rain forest造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:27:28


rain forest造句

  • 1、So before you savetherain forest from the parasites of your parents" generation, try"delousing" the closet in your own room。(所以,如果你想消滅你父母那一輩中的"寄生蟲"來(lái)拯救雨林的話,還是先去清除你房間衣柜里的蟲子吧。)
  • 2、In this part of therain forest, therefore, red and orange are the best colors for signaling, and they are the colors used in signals by the ground-walking Australian brush turkey.(因此,在雨林的這個(gè)區(qū)域,紅色和橙色是最好的信號(hào)顏色,它們也是澳大利亞叢林火雞在地面行走時(shí)發(fā)出信號(hào)的顏色。)
  • 3、Past assessments of the Brazilianrain forest have used satellite images to tally deforested areas, where farmers and ranchers have clear-cut and burned all the trees.(對(duì)巴西雨林過(guò)去的評(píng)估已使用衛(wèi)星圖像來(lái)記錄被砍伐的地區(qū),那里的農(nóng)民和牧場(chǎng)主把所有的樹都砍光并燒掉了。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 4、Flying gecko the flying gecko lives in the Malaysianrain forest.(飛行壁虎飛行壁虎生活在馬來(lái)西亞的雨林中。)
  • 5、Costa Ricanrain forest, Season 1 Episode 3.(哥斯達(dá)黎加雨林,第一季第3集。)
  • 6、The fungus, a species of Ophiocordyceps, targets carpenterants living high in Thailand'srain forest canopy.(這種真菌,屬Ophiocordyceps種,以生活在泰國(guó)雨林樹冠層的木蟻為目標(biāo)。)
  • 7、Walking through thisrain forest in Madagascar is like stepping into the library of life.(漫步在馬達(dá)加斯加島的這片雨林中就像是身處于一個(gè)生命圖書館。)
  • 8、No desert, no dust. No dust, norain forest.(沒有沙漠就不會(huì)再有飛塵,而沒有飛塵,熱帶雨林也將不復(fù)存在。)
  • 9、At the current rate of decline, many of therain forest animals could become extinct in less than 10 years.(按照目前的下降速度,許多雨林動(dòng)物不到十年就會(huì)絕種。)
  • 10、The government must take steps to protect therain forest.(政府必須采取措施保護(hù)雨林。)
  • 11、Munk has been lugging specially designed wind tunnels into the Amazonianrain forest since 2007.(從2007年以來(lái),蒙克就開始著手設(shè)計(jì)特殊的亞馬孫雨林風(fēng)洞。)
  • 12、Most important of all, the Amazon irrigates the largest tropicalrain forest on earth.(最重要的是,亞馬遜河灌溉著地球上最大的熱帶雨林。)
  • 13、Great, I am doing a report on therain forest.(太好了,我正在做一個(gè)關(guān)于雨林的報(bào)告。)
  • 14、Less colorful birds and animals that inhabit therain forest tend to rely on forms of signaling other than the visual, particularly over long distances.(熱帶雨林中居住的不那么鮮艷的鳥類和動(dòng)物,往往依賴于視覺以外的信號(hào)形式,尤其是長(zhǎng)距離的信號(hào)。)
  • 15、Less colorful birds and animals that inhabit therain forest tend to rely on other forms of signaling other than the visual, particularly over long distances.(生活在雨林中、且色彩并不那么亮麗的鳥類和動(dòng)物往往依賴于視覺信號(hào)以外的其他信號(hào)形式,尤其是在傳遞長(zhǎng)途信號(hào)的情況下。)
  • 16、Very little light filters through the canopy of leaves and branches in arain forest to reach ground level—or close to the ground—and at those levels the yellow-to-green wavelengths predominate.(在雨林中,很少有光透過(guò)樹葉和樹枝形成的樹蔭到達(dá)地面——或者接近地面——在這些高度上,黃色到綠色的波長(zhǎng)占主導(dǎo)地位。)
  • 17、And then the earthquake struck, and this swampyrain forest was gone.(后來(lái),發(fā)生的那場(chǎng)地震讓這片沼澤雨林蕩然無(wú)存。)
  • 18、The piercing cries of the rhinoceros hornbill characterize the Southeast Asianrain forest, as do the unmistakable calls of the gibbons.(犀鳥刺耳的鳴叫,和長(zhǎng)臂猿那不會(huì)被認(rèn)錯(cuò)的叫聲,象征著東南亞雨林。)
  • 19、Unlike some environmental issues,rain forest depletion has fortunately received significant public and media attention.(與環(huán)境的一些其他問(wèn)題不同,熱帶雨林的減少已經(jīng)幸運(yùn)地引起了公眾與媒體的高度重視。)
  • 20、The couple drove a truck in the tropicalrain forest.(這對(duì)夫婦開著一輛卡車進(jìn)入了熱帶雨林。)
  • 21、One theory behind savanna formation is that wet forest species are unable to withstand the dry season, and thus savanna, rather thanrain forest, is favored on the site.(熱帶草原形成的理論之一,就是濕潤(rùn)的森林物種無(wú)法承受旱季,因此這更有利于熱帶草原,而不是熱帶雨林的形成。)
  • 22、In Mato Grosso, 700 square miles ofrain forest was stripped in the last five months of 2007 alone.(僅在2007年的最后5個(gè)月,馬托格羅索州就失去了700平方英里的熱帶雨林。)
  • 23、Travel deep into the Guyaneserain forest by canoe, as part of a trip with Wilderness Explorers.(隨著荒野探險(xiǎn)旅行社,乘獨(dú)木舟旅游深入到圭亞那的熱帶雨林作為旅游的一部分。)

rain forest基本釋義

rain forest

英 [rein ?f?rist] 美 [ren ?f?r?st] 

