relay race造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:26:53


relay race造句

  • 1、I was very glad when the boys won therelay race.(男同學(xué)們贏得了接力賽跑,我非常高興。)
  • 2、Our class won the girls'relay race in our school's sports meeting.(在學(xué)校運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)上我們班贏得了女子接力比賽。)
  • 3、Anchor: The last runner in arelay race.(末棒:接力賽最后一棒運(yùn)動(dòng)員。)
  • 4、There will be another excitingrelay race this afternoon.(將有另一個(gè)振奮人心接力賽今天下午。)
  • 5、Arelay race is made up of teams of four runners.(每隊(duì)參加接力賽的選手有四名。)
  • 6、In the boys'relay race, Class 6 fell behind at first.(在男子接力比賽中,6班開(kāi)始時(shí)落后。)
  • 7、"I am just looking forward to standing up and competing, " Torres said. "I have at least onerelay race and the 50-meter freestyle."(“我只是期待著站起來(lái)去比賽,”托雷斯說(shuō),“我至少有一場(chǎng)接力賽和50米自由泳?!?
  • 8、How many runners are there in arelay race?(接力賽中有多少個(gè)賽跑選手?)
  • 9、Arelay race is a race in which each member of each team runs part of the distance.(跑是各隊(duì)的每個(gè)成員各跑部分路程的一種賽跑。)
  • 10、The players in arelay race team must align themselves with each other.(一個(gè)接力隊(duì)的運(yùn)動(dòng)員必須密切合作。)
  • 11、I'll try my best in therelay race.(接力比賽中我將盡我最大努力。)
  • 12、Runners in arelay race pass a stick in one direction.(接力賽的選手向一個(gè)方向傳遞接力棒。)
  • 13、Perform spectacular moves and explore mini-games likerelay race and frisbee.(壯觀的表演動(dòng)作,并一起驗(yàn)究小游戲像接力賽和飛盤(pán)等。)
  • 14、Lay a layer of clay on the displayed layout before therelay race.(接力賽之前在展示的陳設(shè)上鋪一層黏土。)
  • 15、You have no idea how she finished therelay race.(你都不知道她是怎么完成接力賽的!)
  • 16、Our neighbor, Bruce, will take part in therelay race.(我們的鄰居布魯斯將參加接力賽。)
  • 17、They have just won arelay race.(他們才贏得了接力賽的勝利。)
  • 18、Your task is to help to evaluate the results of arelay race.(你的任務(wù)是幫助評(píng)估接力賽的結(jié)果。)
  • 19、Jimmy: Well, we lost therelay race.(吉米:不順利,我們的接力賽輸?shù)袅恕?
  • 20、In games, every game is wonderful, one of the most wonderful it'srelay race.(在運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)中,各個(gè)比賽都很精彩,其中最精彩的那就是接力賽了。)
  • 21、I was very nervous at the beginning, until the start of therelay race.(剛開(kāi)始我就很緊張,一直到了接力賽開(kāi)始。)
  • 22、Who won therelay race?(這場(chǎng)接力賽誰(shuí)贏了?)
  • 23、Six teams competed in yesterday'srelay race.(六個(gè)隊(duì)參加了昨天的接力賽。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 24、This is the second time to win the gold medal in therelay race.(這是我第二次在接力賽中獲得金牌。)
  • 25、They say I am the black sheep of therelay race.(他們說(shuō)我是接力賽的害群之馬。)
  • 26、It fell out that Group One won the 400 metresrelay race.(結(jié)果第一組得了400米接力賽第一名。)

relay race基本釋義

relay race

[?ri:lei reis] 
