
repair shop造句

repair shop造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:26:43


repair shop造句

  • 1、Carrepair shop service is usually fine about generous jacket style, men and women, the same paragraph.(轎車修理廠服通常為精約大方的夾克樣式,男女同款。)
  • 2、Best place to find an Audi is in therepair shop!(最??吹綂W迪的車的地方是,修車鋪。)
  • 3、I pushed the bike along the streets, looking for arepair shop.(我沿著街推著自行車,尋找一個(gè)修車店。)
  • 4、Stop tinkering with that clock and take it to therepair shop.(別擺弄那只鐘了,把它送到修理店去修吧。)
  • 5、International Battery's pristine new showplace was previously an appliancerepair shop.(國(guó)際電池公司潔凈嶄新的展示廳是以前的設(shè)備維修車間。)
  • 6、Sorry, I don 't. My watch is in therepair shop.(抱歉,我不知道。我的表已送去修理店了。)
  • 7、Today, I got my car back from therepair shop.(今天我從修理部把我的車取了回來。)
  • 8、I remember there is an electricalrepair shop next to the studio, right?(我想起來了,圖片社旁邊是一家電器維修店,對(duì)吧?)
  • 9、As we are going to open arepair shop.(由于我們將于同一時(shí)間到你市新開一家維修店,非常抱歉我們不能前去。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 10、And once, I even walked two miles to the lawnmowerrepair shop, and then pushed my mower home.(還有一次,我還走了兩英里的路去了那家割草機(jī)修理店,然后推著我的割草機(jī)步行回家。)
  • 11、And if that is so, the place to start looking for longer life is in therepair shop.(如果那樣的話,那么尋求長(zhǎng)壽就要從修理店開始。)
  • 12、I'll never get my car fixed at thatrepair shop again. Once bitten, twice shy.(我再也不會(huì)在那個(gè)修車店修車了。一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩??!)
  • 13、A woman got a dent in her car and took it in to therepair shop.(一位女士把車撞了一個(gè)坑,于是就去修車。)
  • 14、Only the local damaged meshrepair shop can be used to re fill the stone to continue to use.(僅須把格賓網(wǎng)局部損壞的網(wǎng)格修鋪好重新填滿石料即可繼續(xù)運(yùn)用。)
  • 15、Once in Kolkata, they sleep on the street or in their rickshaws or in a dera—a combination of garage andrepair shop and dormitory managed by someone called a sardar.(一到加爾各答,他們就睡在大街上或是人力車?yán)?,或在由一個(gè)叫薩達(dá)爾的人管理的車庫(kù)、修理店和宿舍的組合區(qū)域dera里。)
  • 16、When this happens, we need to watchrepair shop for maintenance.(這種情況發(fā)生時(shí),我們需要到手表維修店里面進(jìn)行檢修。)
  • 17、And then removed the pump shaft shell removed send impellerrepair shop repair.(然后將軸拆出泵殼,拆下葉輪送修理廠修理。)
  • 18、Where is the nearest shoe-repair shop?(最近的修鞋店在哪兒?)
  • 19、The farmers set up a farm implementrepair shop.(農(nóng)民們創(chuàng)辦了一個(gè)農(nóng)具修理廠。)
  • 20、Don't do business with thatrepair shop . I'm sure they cheated me the last time .(不會(huì)再和那家修理店打交道了,我確定這是他們最后一次騙我。)
  • 21、Arepair shop known for its prompt service.(一家以服務(wù)迅速出名的修理店。)
  • 22、Some damaged machines are at therepair shop but he has not been able to pay for the repairs.(有些被毀壞的機(jī)器已經(jīng)送到修理鋪了,但他還不能支付修理費(fèi)。)
  • 23、Mr. Brown comes into a shoe-repair shop.(布朗先生走進(jìn)一家修鞋店。)
  • 24、Take the motor to an electricalrepair shop.(將馬達(dá)送到機(jī)修廠。)
  • 25、You said therepair shop was three blocks from the right?(你剛才說修鞋鋪是往右拐過三條馬路?)
  • 26、Accuse therepair shop of its sloppy work.(指責(zé)修理公司將活弄得一塌糊涂。)

repair shop基本釋義

repair shop

英 [ri?p?? ??p] 美 [r??p?r ?ɑp] 

