
raw sewage造句

raw sewage造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:27:19


raw sewage造句

  • 1、Discharge ofraw sewage into the sea is unsanitary and unsafe.(向大海里傾倒污水既不衛(wèi)生也不安全。)
  • 2、The SV-pumps are equipped with Vortex impellers, undoubtedly the best non-clog impellers ever invented for the handling of mud,raw sewage, viscous liquids, rags, wood chips and other solids.(泵配有旋渦葉輪,是最好的無堵塞葉輪,用于進(jìn)行泥漿,未經(jīng)處理的污水,粘稠液體,破布,木屑和其他固體。)
  • 3、Over 265 billion gallons ofraw sewage are dumped into the Yangtze annually. Currently the river flushes this downstream and out into the ocean.(每年,超過2650億加侖(10億立方米)未經(jīng)處理的污水流入長江,經(jīng)過下游并最終流入大海。)
  • 4、The experiments show that the layer height, the particle size of zeolite, the quality of theraw sewage and the flow velocity are the main influence factors.(實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明:影響改性沸石除銨的主要因素是改性沸石層的裝填高度、改性沸石粒徑大小、原水水質(zhì)、流速等。)
  • 5、Theraw sewage is chemically treated.(未經(jīng)處理的污水要進(jìn)行化學(xué)處理。)
  • 6、These cities collect stormwater and sewage in the same pipes, which means that when sewers are overwhelmed,raw sewage floods directly into rivers and streams.(在這些城市,雨水和生活污水由相同的排水系統(tǒng)排放,意味著當(dāng)下水道水量過大,未經(jīng)處理的污水會(huì)直接涌向河流和溪流。)
  • 7、In 1858 the stench ofraw sewage got so bad that Parliament, which meets in a riverside building, had to be dissolved.(1858年,未經(jīng)處理的污水所發(fā)出的惡臭,迫使在河邊大樓開會(huì)的英國國會(huì)提早休會(huì)。)
  • 8、Residents here are very worried about cholera reaching their area becauseraw sewage has been overflowing from manholes all over the place.(這里的居民十分擔(dān)心霍亂到達(dá)他們這里,因?yàn)榇蠹铱梢钥吹?,臟水已經(jīng)從下水口里溢出,弄得到處都是。)
  • 9、In order to improve the efficiency and quality of sewage treatment, and save manpower and raw materials, designing an automatic monitoring system is very necessary.(為了提高污水處理的效率和質(zhì)量,同時(shí)節(jié)省大量的人力和物力,設(shè)計(jì)一套自動(dòng)化監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)是十分必要的。)
  • 10、The bricks in Vault201 were made from 100 percent recycled material—including industrial waste andraw sewage.(拱頂201使用的磚,完全由可回用材料制成,包括工業(yè)廢料和廢水。)
  • 11、Heterotrophic bacteria eat most of the carbon-based materials inraw sewage while autotrophic bacteria consume ammonia and nitrogen compounds.(異養(yǎng)細(xì)菌可以吃掉未處理污水當(dāng)中的大部分碳基物質(zhì);而自養(yǎng)細(xì)菌則會(huì)消耗掉氨氮化合物。)
  • 12、The consequence of techniques such as these is that an ever-larger proportion of sewage is being used as a raw material for energy generation.(通過諸如上述的這些技術(shù),越來越多的廢棄物能夠作為能源生產(chǎn)的原材料。)
  • 13、Indirectraw sewage water source heat pump system is utilized in this building for heating in winter and cooling in summer.(該建筑采用間接式原生污水源熱泵系統(tǒng)進(jìn)行冬季供熱,夏季供冷。)
  • 14、Bazalgette's design included a safety valve: when too much waste enters the system,raw sewage runs into the River Thames.(巴扎爾吉特當(dāng)初設(shè)計(jì)了一個(gè)安全閥,當(dāng)管網(wǎng)中的污水太多時(shí),不經(jīng)處理的污水便直接注入泰晤士河。)
  • 15、We'll trade you ourraw sewage bathroom.(我們將和你交易我們又原始又臟亂的浴室。)
  • 16、The townspeople defiled the river by emptyingraw sewage into it.(市民把未處理的污水倒入河中使河水污染。)
  • 17、raw sewage is pumping on the beach in open drains, with children playing on the edge and families sitting nearby.(污水用明溝排放在海灘上,孩子們?cè)诿鳒线呁嫠?,家人們就坐在附近?
  • 18、The sea is coated with a film ofraw sewage.(海上覆蓋著薄薄一層未經(jīng)處理的污水。)
  • 19、Ideal for stormwater, combined effluent,raw sewage, irrigation water and streams.(理想的雨水,加上污水,未經(jīng)處理的污水,灌溉用水和溪流。)
  • 20、It's not enough to get rid ofraw sewage by pumping it out to sea.(僅用水泵將未經(jīng)處理的污水排入海中是不夠的。)
  • 21、The Liujiang is polluted because industries and the city drainage system directly discharge into it significantraw sewage and rainwater.(由于工業(yè)企業(yè)和城市排水系統(tǒng)直接向江中排放大量未經(jīng)處理的污水和雨水,使柳江受到污染。)
  • 22、The water you're drinking has to not be the same water, in your mind, as thatraw sewage going in.(在你的頭腦中,那些污水在流,你在喝的水必須不是同樣的水。) 【hao86.com好工具】

raw sewage基本釋義

raw sewage

英 [r?: ?su:?d?] 美 [r? ?su?d?] 
