
reach its peak造句

reach its peak造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:27:19


reach its peak造句

  • 1、So, while tobacco use is rising globally, the epidemic of tobacco-related disease and death has yet toreach its peak.(因此,盡管全球煙草使用在日益增多,但煙草相關(guān)疾病的流行和死亡尚未達(dá)到頂峰。) haO86.com
  • 2、The highest mountain on earth is Mt. Qomolangma. All mountaineers consider it as the greatest prize in life toreach its peak.(地球上最高的山峰是珠穆朗瑪峰。所有登山運(yùn)動員都把爬上其峰頂視作是人生的最大收獲。)
  • 3、It's as if he had to let his vision reach its most insanely illogical peak before it produced something truly remarkable.(這是因為,如果他讓他的視力達(dá)到最瘋狂不合邏輯的高峰期之前,制造了一些真正非凡。)
  • 4、It was fun to see a team that built around a core of players finallyreach its peak and chase the 72 win record.(看到圍繞這些球員建隊的球隊終于迎來了全面的爆發(fā),然后去追逐72勝的記錄,這也非常有趣。)
  • 5、Also, perhaps more importantly, China's labor age group of the 15-64 years old willreach its peak in 2013, and then start to decrease.(另外,也許更重要的是,中國15-64歲的勞動力人群數(shù)量將會在2013年達(dá)到頂峰,然后開始衰減。)
  • 6、The crystallinityreach its peak when the content of epoxy is 1%, with the increase of epoxy resin content, the crystallinity of nylon 11 alloy decreases.(環(huán)氧樹脂用量為1%時,尼龍11共混合金體系的結(jié)晶度最大,此后隨著環(huán)氧樹脂的加入,尼龍11結(jié)晶度隨之降低。)
  • 7、So either the reported coal reserves are unreliable and larger than reported or Chinese coal production willreach its peak soon and start to decline.(所以煤儲量的報告并不可信,數(shù)量遠(yuǎn)大于真實儲量?;蛘咧袊拿寒a(chǎn)量將很快達(dá)到極限,并開始走下坡路。)
  • 8、If it succeeds in this task, it will be able to do what it must in order to stay alive, toreach its peak before it declines: it must turn from the study of Freud to the study of man.(假如它成功完成這件工作,它將能夠做它所必需做的事,為了保持鮮活,為了在它衰微之前,到達(dá)它的顛峰,它必須從佛洛伊德的研究,轉(zhuǎn)向?qū)τ谌说难芯俊?
  • 9、Good vintage can onlyreach its peak after 12-15 years of aging.(好年份的酒要經(jīng)過15年才能達(dá)到巔峰狀態(tài)。)
  • 10、Demographers in China will celebrate 2010 as a golden year: the moment when the "demographic dividend" of the past couple of decades willreach its peak.(中國的統(tǒng)計學(xué)家會把2010年作為一個黃金年進(jìn)行慶祝:此時,過去的二十年統(tǒng)計回報將到達(dá)到達(dá)頂峰。)
  • 11、On average, GDP per person falls by more than 9% from its peak and takes almost two years to reach bottom.(平均人均GDP從峰值下降會超過9%,而且需要花兩年時間才能觸底。)

reach its peak基本釋義
