的工作,我可以替你美言幾句。)
  • 12、Give me 10,000 yuan, and I'llput in a good word for you.(你給我10,000塊錢,我就從中給你說好話。)
  • 13、You need to meet people in your industry who can tell you where to focus your search or put a good word in for you.(你需要咨詢你所在行業(yè)的人士,他們會(huì)告訴你搜索的重點(diǎn),或者提供推薦信。)
  • 14、Could youput in a good word for me with Jenna?(能在Jenna面前幫我說句好話么?)
  • 15、Heput in a good word for me.(幾句好話就足以使他滿意了。)
  • 16、If youput in a good word for him, he's all the more likely to get the job.(要是你替他說句好話,他就更有可能得到這份工作了。)
  • 17、So if anything happens to make her cry, at least they'llput in a good word for you.(這樣不僅可以讓身心得到放松,你們也會(huì)有段愉快的時(shí)光。)
  • 18、Can you call him andput in a good word for me?(你可以打電話給他幫我說幾句好話嗎?)
  • 19、They can put a good word in for you at a new job, write you a letter of recommendation for grad school, and introduce you to new contacts and opportunities.(他們能在你找新的工作時(shí)為你美言一二,在你申請(qǐng)研究生院時(shí)為你寫推薦,還能為你介紹新的聯(lián)系人和機(jī)會(huì)。)
  • 20、I'llput in a good word for Elsie when I see the manager.(我見到經(jīng)理時(shí),會(huì)為埃爾西美言幾句的。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 21、Can youput in a good word for me to get that job?(我想得到那份工作,你能幫我美言幾句嗎?)
  • 22、You may go to Lao Wang and ask him toput in a good word for you in front of the boss.(為……說句好話putinagoodwordfor你可以去找老王,讓他在老板面前為你說句好話。)
  • 23、Don't worry. Iput in a good word for you.(別擔(dān)心,我會(huì)幫你美言幾句的。)

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