raise money造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:27:26


raise money造句

  • 1、What should we do toraise money for them?(為他們籌集一些錢(qián)我們應(yīng)做什么?)
  • 2、I'm really glad our club decided toraise money for the children's hospital.(我們俱樂(lè)部決定為兒童醫(yī)院籌款,我很欣慰。)
  • 3、The bank staff got up to all sorts of antics toraise money for charity.(銀行職員使出各種可笑的花招為慈善事業(yè)籌款。)
  • 4、They want toraise money for animal protection.(他們想為動(dòng)物保護(hù)籌集資金。)
  • 5、There are a hundred and one ways in which you canraise money.(有很多你可以籌錢(qián)的辦法。)
  • 6、We hold a dance every year toraise money for charity.(我們每年舉行一場(chǎng)舞會(huì),為慈善事業(yè)募捐。)
  • 7、The object of the exercise is toraise money for the charity.(此項(xiàng)活動(dòng)的目的是為慈善籌款。)
  • 8、The concert willraise money for local charities.(這場(chǎng)音樂(lè)會(huì)將為當(dāng)?shù)卮壬茩C(jī)構(gòu)募捐。)
  • 9、The object of the campaign is toraise money for the charity.(這次活動(dòng)的目的是為慈善事業(yè)籌集資金。)
  • 10、So, in order toraise money, you have to enforce taxes.(所以這些國(guó)家為了籌集資金,必須加強(qiáng)稅收。)
  • 11、Our campaign's main purpose is toraise money.(我們這次活動(dòng)的主要目的就是募款。)
  • 12、Every year we have fundraisers toraise money for unfortunate people.(每年我們有募捐會(huì)為不幸的人籌集錢(qián)款。)
  • 13、How can Iraise money to further develop my idea?(我怎樣才能籌集資金以進(jìn)一步開(kāi)發(fā)我的設(shè)想?)
  • 14、His efforts toraise money for his program were in vain because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.(他為自己的項(xiàng)目募集資金的努力白費(fèi)了,因?yàn)闆](méi)有人表現(xiàn)出要從口袋掏錢(qián)的意思。)
  • 15、Each group had a task toraise money for the disabled.(每個(gè)小組都有一項(xiàng)為殘疾人籌款的任務(wù)。)
  • 16、Many schools organize read-a-thons toraise money.(許多學(xué)校組織閱讀馬拉松來(lái)募捐。)
  • 17、The purpose of the occasion was toraise money for medical supplies.(此次活動(dòng)的目的是為醫(yī)療用品籌款。)
  • 18、It's just hard toraise money by taxing.(通過(guò)稅收來(lái)募集資金很難。)
  • 19、Can anybody think of a way toraise money?(誰(shuí)能想出個(gè)集資的辦法?)
  • 20、So I think if you have toraise money, you raise it.(所以如果你不得不籌集資金,那就籌集吧。)
  • 21、They run toraise money for charities or just as a personal experience.(他們跑步是為了給慈善機(jī)構(gòu)籌款,或者只是作為個(gè)人經(jīng)歷。)
  • 22、This subscriptive mural is designed partly toraise money.(設(shè)計(jì)這幅簽名壁畫(huà)是為了籌集資金。)
  • 23、Students appealed to people toraise money for people in need.(學(xué)生們呼吁人們?yōu)樾枰獛椭娜司杩睢?
  • 24、You do an IPO toraise money, at least in theory.(上市是為了更好地募集資金,至少理論上是這樣的。)
  • 25、The way theyraise money is no different.(他們籌錢(qián)的方式也一樣。)
  • 26、The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone who wants toraise money for a good cause.(羅利國(guó)際自行車(chē)騎行會(huì)歡迎有志為慈善事業(yè)籌錢(qián)者參加。)
  • 27、They tried instead toraise money at home.(他們?cè)噲D在國(guó)內(nèi)籌集資金。)

raise money基本釋義

raise money

英 [reiz ?m?ni] 美 [rez ?m?ni] 
