
radio station造句

radio station造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:27:32


radio station造句

  • 1、In 1938, the first wireless newspaper was sent from the WORradio station in New York.(1938年,第一份無線報(bào)紙從紐約WOR電報(bào)站發(fā)出。)
  • 2、Keep car Windows and air vents closed and listen to an EASradio station.(緊閉車窗和通風(fēng)口,跟聽?wèi)?yīng)急中心的收音機(jī)頻道。)
  • 3、Asked a businessradio station.(一家商業(yè)廣播電臺(tái)質(zhì)疑道。)
  • 4、A small former mining settlement in the Midlands, Bedworth also lacks aradio station.(Bedworth地處英國中部,曾經(jīng)是一個(gè)小型的采礦村落。那里沒有電臺(tái)。)
  • 5、By 16 she had landed a job at localradio station WVOL, where she read the news on air.(16歲那年她在當(dāng)?shù)氐膹V播電臺(tái)WVOL得到一份播報(bào)新聞的工作。)
  • 6、Join a club, campusradio station, yearbook staff, frat, or sorority.(加入俱樂部,校園廣播站,年鑒編撰,大學(xué)生聯(lián)誼會(huì)或是大學(xué)女生聯(lián)誼會(huì)。)
  • 7、I am the program director of myradio station, so where's my payola?(我是廣播電臺(tái)的節(jié)目導(dǎo)演,那我的賄賂在哪?)
  • 8、E.g. they turned to anotherradio station and found no panicking voices.(他們會(huì)打開另一個(gè)電臺(tái)頻道卻沒發(fā)現(xiàn)任何恐慌的消息。)
  • 9、You can even try listening to theradio station, so you can hear is "white noise".(你有時(shí)聽收音機(jī)的時(shí)候,不也會(huì)聽到刺耳的噪音嗎。)
  • 10、"There's a Christmas Wish Contest on theradio station, " Amy's mom announced.(“在電臺(tái)中有一個(gè)圣誕節(jié)愿望競賽的節(jié)目,”艾米的母親告知她。)
  • 11、The rebellious officers, having seized theradio station, broadcast the news of the overthrow of the monarchy.(反叛的軍官們占領(lǐng)廣播電臺(tái)后播發(fā)了推翻君主制的消息。)
  • 12、In background, left, isradio station WSL, a Mackay radio facility.(背景的左邊是一處馬偕無線電設(shè)備——WSL電臺(tái)。) hao86.com
  • 13、At theradio station, letters poured in for the Christmas wish competition.(在電臺(tái),參加圣誕祝福比賽的信件蜂擁而至。)
  • 14、How about using the schoolradio station?(用學(xué)校的廣播電臺(tái)怎么樣?)
  • 15、Section 4 Broadcasting byradio station or Television Station.(第四章出版、表演、錄音錄像、播放第四節(jié)廣播電臺(tái)、電視臺(tái)播放。)
  • 16、I remembered my disastrous interview with a Seattleradio station in early 2007.(我記得2007年在西雅圖廣播電臺(tái)做的一起節(jié)目,那次節(jié)目糟透了。)
  • 17、Welcome to KSAT, theradio station broadcasting from the poles of Saturn.(歡迎來到KSAT廣播站,該廣播站正在從土星的極地進(jìn)行廣播。)
  • 18、My favouriteradio station plays Top 40 stuff and oldies.(我最喜歡的電臺(tái)播放前40位的歌曲和懷舊金曲。)
  • 19、Theradio station recently pumps out pop music.(這家廣播電臺(tái)近來連續(xù)播放流行音樂。)
  • 20、Now it is a 24-7radio station that generates $30 million a year in advertising revenue.(現(xiàn)在它是一家24小時(shí)廣播的電臺(tái),每年創(chuàng)造3000萬美元的廣告收入。)
  • 21、Virtually everyradio station in the world is up for grabs with the Internet.(現(xiàn)在基本上所有的廣播都可以在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上收聽到。)
  • 22、Theradio station faded the music up.(廣播電臺(tái)使音樂聲逐漸加強(qiáng)。)
  • 23、At KCRW in Santa Monica. Thatradio station, you can get it on the internet, kcrw.com.(在圣莫尼卡的KCRW廣播電臺(tái)。你能在網(wǎng)上這個(gè)kcrw.com網(wǎng)站找到這個(gè)廣播站。)
  • 24、Thisradio station is a great morale booster and a great thrill to use.(這個(gè)無線電站對于提升士氣幫助很大,用起來也的確是爽的很。)
  • 25、As a musician I owe much to theradio station in my home town.(作為一名音樂家,我非常感激我家鄉(xiāng)的廣播電臺(tái)。)
  • 26、The rebels held theradio station.(叛亂者占據(jù)了電臺(tái)。)
  • 27、Theradio station was besieged with calls from angry listeners.(廣播電臺(tái)疲于應(yīng)付憤怒的聽眾打來的電話。)
  • 28、Another time, my favorite streamingradio station took forever to load.(還有一次,我最愛的在線電臺(tái)就那么一動(dòng)不動(dòng)的停在加載狀態(tài)。)
  • 29、She worked at aradio station for a year, always aware that her body was degenerating.(她在一家廣播電臺(tái)工作了一年,一直感受到自己的身體在變差。)

radio station基本釋義

radio station

英 [?reidi?u ?stei??n] 美 [?redio ?ste??n] 