
reflective glass造句

reflective glass造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:27:00


reflective glass造句

  • 1、The south facing curtain wall system, features integrated sunscreen and a highly sun reflective insulated glass.(朝南的玻璃幕墻系統(tǒng)具有集成的遮光劑和很高的陽光反射隔熱玻璃。)
  • 2、A reflective blazed grating is formed by making a toothed blazed grating on the oblique surface of a glass wedge-plate with proper metal coated.(在玻璃楔形平板的傾斜表面上加工鋸齒形閃耀光柵,在光柵的表面鍍相應的金屬反射膜,形成反射式閃耀光柵。)
  • 3、His team is using aerial drones designed to track tiny reflective pieces of glass that have been attached to the backs of individual locusts with a drop of glue.(他的小組使用的是“空中雄蜂”,追蹤蝗蟲個體后背上的一塊反射玻璃。這個玻璃是用一小滴膠水粘上去的。)
  • 4、Some pictures have a white mark, it is thereflective glass.(有的圖片上會有個白痕,那是玻璃反光造成的。)
  • 5、The hotel tower is clad in rippled, reflective-glass, which is designed to scatter and reflect light in kaleidoscopic fashion.(酒店建筑外立面包覆波紋狀的反光玻璃幕墻,以創(chuàng)造變幻莫測的光影潮流。)
  • 6、The SV-2400 LCD monitors are available with an anti-reflective, tempered glass protective overlay or an optional capacitive touchscreen sensor.(SV-2400LCD顯示器采用抗反光的鋼化玻璃保護屏,也可選用電容式觸摸屏。)
  • 7、This effect is achieved by having a black background and reflective surface look. The editors automatically pop-up a magnifying glass when you are trying to insert text.(比如所有的按鈕看起來都特別真實,有黑色背景反射效果的表面,在編輯器里輸入文字時會自動彈出一個放大鏡。)
  • 8、Thereflective glass enhances the unique geometry, helps disguise the multitude of technical elements of the envelope and also allows for privacy for the residents.(反光的玻璃加強了建筑獨特的幾何形狀,能夠起到偽裝建筑外皮多種技術元素的作用,也為居民保護隱私。)
  • 9、At the molecular level, there are reflective molecules speckled all over the glass in an even film but only half of the glass is covered.(在分子水平上,有一塊還灑上了即使是在電影上的玻璃的反光分子但只有一半的玻璃被覆蓋。)
  • 10、Elsewhere the glass becomes highly reflective mirroring the surrounding landscape, sky and buildings and creating internal privacy.(其他部分多運用高反光度的玻璃投影出周邊景觀,天空及建筑,也更好的保護了內部的私密性。)
  • 11、Faceshield protection is provided by a multi-layered system of tempered glass and reflective gold on a heat resistant lens.(臉部保護裝置采用多層合成防護鏡來阻擋高溫射線。)
  • 12、The name half-silvered comes from the fact that the reflective molecules coat the glass so sparsely that only about half the molecules needed to make the glass an opaque mirror are applied.(半鍍銀的名稱來自于反射的分子涂層玻璃的事實如此稀少,只有大約一半的分子需要做出一個不透明的鏡子用玻璃。)
  • 13、He USES it constantly, seeing "borders and boundaries" and flashes from highly reflective objects, like glass, water or eyes.(Dean經(jīng)常使用該裝置,能看到“邊界”和高反射物體的反光,像玻璃、水或眼睛。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 14、In this paper, the influence of glass bead diameter on single bead and property of retro-reflective fabric are discussed, moreover, it brings forward the conception of glass coverage.(分析了回歸反光織物中玻璃微珠直徑變化對單個微珠反光強度和回歸反光織物反光性能及其他性能的影響。)
  • 15、When I searched the Web for "mirror careers," Google turned up nothing but colorful mirror metaphors and opportunities in working withreflective glass.(當我開始在網(wǎng)上搜鏡子職業(yè)'時,從谷歌得到的結果只有豐富多彩的關于鏡子的比喻以及從事反射玻璃的工作機會。)
  • 16、The highly refined transparent and reflective qualities of glass and aluminum are exploited throughout the space and contrasted with the more workmanlike qualities of concrete and backlit pegboard.(精致的透明反射玻璃和鋁材應用于整個空間,與混凝土和背光板嚴肅的辦公氣氛形成對比。)
  • 17、The necessity of electric purging in plating the heatreflective glass is analyzed. A method for purging the glass is given, which is using the plasma to bombard the superficies of the glass.(分析了蒸鍍熱反射膜時電清洗玻璃的必要性,提出了在真空室體中設置柵極并加以負高壓,采用氬氣產(chǎn)生等離子場并用其轟擊清洗玻璃表面的方法。)
  • 18、Reflective material is made from high refractive index glass beads and a special synthetic resin through a combination of complex processes.(反光材料是由高折射率的玻璃微珠和特殊的合成樹脂通過復雜的工藝組合而成的。)
  • 19、The step of the reflective layer is: pasting a reflective film formed by PVC, PU and glass beads on the aluminum layer.(所述反光膜步驟為在鋁層上貼由pvc、PU和玻璃微珠形成的反光膜。)
  • 20、Rectangular in plan, the four-story centre has a concrete structure and is clad in steel andreflective glass. Interior finishes include travertine marble, white oak and Belgian linen.(該建筑呈長方形結構,第四層中心有一個混凝土結構,并用鋼鐵和反光玻璃覆蓋。室內裝飾有大理石、白橡木和比利時亞麻布。)
  • 21、To effectively reduce the intensity of radiation while receiving maximum natural light source, the shell is constructed of 16mm thick low-E energy efficient glass and 8mm semi-reflective glass.(為了在充分接收自然光的同時有效減少輻射量,建筑外殼用16毫米厚的雙層低能耗玻璃和8毫米半反射玻璃制成。)
  • 22、The study of the spectral reflectance degradation of Al reflective film with glass and metal substrate in space combined environment was carried out.(對玻璃基底和金屬基底的鋁反射膜在紫外、低能電子、低能質子的綜合環(huán)境作用下的光譜反射率退化進行了實驗研究。)
  • 23、Reflective film within in the glass will protect artworks from the sun's damaging UV rays.(玻璃上鑲嵌了反射薄膜,可以保護藝術品免受紫外線的破壞。)
  • 24、The design reinterprets traditional lap siding with a custom, shingled glass facade of reflective panels that are overlaid like fish scales both vertically and horizontally across the entire building.(該項目的設計重新詮釋了傳統(tǒng)的互搭壁板,定制的、疊瓦狀的反光玻璃幕墻像魚鱗一樣覆蓋整座建筑。)
  • 25、The exterior walls are clad in over one millionreflective glass tiles and are punctured with various-shaped apertures.(外墻覆蓋了百萬塊反光玻璃瓷磚,墻面上有各種造型的開口。)
  • 26、A special coated glass which is transparent to some energy wavelengths and reflective to others.(這是指一種允許某些能量的波長通過,但對某些又起反射作用的特殊的鍍膜玻璃。)
  • 27、The simple boxy building is constructed from a combination of local basalt stone, crushed concrete andreflective glass, which are intended to help reflect the site.(簡單的四方體建筑由當?shù)氐男鋷r,粉碎的混凝土和反光玻璃結合建成,旨在幫助反映基地。)
  • 28、The lightlyreflective glass mirrors the lake, lawn, and trees along the east, north, and west facade.(輕反光玻璃倒映出湖面、草坪和沿東、北、西立面的樹木。)

reflective glass基本釋義

reflective glass

英 [r??flekt?v ɡlɑ:s] 美 [r??fl?kt?v ɡl?s] 

