
record player造句

record player造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:27:07


record player造句

  • 1、At the Tennessee State Fair Grounds, I found a hog carrier that I now use as a table for myrecord player. And I found a long animal trough that I use to store blankets.(在田納西州古董拍賣交易會(huì)上,我淘到了一個(gè)載裝體現(xiàn)在我用它做我唱片機(jī)的桌子。)
  • 2、"May I borrow yourrecord player tonight?" a man asked his neighbour. "Sure. Do you want to listen to some music?"(“今晚我可以借用以下你的唱機(jī)嗎?”一個(gè)人對(duì)他的鄰居說(shuō)道。)
  • 3、But if the disc detects that the player has been modified to record the movie, or it is using stolen keys from a different player, the disc won't play.(但如果碟片偵測(cè)到播放機(jī)被改動(dòng)成能錄制,或者用的是從其他播放機(jī)偷來(lái)的密鑰,碟片內(nèi)容就放不出來(lái)。)
  • 4、Replacing the needle of yourrecord player can improve the sound quality drastically.(更換電唱機(jī)上的唱針可以大大改善它的音質(zhì)。)
  • 5、"May I borrow yourrecord player tonight?" a man asked his neighbor.(一男的問(wèn)他的鄰居:“我今晚能買(mǎi)下你放的的唱片嗎?”)
  • 6、I remember laughing as she marched us around the dining-room table one evening, while John Philip Sousa boomed from therecord player.(我記得,有天晚上,她讓我們列隊(duì)站好,并繞著餐桌齊步走,我哈哈大笑,而錄音機(jī)里響著約翰·菲力昔·蘇沙的進(jìn)行曲。)
  • 7、The only outfield player to have played in five World Cup finals tournaments, he holds the record - at 25 - of most games played by any player.(他踢過(guò)五屆世界杯決賽階段的比賽,在25歲便擁有著出場(chǎng)次數(shù)最多的記錄。)
  • 8、Release of the GT-2000record player, embodying the GT (Gigantic & Tremendous) concept of achieving high rigidity and resonance-free play through absolute mass.(2000的面市,通過(guò)高強(qiáng)度和高質(zhì)量的共振控制,體現(xiàn)了GT(排山倒海和驚人)概念。)
  • 9、Lionel Messi having set the record for the most goals in a calendar year, is considered the most talented football player in Europe.(梅西創(chuàng)造了歷年進(jìn)球最多的紀(jì)錄,被認(rèn)為是歐洲最有天賦的足球運(yùn)動(dòng)員。)
  • 10、Therecord player is set on automatic and will play several records before shutting off.(電唱機(jī)被撥到自動(dòng)控制擋,放幾張唱片后會(huì)自動(dòng)關(guān)掉。)
  • 11、So Les took the needle from his family'srecord player and stuck it in the bridge of his guitar, then wired it into another radio speaker.(所以Les取下家中唱機(jī)的針頭,固定在吉他的橋部分,然后通過(guò)電線連接到另一臺(tái)揚(yáng)聲器。)
  • 12、Linda, turn down therecord player. I'm trying to read.(琳達(dá),把電唱機(jī)關(guān)小聲點(diǎn),我想看書(shū)。)
  • 13、Therecord player seems to be kaput.(電唱機(jī)似乎壞了。)
  • 14、When I reached my dorm, I found an oldrecord player blocking my door and a Charles Mingus LP propped beside it.(我到了宿舍,發(fā)現(xiàn)我的門(mén)口有一個(gè)舊的留聲機(jī)和一張查理?明格斯的唱片擺在門(mén)外。) Hao86.com
  • 15、They had only onerecord player.(他們只有一臺(tái)錄音機(jī)。)
  • 16、His parents had norecord player or television.(他的父母沒(méi)有唱機(jī),也沒(méi)有電視。)
  • 17、Neighbor A: May I borrow yourrecord player tonight?(鄰居A:今晚我可以借用一下你的錄音機(jī)嗎?)
  • 18、May I borrow yourrecord player tonight?(今晚,我可以借你的錄音機(jī)用一下嗎?)
  • 19、Connect the speakers to therecord player and plug it in.(將揚(yáng)聲器連接在唱機(jī)上,再插上插頭。)
  • 20、Achilles Heel: her mother, whom Sadako protected against vicious reporters. Or, dig out your VHS player and record the latest episode of Eastenders over her.(弱點(diǎn):貞子她媽,反對(duì)怪咖記者或是挖出你的家用錄相機(jī),記錄下最新的東城故事。)
  • 21、You can guess roughly how to operate an electronic object, like a TV set orrecord player, just by looking at it.(你可能猜測(cè)電視機(jī)或錄像機(jī)的大體使用方法。)
  • 22、He has played the second highest number of competitive games for the club (second only to Bobby Charlton), and holds the club record of team trophies won by a player (23).(他的出場(chǎng)紀(jì)錄排在俱樂(lè)部第二高(僅僅低于博比查爾頓),并且作為球員獲得了最多的俱樂(lè)部獎(jiǎng)杯(23個(gè))。)
  • 23、Porter's jazz LP has run its course on therecord player to your left.(波特的爵士密紋唱片就在你左側(cè)的唱片播放器里播放。)
  • 24、She had saved up enough money to buy her son arecord player that he wanted badly.(母親攢足了錢(qián)要為兒子買(mǎi)他一心想要的錄音機(jī)。)

record player基本釋義

record player

英 [ri?k?:d ?ple??] 美 [r??k?d ?ple?] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):record players
